
Ok so you fixed the cosmetic set bug so we can't do anymore. Cool. But did you REALLY have to GO OUT OF YOUR WAY, to make it to where
A. Loading into a match with a broken set resets your character to default
B. Loading into the character from the main menu resets your character to default.
It wasn't enough that you insisted on forcing this anticonsumer practice onto your playerbase, you ALSO proceeded to give the finger to everyone who had been fortunate enough to get to use the bug in order to customize their characters to begin with.
Also, great job fixing Clown btw, who's power doesn't work. Oh and Nemesis, who just came out and was the star of the show this patch. Very well done BHVR.
Maybe they needed to do this because license holders they have a contract with insisted on it?
and this isn’t anti consumer. Those sets were never advertised to not be sets (well.. except for the RE sets I guess. But then they actually gave the option for refunds). This breaking of cosmetics is a bug and was never intended after all. Stop pretending you have a right for broken cosmetics.
there are also way more serious problems going on right now, as you mentioned yourself in the end of your post.
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I’m okay with it. They were clear about this from the get go.
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Fixing the bug is one thing, actively going out of your way to screw over players who had the bug is another. If you feel the need to defend them, kindly do it on another thread.
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Well tbf if they are fixing it they might as well fix it fully
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I dont see why he needs to go to another thread to defend them... additionally, as mentioned, bugs get fixed if you like it or not. Shouldve known it would be fixed eventually.
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If you write something where others can see it you should expect that there will be other opinions than yours.
And it is fine that they went out of their way to do it, those Cosmetics were also bugged, now they are fixed. And if License Holders really were the reason (which is an understandable assumption), they dont care if the Cosmetics were glitched before or after the Bugfix, there basically should not be any possibility to have screenshots going around of said glitched Cosmetics.
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I'm sure that these were just the changes that were easier to fix, obviously they're going to get it out of the way if they're done with it.
It just so happens that the other stuff takes longer than fixing the cosmetic glitch.
Patience is a virtue, namass tea.
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I did, thats not my problem. My problem is that people are getting their stuff reset when entering a match. That's my problem. Not with the bug itself, but with the lengths that BHVR is going to.
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No I don’t think I will, thanks. If you can’t take criticism maybe don’t criticize others in a public forum.
we don’t know why they went out of their way to fix this. But it is a possibility that Capcom had something to say in this part and they insisted that this was thoroughly fixed.
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That's weird, I've been waiting for the game to get of a pre-alpha for 5 years, how much am I going to have to wait?
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Yes because breaking stuff for console players, breaking yet another map, breaking a killer to be completely worthless takes no priority over some extra BP and a few cosmetics due to a bug.
Oh don't forget they didn't fix anything with the map just reintroduced it so they can take a look.
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Stop waiting. If you are unhappy with how things went for the whole time chances are you will never be happy. You are setting yourself up for disappointment after disappointment, this game will never be bug-free. (And while this chapter update and the twins were pretty bad, calling it pre-alpha for 5 years is an unnecessary exaggeration, it’s not that bad outside of those 2 updates)
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People want to act like BHVR isn't a greedy company, I bet every bloodpoint I've ever earnt that CapCom does not care about the sets and BHVR is just doing it for money.
The RE cosmetics weren't even sets until people realized that the heads of the Jill and Leon were just the base head cosmetics, so now instead of just buying the clothes from the sets for $4 each you have to pay $10 for 2 cosmetics basically, thanks BHVR.
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Dude this game has had numerous game breaking bugs for both sides. Most of which they keep reintroducing over the patches.
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Yeah. And those will come again.
i am not defending that. I said stop waiting for this to end, at this point we all know that those kind of bugs will come again.
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I'm not asking for a bug free game, I'm asking for literally any gamebreaking or serious bugs to be addressed.
Multi-killer has came back 5 separate times. How? ######### How? They touch a killer like Spirit and Wraith gets bugged, they touch a killer like Trapper and Clown gets bugged.
