Don’t do anymore chapters until the game is in a healthy state

- alot of bugs happen every update and its gotten consistent
- prestige still does basically nothing
- a decent amount of killers have almost unusable powers or another killer has a better version of that power
- several perks that are either required or basically useless
- grind is atrocious and gets worse with every update as now we have 7 pages of perks
I don’t even know why we are still getting chapters, the game is very clearly unhealthy and 300k bp isn’t gonna cut it
Agreed; the likelihood of that happening is low.
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The whole situation is a mess.
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I mean this has been the situation for a while, devs are and have been clearly aware of the current state of the game but pretend everything is alright since the unplayable killers aren't the ones in newer chapters/aren't locked behind a paywall. There's more profit to them from having the game in a really poor state yet releasing new content that will bring a lot of new players in since most of the playerbase won't really quit the game unless it gets so frustrating it's utterly unplayable and that is still not the case. They're just careless and have bigger objectives than keeping the playerbase happy with a well developed and balanced game.
This might sound sad but most multiplayers go several times through phases like this, often die to a decent competition because of this. But BHVR knows there's no real good engaging competition atm in this genre.
Edit: I can't wait to have MMR in the current state of the game.
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So no more chapters? 🙁
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Performance issues
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I want the game fixed and running well as much as the next guy but you gotta understand how many people would drop dbd (even if its temporarily) because of no new chapters, people need that new stuff every so often so they dont get bored.
Also, I'm not sure why you included prestige in this? I mean, itll be nice if they gave an extra benefit to it but the way it works is fine. If you prestige, you get a bloody cosmetic. If you don't want it, then don't prestige. Simple.
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Agreed but they also made it very clear that pushing new content takes priority over the quality/health of the game. If I recall correctly, not_queen stated that there will never, ever be a health chapter or something comparable in a dev stream late last year >: (
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I wouldn't mind having less chapters to let the developpers time to work on everything they need to.
And I'd like to see a rework for the bloodweb. I guess it was easier before to get all perks, then just getting three new perks to add... But starting to grind when 25+ characters are already out... That's kind of hard. Especially when prestiging gives nothing more but bloody clothes.
I like to collect, I P3 for having the clothes. But man, it's so atrocious. I've played other online games where I had to farm a lot, but the bloodweb is the worst grind I ever seen.
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DBD2 would be such a bad idea IMO unless it was treated as a large expansion. Can you imagine splitting up the player base and throwing out all the grind work to create a new standalone game whooo boy.
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Chapters bring money. The only way operation health would commence would be that a lot of people stop playing and it was clear to devs that it was for that particular reason.
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The community has been asking for a health chapter for years now.
Instead the game has been getting more buggy and frustrating with every new chapter.
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Didn't they say new chapters and performance were different teams so they could do both at the same time? Wonder what happened lol.
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Us console plebs have been asking, praying, crying, even begging for game performance to be THE priority for years now.
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New Evil Dead Asymmetric game is coming out.... that complacency isn't gonna cut it for long.
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Id love a new killer to main yet id happily wait till next year if they were to bash some maps out and made the game better.
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- Stop releasing new characters so often. Cut the number in half.
- Replace the Auric Cell bonuses in the rifts with bloodpoint bonuses to increase your revenue. People will still invest in the rift for the cosmetics and to help with the grind if they get bloodpoints. Maybe even offer 2 options for the rift... one that pays back auric cells and one that gives you extra bp's
- Use the extra time you're not making characters to make the game run well and maybe start developing Dead by Daylight 2.
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If they don't release a chapter every 3 months they won't make their margins and would have to shut down. /s
Anyway, on a serious note, they make most of their money through chapter releases and I doubt they have a desire to end that any time soon.
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I wouldn't like that at all. I think them going down to 2 chapters a year is the maximum slowdown on content they should do. It is possible for them to work more on the game itself even with their current schedule, but they just choose not to. But I do think they should place great importance on optimization, bug fixes, and balancing.
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But how else will they rob you of your money without putting recolor cosmetics out all the time lmao
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I don't think BHVR realizes that making the game playable and bugless would bring players back into the game, quite a bit actually.
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The Evil Dead game isn't gonna do ######### to DbD. No game can touch it. DbD is pretty much a monopoly at this point and a game's gonna have to be REALLY good for it to be even considered competition to DbD.
That, and a bunch of streamers need to consistently play the game instead of playing once for a stream and then never touching it again like Home Sweet Home.
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This is not gonna happen. They already said that the next year of DBD will have 4 Killers and 5 Survivors, beginning with the Resident Evil Chapter.
And, you honestly cant blame them for that, just look at the Forums when a new Killer is teased, everyone just starts talking about it, so there is demand for new Content.
Personally, I think they can easily slow down to 3 new Chapters and make more small Updated in between. 3 new Chapters releasing every 4 months instead of 4 Chapters every 3 months would be great.
Funny thing:
I watched parts of the RE-Showcase on Twitch with a big German Streamer and Youtuber. He was the person who introduced me to DBD because he played it with some friends back in 2016. And when the DBD-Teaser aired, he was like "Oh nooo!", he was not happy that there will be Resident Evil in DBD.
He said that he still likes DBD and watches other people play it, but it is just "New Killer - Skins - New Killer - Skins" and not new gamemodes or anything. (That being said, he would think a 2v8 gamemode would be great, he is wrong on that one, but that is not a point)
So if even people who do not actively play the game already know what BHVR is doing and that it is not the best idea to go on like that...
Yeah, in general, I would prefed less Chapters and between those Chapters, more time for some Balance Changes.
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This Evil Dead game looks closer to a L4D type of them but one can only hope it forces dbd to be better, like valorant did with csgo
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I honestly beleive the game WAS in the most bug-free state it had ever been in. The 5.0.0 patch is the most bugged I have ever seen it. I wish we could just revert it to pre
I almost don't even want to play it for the first time in 3 years.