Who do you guys main?

What killers do you guys main? I personally main Wraith.
I kinda bounce from main to main, but right now I'm primarily playing Legion and Blight.
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For survivor I main Meg, Yui, and Claire. For killer I kind of flip flop but my favorite killer is Spirit.
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Spirit main
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I'm a Wraith main myself. How many times do you bing your bong?
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I bounce around a bit but I keep coming back to the same four: Trapper, Hag, Ghostface, and Doctor. Been on a heavy Doctor kick lately though.
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for killer I main legion and trickster
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Toss up between Clown or Trapper. The first because he is aesthetically pleasing and relatable. The second because hearing those jaws lock on someone is an unparalleled euphoria.
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Legion and Ghostfcae
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Bubba or pyramide head, probaly now trying to main nemesis .
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Cheryl because I love Silent Hill, but I play other Survivors as well.
For Killers... I rarely play Killer due to the fact I can't find players from my rank and I have a ten-fifteen queue time each time (while Survivor is instant)... But I would like to main Huntress. She has a cat mask. I'm a cat lover. Reason to main her.
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Im in between, currently learning blight however maining nemesis huntress & twins
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Jill and Jill and of course JILL <3
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For Survivor, I main Cheryl, Jill, Claire, and Nea.
For Killer, I main Spirit, Doctor, and Wraith.
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Ghostface. With a constant headache because his reveal mechanic acts strange at least once a day but I just love him. They did a good job with his DbD story in my opinion.
And Adam as a survivor because I like the guy. His backstory is cool, Deliverenace is a fun perk and the pebble is just epic.
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Pyramid Head, because he's Pyramid Head no but because, I'm a fan of Silent Hill and etc.
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and I'm stuck between Tapp and Leon
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- Oni
- Ghostiboi
- Doctor - Dwight and Tapp for survivor.
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Twins and Trickster. Yeah, I am THAT guy. Well at least I don't play spirit
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Vommy Mommy and Nea.
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Legion. big tunnel energy.
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Been mainly a Pyramid Head main since he dropped, I dabble in a bit of everybody every now and then except Hag, Huntress and Freddy
But half the games I've played in the last month have been Blight since they made him playable on console and oh my god is he one of the most fun killers in the game, makes me feel like I'm cheating on Pyramid Head
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For now I'm a Wraith main (I haven't moved on to someone else yet, he's the first killer I've enjoyed playing - I really enjoyed playing Trapper in the tutorial though, haven't tried it live yet, because his setup at the start of the game takes so long/costs him a lot, so it's riskier than Wraith) and I main(ly) main Meg, but sometimes Jane and Kate too.
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For survivor I play a lot of different ones but I mostly play Jane and Jeff
For killer I pretty much only play clown, hillbilly and slinger
Post edited by Phasmamain on0 -
Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing DBD, back in 2018.
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It saddens me that nobody mentioned the Plague.
The Demise of the Thotful chapter will always be my fave DLC. It gave me both Jane and The Plague who I main.
Although once I hit purple ranks I just stop playing killer because it's too much for me and I'm a terrible terrible terrible killer.
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Survivors....Nea and Meg.
Killer...Huntress (but don´t play killer frequently).
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I love how your name has "Artemis" in it and you main Huntress.
So perfect.
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Yeah. Casuality? Idk xD
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- Meg, sometimes Kate
- Oni and now Nemesis as well
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Clown, Doc, Plague, Twins.
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I still don't have a main, I keep trying killers and I can't find the one perfect for me, I recently tried to main Hag but I realized she was not the killer for me after I got pulverized by a team who harassed me while the others were ruining my three gen.
I'm currently playing Bubba and I am doing great with him even against good teams, looking towards PH too
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More like dedication really, xD
I salute you.
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At the moment? The queue time tbh.
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After Hillbilly's nerf I'm still looking for a main. I'm having a lot of success and fun with Blight, and I like Legion and Trickster because they're cool even if they are bad.
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Doctor, for sure. I've bounced between killers all throughout my time playing DbD but Doctor is definitely my true main. Dwight too, but I play more killer than I do survivor.
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Doctor, Demo, Wraith and Myers mostly. Demo ive been really into lately since I figured out how to finally use portals (don't judge please lol)
Doctor is my go to main usually though. Wraith I jumped on recent bandwagon. Myers is just fun, although I enjoy specific builds (unlimited tier 3 and jumpscare)
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Greetings, my friend
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On Console Legion and GF, on PC Wraith, i ain't giving BHVR money for killers and skins again. As for Survivors i play Meg on both.