every nemesis game
Almost a full week of this now.
Any fixes on the horizon for console players?
people are DC'ing? is that it?
that's on your matches, I have not seen any increase on DCs
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I feel ya the first two days of this chapter, its already been a ######### show
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I haven't had a single DC in weeks.
Unlucky I guess.
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What’s the issue? The dcs? Players aren’t a fan of this killer. I don’t find him that bad but getting hit over loops is not fun. Plus most nemesis players I’ve seen camp and tunnel badly.
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Every Nemesis game I have, if I have any console players they DC.
If I play as Nemesis and face console players, they DC.
The Meg (1st DC in the pic) dced halfway through healing me.
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As survivor I get a lot of players disconnecting, at least one per match, sometimes 2. As killer I don't often see a dc except a match I had yesterday where 2 players were running at double speed and at least one repairing gens within 20 seconds. I know that because there were 3 left, a double speed one trying to get my attention and one I was chasing, the other went from 0% progress to 100% in less than 30 seconds.
It ended with the 2 left and one of them was injured and tried blinding me in the exit gate. She got the blind but was not stood close enough to the exit so I got the down. I picked her up then she dc'd lol.
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DC penalty is gone. I'm getting DCs when I feel I'm playing completely fair.
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I don't want to be like, "it's true, all Nemesis players are campers/tunnelers" but... Most of the ones I've met tunneled hard someone out of the game.
I've been tunneled three times in a row by Nemesis. One of them even dropped a chase to go get me. (I was hooked on a hill, and Nemesis was chasing a Nancy on a jungle gym behind the hill. Nemesis stopped everything to come for me. I don't know, maybe Nemesis loves Cheryl and doesn't know how to express his love.)
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Some people are having real performance on consoles, lag and brief freezing makes the game unplayable. Apparently its not every match, so that could explain the increase DCs and no penalty.
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Yeah Ive noticed its mainly console players. Its' like game after game against or with Nemesis if there's a console survivor nearly guarenteed they will DC.
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I'm on PC and one Nemesis spanked me with his tentacle and Jake decided that was too far and left the match. Nea's torture realm is one thing, but tentacles is another. Jake filed a crash report to me and kicked me to desktop.
Also vaulted a window in the Doc's map 2nd floor and got all control taken from me. Couldn't move, wiggle, struggle, etc.
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I play on console and my game has been crashing a lot since the update, the same might be happening to your teammates
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People really shouldn't DC against a killer because they don't like them. I hate Spirit and The Stalky bois but don't DC against them. Because it's uncool to screw your teammates and Nemesis is beatable.
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A few theories Optimization the game barely runs and they give up. They're tired of playing against Nemesis. They haven't learned to properly play against him and are just your average Potatoes.
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Sigh, another 2 games against Nemesis today where console player disconnected within the first minute of the match.
I would turn off cross-play but half the time my friend on PS4 wants to duo (and ends up DCing against Nemesis too lol)