Clown's bottles are bugged.

First match as clown since the new update, I ended getting Torment Creek for the match.
Before I start this, lemme mention I was running Sticky Soda Bottle (One extra bottle) and Robin Feather (Decreases cooldown between bottle throws) as the addons.
First chase was against Jill: I ended up M1'ing her at first without throwing a bottle. Since she didn't notice me coming. After about 10 seconds of running in corn, I noticed she was heading towards Cow Tree so I threw one bottle. I couldn't see the bottle land on her because she was behind a gen in the corn, though she screamed which told me it hit her. Once she reappeared I noticed she was still running at normal speed, even though I heard her scream from the Bottle. By default, I assumed she was at the very edge of the smoke so she screamed but wasn't truly affected (Tends to happen a lot due to the server). Once I got closer to her I threw a 2nd bottle, it hit her dead on but she didn't slow down at all... At this point, I was confused about what the hell happened because like I said, it hit her dead on.
After she used the pallet at Cow tree, she headed towards Shack and I left her due to the fact that it's shack next to Cow tree & I heard another gen getting worked on.
When I went to the gen I heard getting worked on, I found a Nea. She vaulted a window, so I followed and threw my 3rd bottle at her. This, like Jill's 2nd bottle, hit her dead on.... she didn't slow down. So as a test I threw my 4th bottle which didn't hit her dead on but she was in the smoke, no slowdown.
At this point, I knew how the game would go so I just dc'd and was thinking what the hell did I just witnessed.
If anyone has any similar experiences or doesn't have this problem, please say below because IDK what is going on with the bottles. All I know is, from that one match, they currently don't slow anyone down.
They're actually broken right now, they don't activate the hindered effect.
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Well that sucks, I was in the mood to play him for once since I haven't played him in a while. Guess I'll have to wait until he gets fixed
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I feel your pain, I really do. Is there any other killer you're thinking about trying?
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Clown doesn't really have a power right now.
Bottles aren't working for the majority of the time.
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I generally play all the killers since I can't really ever only play one. As of right now, my favorites are Nemesis, Demogorgon, and Wraith. Only killers I don't touch are Hag, Spirit, Ghostface, and Pig.
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Ah, Pig is a lot of fun though, same with Ghostface. Pig if you're a huge fan of RNG and Ghostface if you hate survivors. I'm kidding haha
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Yea, that sucks. Hopefully they fix him soon, was in the mood to play him more.
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Yeah, to be honest the only reason I don’t play pig is because I don’t have her fully leveled up, and I just find other killers more enjoyable. Though she is fun. Ghostface I don’t touch because I personally don’t find his play style that enjoyable.
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Fair enough, his playstyle can feel rather slow compared to Michael. Pig can be a pretty decent loop chaser if you know how to use her ambush properly, takes some time, but it's highly rewarding
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Agreed, her ambush also feels satisfying when they land.
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Exactly haha, I'd say give her a try if you're willing to dumb BP into her, I know it's getting pricey so I don't blame you if you would rather not
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That's a theme with this game these days. Wait til the problems are fixed, or play through painful and unfun experience.
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Pig is decent if you got Monitor and Abuse (for the no Terrorradius grab) and Whispers is also a good combo (you run out of stealth until whispers turns on then you go into stealth thx to Monitor survivors will not hear your terrorradius).
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A lot of things are broken, are you really surprised? lol. Bhvr isn't known for their quality updates after all.
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Hey, for bugs and things like that, please report them here so they can easily be looked at: If it already has been posted, make sure to upvote the post