why are survivors so angry
Just trying to do "hook 12 people in the basement" and any time I hook someone there they take it as a personal attack against them and throw a storm of # signs at me in post game. Why are survivors so entitled? Like if a game doesn't end with all 4 survivors teabagging at the exit gate then they're personally offended and start whining. Rank 1 btw, they are easily the most salty.
Classic. I was playing Freddy yesterday, never tunneld anyone, hooking everyone as much as I can (which is bad strategy for a effective killer, you want to focus on 1-2 survivors and keep hooking them and then deal with the rest). They reached the end game, I hooked a Claudet and just move to find around exit gates someone else, found Jill and she suddenly rush it to that Claudet, so I want to down the Jill but Claudet gets in the way (no borrow time from Jill, awesome) and I down her without purpose to chase her. Down both of them, hook both of them.
Quess what... She got super salty (Claudet) on ME! Not at all at that Jill who unhook her without BT in front of my face and on top of that all run into me... Like #########? xD
Even if you play the most nicely way, there will ALWAYS be someone who don't like something about you no metter if you are the most nice and fair killer on the planet.
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Can you blame them? You'd be angry too if people just kept killing you all day. :P
In all seriousness - and I've mentioned this before - I'm a survivor main but I still have to admit the facts, which are that my ratio of post-match survivor complaints to post-match killer complaints still sits at about twelve to zero.
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Sick of being tunnelled and camped while killers are sick of the gens being done in 4 minutes.
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Yes, but when you play fair all the game or when you punish terrible greedy play but a by Survivor, then blaming killer for it is just ridicilous :D
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I don’t see it honestly. If I had to guess I’d say they’re sick of the grind and getting matched up with a try hard killer with bbq, pop, Noed, and monitor match after match. I only see killers being toxic when I play.
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Good question.
I will once again, as I often do, poll the One Survivor Overmind to plunder a satisfying answer to this conundrum.
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Don't you know whenever you hook someone you're supposed to go the other corner of the map, sign the "happy birthday" song twice, then find a totally new survivor?
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Yeah, except most survivors will tell you "Bro, Gens are the only objective." yet expect you to ignore your objective and "be nice" by chasing the healthy survivor instead of the injured one who was saved in front of your face without BT.
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Note: i was listening to this guys stream for his reactions, wasn't sniping. never sniping.
Had a guy who ran into the basement and into a locker in a chase, then said "you really love your basement huh". Another surv unhooked him as im still close, so i ran back and as he turned the corner from the hooks I whipped him and a zombie downed him, he got pretty mad. i re hooked in the basement.
Later i see him and another survivor, i downed the random and then chase him since he's still injured, makes sense. He was really mad, saw i was in stream and called me a stream sniper. Funny since i chased someone who was not streaming around a pallet as 2 gens got done, that happened before i chased him too.
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I just watches a streamer/youtuber playing this game live as a 2 man and they were complaining about the killer proxy camping and slugging to create pressure. "why would you play like that? It isn't fun for anyone!" amongst other things.
The next game the killer doesn't camp at all and just runs from hook to hook and they did all 5 gens with 4 hooks and only died because they wanted to get saves for points and got bloodwardened.
Do you think the killer had fun in that game if bloodwarden didn't pay off?
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Yea, sorry about that. Also, when they are 2 last survivors and gates are powered you need to go to the other side of the map, spin your camera 180° 50x times and then you can go for the unhooker.
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There is anger (and sadly always will be anger) on both sides of this game. With how frequently Killers and Survivors both complain about the other it must be pretty evenly divided. For example, I'm a Survivor main so of course my experiences are heavily skewed towards Killers having BM more than Survivors. But that doesn't make it a universal truth.
The best thing that any of us can do is to simply ignore the angry people and be kind and polite in how we treat people. I'll tell a Killer good game or applaud a play that they made and if they decide to call me a ######### or a whatnot then that is their choice. I'd rather have that happen sometimes and just move on while seeing some Killers really appreciate a compliment or say something kind back than to just get caught up in the negativity. There's already enough of that.
Just my two cents! Be kind to one another and happy gaming! <3
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To be honest? The basement hook sucks, most survivors who get hooked there also tend to believe that they'll be camped as well. Which..can be fair, that's really the only blind spot hook in the whole game, you can't see what's going on at all, the most you can say is "they just ran upstairs."
I got called a camper once because I hooked a person in the basement and I went to put bear traps around the shack window and door. After the match, they called me a camper. I told them what I did and they're response was just "oh."
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Well try and look at it this way. Survivors are dependent on having good teammates and they can potentially have the whole game ruined by campers (which can be bad during long ques) Killers only rely themselves and no matter how bad they do they will get to play the game to its conclusion. Survivors mains can be unreasonable a lot but it’s understandable why they might be angry and frustrated more than killer players.
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Everyone should play to rank 1 with both roles just to see how the other side works.
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Yeah, haha, survivors...
(both sides in this game are tired)
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Played Legion. Got -rep tunneling killer message from a streamer on my profile. When asked where exactly i tunneled, i got blocked.
