Did wraith replace ghostface

So I watched a video and looks like they’re saying that ghostface is now a worst wraith also im back it’s nice to see the dbd forum again
First off, Welcome back to the forums.
To answer your question the only way I think wraith could’ve replaced ghostface is wraith is probably the best stealth killer now. But other than that it depends if you prefer fast stealth or 1 shot stealth.
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More or less yes he has. Ghostface is too reliant on add ons right now to be good
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What happened was players realized they could camp easier as wraith by ge hook , whereas ghostie camped but stalked from behind a bush. Plus tru3 and his odd fan base have declared wraith top tier so all the tweens are playing him now.
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It's more along the lines that Ghostface just isn't very good. I always called him a poor man's Myers
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Wraith could camp before his speed buff just as effectively, the speed buff did not affect this.
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You don't want to camp with Wraith. We and Tru3 know Wraith to be a strong killer, because he excels at hit and run, and his speed/long lunge make him good at loops. But now, instead of people realizing "Hey, Wraith isn't half bad." now they're saying he's OP like Nurse or Spirit which I find funny. I guess some people just want killers to be a complete joke or overpowered, at least in their minds, with no in-between. Even though that's not the reality, and it's why we have lots of killers in the middle on tier lists.
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Idk, GF has a better stealth than Wraith because he can hit you anytime he wants, and can potentially get a one shot, but Wraith is quicker than ghostface so he can pressure more, and he has a little chase potential with his lunge.
I think it just come down to preference
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With power recovery add-ons GF is better than Wraith in my opinion. However Wraith excels in the map control category, and doesn't require add-ons to be playable.
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At high ranks ghostface pretty much doesn't have a power.
He spends most of the match out of stealth because you can easily reveal him (most of the time) and the maps are so wide open you can easily see him approach in stealth which makes it really hard to get stalks.
And even if you do get stalks it's worthless early game because all pallets are up and can easily loop him for the exposed duration.
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Wraith was released 5 years ago, WAY before Ghosteface, the devs up his movement speed when hes cloaked and you think that lit a light bulb above everyones head and they suddenly realized he was a good camper? How does that happen?
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Curious why you think gf is better?
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He has a solid instadown ability and can mindgame in loops by crouching (though it's a bit inconsistent). You can 99 stalk on people to instadown them later. Wraith takes his sweet ass time getting cloaked, while GF can instantly go to stealth mode to perform mindgames without that red stain.
Wraith's lunge can be helpful in loops but not all loops, mostly unsafe ones.
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I disagree on the solid instadown ability. As someone pointed out its really easy to knock him out of stealth if you know what youre doing. Because of that he also has 0 map pressure. Wraith has his weaknesses too dont get me wrong. I just think hes better than gf
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what happened is I got banned so I made a new account my old account was lob
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Wraith is much better, better stealth and better map control. Ghostface is too addon reliant, 30 seconds cooldown is way too long.
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Not true, I’m a GF main without add ons and get consistent 4k’s
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Honestly even with faster recovery on his power he still has lackluster chase, no mobility and an inconsistent power.
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I love ghostsfaces kit but its just too slow... you cant sneak around the map and meanwhile lose 3 gens just to run into a person who has Spine Chill...but Myers has the same problem tho.
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Yep and I do the same with clown. Doesn’t mean he’s good.
30 second cooldown is just too much against good survivors
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Agree they have to nerf the cooldown reduction addons and buff the base cooldown (its 30sec base but can go down to 16sec cd with a green and yellow if i recall it right).
Or they change how his power behaves on a successful attack on a marked target). I wouldnt refund cd on normal hits or people will just use it to hide red stain in loops.