Why are the devs so adamant on not mixing linked sets
It's not like they give an in game advantage. And many of the outfits (on the survivor side at least) barely have any problems with actually being mixed. It went from "we don't have a problem with it but don't want to promote it" to "this is a problem we need to fix before important bugs that crash the game". Ppl spend extra money on stuff I genuinely don't see the problem
It's funny how cosmetics are a priority over optimisation.
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"Ppl spend extra money on stuff I genuinely don't see the problem"
But they also know that those Sets are supposed to be linked and that breaking them up is a Bug. So if you buy them, you should expect that the Bug might be fixed at some point.
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They aren't a priority at all. It's just some issues have much quicker fixes than others - and some things have been worked on for longer than others as well...this isn't about priority.
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I understand the cosmetics for license but the non license shouldn't be linked.
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I am so glad that I barely buy cosmetics. Wouldn't like to deal with a useful bug getting removed.
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I'd like to hear an official response from the devs, it makes no sense to me and actually I would be more willing to spend money on a skin knowing that I can combine it to make my character look the way I want.
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It's not the fact that it's a bug,
It's that people enjoy the bug and it's one of the reasons they buy multiple cosmetics.
Fixing that over anything else makes 0 sense, unless it's a licensed character.
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Well it's taken you about 2 years
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Well done BHVR, now people will stop financing your bugged patchs.
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But it should be.
It seems like a solid chunk of resources and time goes into fixing frivolous things like this while larger more concerning issues like abysmal performance on all platforms seemingly get put on the back burner and forgotten.
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I imagine licensed link sets are part of the license contract so there's likely a vested interest in making sure sets can't be broken in order to keep good standing with license holders.
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Its all linked sets, not just the legendary sets
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To be fair, some combinations just look horrible. Like, if you see a Nea with the linked Top, a short Bottom and the Harajuku-Head, you know that people should not be allowed to mix&match those Cosmetics.
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Well, that's more or less subjective, what mixed sets are horrible.
Also, people like Zubat play with the most horrendous mixed sets I've ever seen on purpose.
Yeah but still, this decision doesn't make sense overhaul....
Mostly to fix the licensed characters allowed to do this as well. I've seen Jonathan Byers head cosmetic with the Scoops Ahoy outfit for Steve... There's some cursed stuff out there Aven, I've seen it.
Also RIP Legion & Ghostface mixed glitch:
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It's still the same system. It's not like the sets are coded differently just because on is legendary and one is not.
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I agree. I can understand that SOME licence holders may not allow to combine cosmetics or something but at least original characters could have it unlocked.
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BHVR knows they have lots of people who are gonna buy them anyway.
People act with words but not facts
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This is pathetic when the majority bought these sets to unlink them in the first place. Sets are awful and look terrible beyond one or two pieces that are ruined by the third.
I rarely ever see anyone use linked sets, but see quite often an unlinked piece.
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Why did people buy bugged content for the bugs in the first place? Does that sound logical to you?
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I'll agree with that, I bought Claire because she's my favourite RE character, I had no idea the cosmetic glitch was a thing until a few days ago.
When I managed to glitch her head onto Jill's cosmetic, I was so happy because she reminded me of Lara Croft (and I've been playing Tomb Raider since I was a toddler).
It disappointed me when I found out that the glitched sets were patched of course, however I don't understand the people who bought those outfits JUST for the purpose of glitching them.
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If the bug was in place for over a year and the company explicitly stated that they're fine with it, I'm sure many would follow through with buying it. The majority of these shouldn't even be linked in the first place as they're perfectly fine on any other outfit combination and aren't even licensed.
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Some people are willing to pay extra money for them, and since that is happening, they will keep releasing them.
See I could understand clipping issues for some of the linked sets, like the Oni one where he becomes a minotaur is a perfect example, that would A. Look way off, and B. probably cause a ton of clipping and visual issues if it were to be mixed
However, many of them do not change nearly enough to warrant it, it's just a money grab.
I was upset when Paladins linked all their sets together, and now it has been infecting this game.
So stupid and pointless
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The licenses I can understand. Prob not up to them to "preserve character image" but they've got a lot more explaining to do for a lot of original character cosmetics.
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yeah i can agrre on it i dont see a point when it doesnt change the character to complitly different one
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I find this strange as a reason against it as you can play around with the Leon and Jill outfits separately on other titles like The Division 2. On there you can mix and match the same Resident Evil outfits they're selling here and it was free as part of an event.
Preserving a character's image is fine, but I find it hard to believe that's the reason when it's freely available to do exactly that on other games.
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that is why I've never bought set cosmetics I don't feel like wearing whole outfits
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I believe they stated they were fine with people bugging the sets, not that it's an intended bug and something they want to happen, that's why they kept those sets linked. What they explicitly said is that they won't vanish your account into oblivion for breaking the sets.