The Spaghetti code is mind-boggling, and I can't understand how people can sit here and be like "oh BHVR is trying you guys just need to be patient :3" People have been saying this type of stuff since the steam forums in 2016. I'm tired of the apologists and excuses, BHVR is a multi-million dollar company with over 600 Employees there is no excuse for how buggy and unpolished every chapter is in this game is.
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People want to act like BHVE is such a greedy company they try to twist everything they do to fit their narrative.
they have given the option for refunds for those cosmetics. And now they are clearly shown how they are intended to be in the shop. No one has to buy those if they don’t like it..
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You guys, it's not healthy to be so distressed all the time, especially over a video game.
Remember, patience is a virtue.
Now, I personally enjoy do drink chamomile tea to calm the nerves & soothe the body.
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That’s why I said stop waiting. It’s foolish to think it will ever change at this point.
But they are addressing gamebreaking or serious bugs. They may seem slow on this but they do get sorted out eventually.
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Yes, but they let these game breaking bugs be in the game for months. Any other development team would be up day and night fixing these. I'm sorry I don't find cosmetics and nemmy getting extra BP a more pressing concern than Clown no longer having a power. Which has been around for over a week.
Last time we had a really bad game breaking bug. They acknowledged it and went on vacation.
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They ARE a greedy company. This is the same company that holds back updates because it costs money to ship updates. They fixed the old hill bug 3-4 weeks before that midchapter patch, but they didnt because that costs money.
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Source on that please.
Gonna ask for source on that as well. As far as I know they are working on fixing clowns power but just weren’t able to in time for this patch.
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BHVR, going out of their way to fix the pointless bugs that the community enjoys and harms no one I see
Classic moves
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The greedy company probably relates to the fact that they got sued for stealing fall out shelter and using its source code to develop a mobile game.
As for mine. It was a few years ago and they stated they were going on vacation over the holidays when the game breaking basement hook that blinded people 100% and had them stuck for a ez kill.
You can search them up if you want to, but if you've been playing this game for a few years you should already know or at least be aware of it.
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even added the little bit at the bottom because at that point in time the bug had been in the game for about a month and a half
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Fair enough. But different circumstances, wouldn’t really expect someone to work over the holidays instead of spending the time with their families. But I get how this was upsetting. But it’s not happening right now.
I am missing the part where the bug fix is already finished?
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So game breaking bugs that make the game actually unplayable shouldn't be worked on because you want to take a extra week off early? They knew about the bugs for quite awhile beforehand. Why is it a Indie team with hundreds of employees can't do a job of a indie company with 8 people?
Just saying they have known about Racoon City PD map since PTB. Then reintroduced it so they can find the bugs. Which effectively makes the PTB worthless. Especially since they didn't bother fixing it back than. This isn't the first time. It won't be the last. You seem to be defending them, but like you've mentioned they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and it seems like they care less and less.
Wait this arguments just gonna feed into the TC in a few more post. So no point in repeating it again.
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uhm. I said fair enough and I get how that practice was upsetting…
i personally didn’t care in that situation but I did not defend that and actually said you were right..
with the map, I thought the crashes occurred on the live servers but not PTB, at least I haven’t seen reports during PTB (admittedly I haven’t looked for those, though maybe they also fixed some instances they could recreate in the PTB build)
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Getting that upset over cosmetics. Seek therapy.
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Rushing to fix a cosmetic bug while the game is BARELLY playabe.
Pretty good job so far Behaviour.
I can't even imagine the sh*tshow that the anniversary event is going to be.
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Well they got about a little over a week to make the game function on consoles. Sooooooooo, let's see how it goes!
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How can they dare to completly fix a bug that wasnt intended.
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They could have at the very least waited until the game was in a playable state before patching this.
The game is currently is in flames, console players have been unable to play for a week. The ONLY thing worth noting this bugfix patch was this, which really shows where BHVR's priorities lie.
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Why should you get to be special for abusing a bug?
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They never care much for console. It's mostly just a source of income. Its never been optimized like they used to say it would be.