Unpopular Opinion: Midwich Elementary School is a Decent Map

The more I play this map, the more I actually don’t mind it as much. When it first released, and with the original Object of Obsession, this map was kind of busted. With certain killers like the Hag and Nurse, this map can still be kind of busted. But I rarely ever see those two killers anymore (in my survivor experience), so it’s not that big of an issue to be honest.
The pallets and windows in each room actually allow a fair bit of good gameplay to happen where the survivor and the killer have to actually predict one another. Some pallets are a bit unfair for survivors, but they also have a couple pallets that force most killers to break them and offer no mindgame potential. If I were to change anything about this map, Id maybe completely do away with the room tile that only spawns desks and no pallets, as that room tends to be very unfair. I wouldn't even mind an additional pallet or two in the much bigger rooms that is similar to the more fair pallets scattered around the map.
I would say the map definitely favors killer over survivor, but I often find myself still escaping as a survivor as long as my team plays well. I think this map is very underrated and classing it as “one of the bad maps” feels a bit harsh against it.
I like the map too, but I don't think it's killer sided. The gen spread potential is too disgusting, even when you focus on just 1 floor as killer.
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Just like Hawkins, its a balanced map for all the wrong reasons and has frustrating elements for both sides
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I hate midwich along with every other indoor map and that'll never change.
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I thought i was the only one that liked it.
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It's fine unless the survivors just W through the corridors and you're a killer who can't do much about it.
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Yeah im among the minority that actually loves the map. I think the mentality of hating the map comes from lazy streamers who just want to focus on their chat and not the match. Midwich requires a bit of attention to form proper game plans. Its a popular opinion because a lot of dbd player regurgitate they're favorite streamers opinion
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I dont mind it myself, you take the game way to serious if you do really.
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I've gotten a little use to it. Still not big fan though.
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This map is survivorside. Only one thing against survivors, gates so close to each other.
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The map is just badly made since the kayout wasn’t designed with dbd in mind. Most of the time it’s just holding W
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May I ask how it's survivor sided exactly? Practically every pallet could be mind gamed by a rank 21 killer.
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Hold Shift W and drop pallets early. You will see how it is survivorside
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Yes, it couldn't be that it's a shity design that takes too long to traverse.
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I very much enjoy Midwich. I love the atmosphere and the unique layout. Going up against Freddy on it once was also really cool, it felt much more fitting a map for him than Badham.
I do admit, however, that I find it very difficult as killer.
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I mean literally half of the killers have a power that give them the ability to catch up to or close the gap between them and the survivor.
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It's my favourite map! It takes some learning but when you start noticing the patterns you know how to work with things. I wish the garden area was a bit changed though.
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It’s a fun map in my opinion, and I feel like I can easily take on any Killer with a decent chance of survival on this map. People just hate on indoor maps because they’re inferior to outdoor maps. That doesn’t mean they’re the worst thing ever (unless it’s Lery’s)
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Midwich is not a decent map. It is way way too polarizing for that.
For some Killers, Midwich is basically a free win. Killers who can heavily mitigate holding Shift + W have an easy time. Killers who's powers can largely negate the kind of bad pallets found on that map also have a field day here.
For other Killers, it is a raging dumpster fire of suck. Any killer that doesn't have or bring a way to counter Survivors just running around the hallways is in for a terrible time.
That doesn't even get into the issues Survivors can have with finding gens and just general navigation of the map. It's so symmetrical and lacking in landmarks that it is very difficult to keep track of where exactly you are.
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Some of the roster I have yet and think I will never lose on that map. then there are some where it's like I hear you up there on the gen but let me walk way down this hallway, up the stairs, back down the hall gen pops. Overall I like it though.
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I have no issues traversing the map. If you hold w and not plan routing then yeah the map is going to beat you. Also id say there are worse maps as far as traversal. Seems you're just regurgitating whats been said by others
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Or, and I know this might seem crazy, I don't like it for the same reason as others.
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Well that IS an unpopular opinion.
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That's a pretty gaslighting way of putting it, people have different opinions.
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if I'm being honest I rarely ever have a hard time on this map although the running forward to win aspect on the map is annoying
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Spending 30+ seconds chasing someone down hallways before a chase even registers isn't very fun. And if you drop chase you'll have to search another side and potentially up another floor to find someone.
its a great recreation of Midwich with some fun easter eggs for fans but its not great to play on.
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I hate it as killer. Nothing worse than hearing a gen being worked on above or below you, knowing you have to walk across half the maps to get to a place where you can go up or down a level. By the time you get there, gen is done and/or survivor is long gone. Rinse and repeat…
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I’ll take Midwich over Shelter Woods. That’s about all I can say about it. I hate how dead the space is between the gates and how easy it is for the killer to move back and forth.
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Very unpopular opinion indeed
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I believe it is actully one of the most balanced maps in the game because having the map indoor is detrimental to some killers powers and it's a very big map with gens spread out. Not to mention its 2 floors. Some vaults are good but many of the loops are terrible so overall ots balanced
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It's actually my favorite map.
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Popular opinion: No it's not.
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yeah and its my opinion that you take the game way to seriously if you have a problem with that map?
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The map itsself is one of the smallest there is it just feels bigger due to the navigation, however it's relatively easy once you get the hang of it.
There's regular stairs on oposite sides, i think basement is allways under one of the stairs to. On the other two sides that don't have staircase, there's a ramp behind a breakable door that goes up and down, and opposite the ramp is the bathroom that ALSO has two breakable walls that open up a passage going up and down (troll tip, break only one of the doors and if a survivor runs in it's a dead end)
There's also drops leading into the courtyard on opposite, sides, parallel to each other and above the exit gates.
And lastly one or two rooms have a one way hole going from second to first floor.
You really don't have to walk far, it's easier going top to bottom than bottom to top cos there are more drops but that's about it.
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I like Midwich.
It has a good aestetic and fits the horror theme of the game quiet nice.
Not my favourite map but a good one.