Also people bitching about the hotfix, developing and fixing a game is really ######### hard, the game was poorly optimized and in a really bad state before 5.0.0, both in balance and performance. Devs are probably doing what they can afford to do to fix performance/crashing issues which might not be a lot compared to other big companies yet that doesn't invalidate the fact that they might pour some time over issues that might take 5 minutes of rewriting code, like automatically verifying a piece of a linked set isn't going alone itself with another set of cosmetics.
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I never see anyone running around with the full sets on. Almost everyone glitched them and if they weren't it's most likely they didn't know how. The linked outfits aren't exactly the best. Kate is Queen and is my main,now she has no crown. Like I will not wear that ugly outfit. It's super annoying. They take all the funny little things out. Like when we used to could do The Shuffle. No fun allowed guys.
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Ah, yes. The game runs horribly on consoles and is prone to crashing, but let's spend time instead rewriting existing code that actually makes us money off people who originally would have never bought these cosmetics in the first place without it.
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Money and the devs not knowing what the community wants. The cosmetic glitch being fixed is very disappointing.
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Honestly, yeah same. I prefer using the Prestige 3 outfits now
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This would have been much less of an issue if devs weren't... overly eager with what needs to be a linked cosmetic. Licenses and blatant clipping issues are understandable - people will be sad to see monstrosities like the Legion mask bunny go, or Cheryl actually having a wardrobe with haircuts and jeans, but it's a lot easier to explain that than it is why Ghostface can only use his serum knife with the Blight set despite there clearly being no issue with his license holder, or why Kate and Jane's hair is irrevocably linked to them wearing the associated dresses, or why Yun-Jin's socialite set is linked when there's no incompatibilities anywhere, or why the hell the Hag is allowed to play around with the Birch's clothing when the Doctor and the Huntress have no such freedom with their Crypt sets (and when the Huntress's Mordeo weapon is universally unpopular for how large and strategically unhelpful it is.)
BHVR's way too happy to slap links on everything when they're tremendously unpopular, and no amount of feedback seems to dissuade them from continuing the practice. If they didn't want the community to be so in love with glitching outfits together, they could have provided them with the tools to do it themselves on every case where the result itself isn't explicitly against a license holder's wishes or an abomination against the Entity.
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I don't think you understand what she means when she says "priority". She isn't saying that some issues don't take priority over others, but that cosmetics being fixed have nothing to do with any order of priority when the teams working on cosmetic fixes aren't even the ones who work on balance/bug fixes. That's what I take as "This isn't about priority" because it really isn't.
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I mean it's clear you don't really understand how fixing this stuff works and how much time and people might take, but trust me not a 100% of the devs can dedicate themselves to it and some of them fixing minor bugs isn't a bad thing either. Linked cosmetics were not working as intended? They fixed it? Good for them!!!
I don't really understand people complaining that they bought sh¡tty looking linked cosmetics because they could - bug - the cosmetics to unlink them and expect this to not be fixed ever. If you want them to give you the option to unlink the cosmetics and all keep asking them via social media and maybe that will happen but you can't be so critical on them actually fixing a bug, while they've been so clear they're dedicating a lot of resources on fixing the mess of a game they have right now to deal with.
It's a hard pill to swallow but all that is left to do is either accept it as it is, b¡tch about it like a spoiled kid and/or be a sceptical d¡ck about any statement bhvr does and if it rustles your jimmies up to a point you're that frustated, move onto another game to show your discontent 👻
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Last gen players have been dealing with slowdowns and freezes for THREE YEARS.
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oh yes, then tell me how the fixing work, because if they put in the effort to fix something that had no effect on gameplay over performance or other issues, will you even be slightly happy with that?
you have no right to criticize people for buying cosmetics expecting them to have fun with the glitch or whatever, and complain to bhvr for fixing something that benefits NOBODY (unless licensed, but surely they have the brain to unlink the originals?)
and don't you even dare say "hard pill to swallow" when it's not the pill none of wanted in the first place. if it was like a nerf or buff, then fine whatever, but a cosmetic fix? stop defending the devs for fixing an 'exploit' that motivated people to get cosmetic, cause what they did is dumb even from a business perspective.
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Dang, kinda sad even the forum mods can't even look beyond their biases... It's entirely about priority. Obviously the devs wanted this cosmetic glitch to go otherwise they wouldn't have patched it out in the first place. I seriously can't imagine patching something that was fun and had no impact on gameplay over trying to fix optimisation, balancing killers, possibly buffing the countless terrible perks in the game, reworking and updating more maps?
You can't expect me to believe it's because "it doesn't take long to fix" when you could spend literal seconds changing a few numbers in God knows how many terrible perks to make them somewhat viable/fun to use? But no, let's take away your cosmetic options instead of improving gameplay!!!
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uwu! i am mwaaad the dwevs fwixed a bug waaah uwu!!!!! Twhey awe wastinw twime on fwixing minor iwwues!!!! uwu!!! >:'(