DBD Killers are Better than Licensed

Don't get me wrong I love the licensed characters and I so badly want Jason and many more. But man the DBD originals are just very well done and I look forward to each original character they make.
I beg to differ.
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Except Freddy i agree.
Freddy is best killer in game, i love my boi
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Billy was the better bubba, now bubba is the better billy, PH is slightly stronger than slinger, amanda....... Is amanda.
So no I think licensed killers are actually stronger than regular dbd killers.
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They are better because they do not depend on a license owner, much less buy it. Although thanks to the licenses, dead by daylight would be different from how we know it.
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The last two original killers kinda bombed, so I don't get my hopes up anymore
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I guess we'd have to rate all the killers in each category and see which of the two teams overall is better.
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" If they ever remove the speed boost from Nemesis. He'll be very strong." ?? Do you mean giving him one?
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OOH ya that is by far the dumbest idea they did for him. They get rid of him he will be A tier.
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I agree. I love PH and Nemesis, but for the most part I like original killers more
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This game has always supposed to have been pay to lose. That's why P3 Claudette is still the best stealth outfit in the game.
I like playing with shiny new toys though. Ooooh. Aaaaah.
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In my mind, the only thing the dbd original killers have over the licenses is the devs have the ability to go wherever they want with the character. That's not something they can do with licenses.
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Fully agree. Doctor, Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Huntress?!
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Aestethic/design wise I agree the originals are great and can compete with the licensed ones or are even straight out better.
power wise however, licensed ones are consistently better, with old Freddy reworked and Bubba buffed all are viable and fun, while we have great original killer powers they seem more hit&miss (Legion, Trickster, Twins and others are in some way or form lacking)
just to clarify, I don’t think old Freddy was bad, he was just weak and needed some QoL changes and buffs.
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Spirit can burn in hell, i hate this blue hot girl.
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Hag, Spirit, Blight and Nurse stronger than Freddy and Freddy comes after this 4. But i did not meant powers. I meant he is coolest killer in game. Him style and powers makes him unique. Freddy is only killer changes maps for him style.
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Freddy used to be unique. Not anymore though.
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My boi is still unique. If he find you in fog, he can shows you :)
I agree, Nurse is unique and best killer in game. Her style and power are so different.
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I don't think he is. He's just a better Clown(well, he's worse now since hindered doesn't work, but whatever)
And I agree about Nurse.
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Old Freddy was my fav but i still love new Freddy too. I am fan of Elm Street, so Freddy will be always my fav killer in game, except if BHVR adds Chucky. I never played Freddy because of him powers. Yeah he is so strong killer now but i am old Freddy main. So i never played with him for powers. But another rework for him would make me happy.
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I see.
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What's P3? How do I get that?
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Prestige 3. Just level up Claudette's bloodweb to level 50 3 times for her bloody pieces. Maps are brighter than they used to be but it's still the best for stealth play.
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Wait you can prestige 3 times?! How many times can you prestige?
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Plague is more interesting than almost all of the licensed killers
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Freddy molests children, that immediately puts him into the F tier
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While I do love the licensed roster (besides pig) I do prefer the original. My two favourite killers are Clown and deathslinger after all
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I’m still surprised at how much effort the devs put into her cosmetics and archive. It’s sad that nobody plays her
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Other killers are innocent, angels. Sure.
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######### kids is a whole new level tho
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Huntress is reason of children deaths.
Myers has child from him niece and she was 16.
Clown started murders with birds and he killed so many people (teens, adults).
So i can not see any difference between Freddy and others. Maybe some killers can be innocent. For example Leatherface has child brain he does not know what he doing. Or Twins, people were so bad to them and they never met with normal, nice people. So i can understand why they hate people. But most killers are bad persons.
And that is just movies and game. I can not take this serious.
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It’s weird, since so many people play Legion, who is much weaker than Plague who is much stronger at the keeping survivors injured playstyle.