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Simple. I take it this way:
There are 4 survivors in a match and 1 killer. Let's just say for the sake of the argument these 4 survivors aren't toxic and are in a good mood. All it takes is 1 killer to change all that. If a killer becomes toxic then it affects all 4 survivors. The reason we see "less toxic killers" is because the chances are simply against them. It is 4:1.
Typing this as I had a fun game against a nemesis. Didn't do gens much but I tried to sabo save. Worked out once. We had 1 more gen to do which was like 98%. Lost. End chat I said "gg was fun" and the guy answered "gg thanks for being ######### ez" and left. Really ruined the mood. Now imagine if all 4 survivors would be there to see that toxic piece of crap.
Not to mention we as killers should not forget survivors face more bullshit in terms of bugs recently. Not long ago there was the hit-through-pallet glitch. Desync hell. And the worst of all they have to deal with our bullshit m1's sometimes cuz of lag from either us, killers. Or the said survivor. So add some game design to the madness variable.
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Lol. I am not even suprised. Just so normal behavor of many survivors.
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Same on both sides.
If a swf team decides not to "rush gens" and instead all just go for silly flashlight saves, the killer sees it as a toxic, bully squad. They will hit people on hook, nod and text toxic messages.
Play both sides and you'll experience both things.
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Its sad when people make false claims and constanly accuse the killer of doing this or that. At the end, killers will just say ######### it and play as bad as everyone claims.
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Survs? Sweetie probzz yesterday had 4 dcs in row from killers rage quitting it's not just survs it's both sides equally
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The DCs could be simply the unstable version we have right now.
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Yeah they could but they weren't first dc'd after 2 gens were done while killer was chasing Nea and rage quit others were pretty much same the point is both sides are equally entitled and I will never understood this one side bias there's no killer mains and surv mains here there's people and depending on their personality is how they will act those ppl doesn't represent neither role they are just sad ppl with no life
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Oh, us vs. them again, I love the variety of posts
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What you describe could still be a random crash. I´ve seen survivors dc when someone else was hit, downed or hooked.
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Wait pop and bbq i see that a lot but noed and monitor are extremly rare. Most of the time killer cant use noed cause all totem are broken viva counterforce
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They weren't random crashes it was obvious plus I highly doubt 4 pc players crashed in row while I don't crash on console
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PC gamers are wild.
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Everyone can crash now. Even i got 2 crashes since the chapter released.
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Yeah I know it can but this wasn't dc crash this was rage quit if u bother to watch it urself u'll see it's not possible all 4 got crash just when it became stressful for them
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Survivors bad post 999
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Just had a match against Billy. DC after 1 hook and 0 gens done. But sure, it could also be a rage quit in your case.
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I mean it wasn't technically my case but one of streamers basically killer dc second after he heard 2 gens poppin in same time while he got his first down okay I understand it can be frustrated sometime for both sides but I would finish match either killer or survivors I don't remember I dc'd 2 times in almost two years playing without counting crashes or if I had situation irl to deal with
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I think this game needs a concede button or better said, the ability to open the gates as killer, even when not all gens are completed. That way killers wouldn´t have to dc when they have a bad match.
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Personally, I believe they have been getting unlucky with their games. Their previous games might have been similar [I.E. Camp, tunnel, slug, solo queue hell], and it adds up over time. I'm not justifying their behavior towards others, just pointing at the probable cause for their behavior.
However, unlike them, if I get heated, I just play with bots to cool down, play a different game, or just take a break from gaming entirely. There's nothing wrong with getting upset with a game, but it matters on how you handle your emotions.
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I mean that's good idea but kinda off mechanic bec technically there's no power until gens are repaired, I mean killer still can go afk and go do something else while it's done but dc is definitely not an option I don't even think quitting should be a thing it's okay to lose sometimes nobody of us is the highest pro player we can see it coming once in a while that we will lose and that's fine just finish the match there'd numerous of time I got 2k in like endgame while I was getting gen rushed so yeah just end the match and who knows maybe tables will turn but even if lose 4 escapes there's still hundreds of match I got 4 kills so I'm okay with it but I understand why some ppl want to quit
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Survivors can suicide on hook, when they don´t want to continue. I think it would be only fair, if there was a similar solution for killers.
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Yeah that is true but my point is it needs to be something else because killers having ability to open doors anytime they want would breai whole concept of survivors being stuck in lobby with no power until all gens are done maybe something else would fit more
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Like what for example? But i think we should continue this in another thread. As its about angry survivors.
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I'm not quite sure but door ability seems like last option because of game design... Maybe ability for killer to open hatch instead if it's spawns anytime but again keys exist so that's bad idea lol well idk tbh
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I think survivors could use a bleedout button. Which decreases the time the survivor takes to bleed out, but also signalizes this to everyone else in the match. IF people could bleed out instead of staying slugged all match, they would be less salty.
Opening the gate as the killer before the gates are powered, could be achieved with a new brute force animation of the killer pulling the gates open. By ending the game like this, the killer wouldn´t feel bullied and be less salty after the match (i think).