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None of those, with the exception of clown, kill for their own sexual perversion. And clown, to my knowledge, doesn't target kids. There's a difference in that most of them are acting on some kind of evil impulse or mental deficiency. Freddy molested children BEFORE he was set alight and became a murdering dream demon. Ergo, his actions were his own perverted desires, targeting defenceless children for his own sexual gratification for no other reason than he likes em young.
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I guess people like playing as an edgy teenager with a butter knife? As a plague player legion has never appealed to me personally
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Four of the last five original killers are some of the strongest killers released. Twins, Blight, Deathslinger, Oni are incredibly strong and incredibly frustrating for survivors to contend with.
Trickster was pretty meh.
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You have to look at it from both sides. Trickster was terrible to play as, having a pretty weak and easily counterable power. Now Twins are just straight up boring to play against. Most Twins players adopt a slugging-type playstyle to be effective. I think we can both agree that's not the best design.
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I agree that the original killers are more creative. However the licensed ones already have a fan basis and attract more players to the game. Hence why BHVR keeps grabbing licenses. It brings in more people.
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I find the Twins fun to play as and able to contend. Slugging is not unique to Twins.
They are arguably a top five killer. I do not consider them a bomb.
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It's hard to deny that Twins players do the most slugging out of any killer. It directly ties into the power. The playstyle that usually happens is downing a survivor with Victor and then chaining that into going for someone else nearby to try and get that extra injure. From what I've seen Twins haven't gotten the best reception in the community, which is why they bombed in my opinion. But glad you have fun with them.
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Nurse is a slugging queen. Oni has one of the nastiest snowballs. It’s not unique to Twins.
I get the reception point but I think a lot of that has to do with the ridiculous number of bugs they had on release. At least for me. Got the adept. Prestige three’d then stopped out of fear of dealing with bugs.
She’s cleaned up now though.
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Who would win?
A specially-engineered bioweapon supersoldier with incomprehensible regenerative capabilities and a world-ending lethality level, backed by hordes of undead minions
Literally just some cockhead with a knife.
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Nurse and Oni(without Infectious Fright) don't slug to the level that Twins do from what I've seen. I'm not saying slugging is strictly unique to Twins, but they are def the most likely killer to do it out of everyone due to design.
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Legit the top 4 strongest killers are all originals.
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Agreed. I enjoy their take on horror characters more than the Licenses. I do think Myers, Ghostface, Pyramid Head, Demogorgon, and Nemesis are decent additions overall though. I still think Nemesis and Pyramid Head look goofy as heck though. I love them though for it, but I do laugh at those saying Trickster looks goofy when they worship the guy with a sword so cartoony huge it wouldn't even look right in a cartoon and the Saturday Morning co-star Dark Lord Nemesis from the hit cartoon The Crazy Adventures of Space Cowboy Jake.
Freddy is a train wreck. Terrible killer in both designs. Pedophile, the character, is also very questionable to be in the game. Quentin was also a very strange one. I get they didn't have access to his looks, but that doesn't mean they needed to turn him into a monster.
Pig and Tapp are bland and underwhelming... in both the series they come from and DBD.
Bubba is just the Nea of Killers, most of their mains could be banned to make the player base healthier.
Oni, Huntress, Trickster, Doctor, etc. are all more interesting to me. But there are misses in originals to. Clown could of been a lot more than asthmatic drunk throwing fart bottles, Legion is pretty underwhelming and forgettable, Nurse breaks the game, and Plague if every strong would be super obnoxious to face.
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Three times. When you level a character to 50 you'll get a skull icon in the middle of your bloodweb. That skull wipes out all of your perks/items on that character and gives you a Prestige point that'll show on your character's selection screen. In exchange you get a bloody piece of clothing (chest, then legs, then head) and you now have a slightly better chance to have better items generate in your bloodweb.
A P3 killer has a higher chance to get ultra rares than a level 50 killer without prestige. If you like to hit hard or play hard, you'll wanna P3 your main character at some point. Usually what I do is use up all the items/add ons on a character before I prestige so after I get a few perks I'm back in the game with that character. Hasn't failed me yet.
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LMAO have you seen The Twins and The Trickster?! We aren't playing the same DBD apparently lol
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I agree.