The {Bad Word} You Hot Fix This was my thoughts exactly


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Some of us cant afford full sets anyway so.... lol

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    To be fair, you also didnt start a "reasonable discussion" with your first post. Did you ? It was more of a confrontational direction instead of a explaination of your oppinion.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    It doesn't matter whether someone complained. That's not the litmus test in determining whether something should remain in the game. BHVR didn't want it in and that's their prerogative. They don't owe anybody an explanation yet they still provided one, and now people still complain. People also assume that they know the inner workings of the company, what's right for said company, and why the company made the decision that they did (hint: because they're inept, evil, worthless, hate the players, prefer to ignore important things for lesser ones, etc).

    To recap, what exactly is this happening? The company took away something that was quite obviously not an intended feature to begin with and the players are reacting negatively not because they have any intimate knowledge of the company's inner workings but because they're angry that they can no longer exploit the game to give themselves something that they weren't meant to have.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    No, I didn't. I made an exasperated observation. I've found that few people who have made threads or comments in favor of retaining the cosmetic glitch are engaging in a "reasonable discussion".

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    You know how it is, there will always be those kind of people. Be the change you want to see around you. Every little action has its consequences and can help for a slight change in general behaviour of the community.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Of course BHVR has the legislative, people dont have to support their course of action though. In games its often a little like a totalitarian government, they can do whatever the hell they want to do, ban players for no reason given. Create new rules or punishments for a violation of rules. Change major parts of the system without consequences. It depends on the community and the reaction of it, to have a little power over what they decide to do in the future.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Thats probably also a reason why some people are so loud with their oppinions, they want to have a little power.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 255

    I don’t think anyone really cared that much about them fixing the cometic glitch we all knew it would eventually get fixed.

    The issue is we have a broken chapter that we paid good money, we all expected at least the RE map would be fixed. Or even a x 2 bp event to keep us occupied while they fixed all the issues.

    What do we have after after 1 week of patiently waiting? cosmetic fixes….

    Nobody seeks any streamers expertise, I’m sure a majority felt exactly the same way I do once they read the hot fix patch notes.

    He summarised it quite well *Inset phrase* Couldn’t of said it better myself

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    This is a fair observation. I've actually spent a great deal of time trying to explain this issue today, to at least help others see things from a perspective other than victimization and entitlement (referring not to any specific individual but rather the dominant tone regarding this whole subject). I've made probably two dozen comments across at least five different threads, all filled with people who are, with varying degrees of outrage, insisting that the removal of this glitch was unfair to them and symbolic of BHVR's alleged apathy towards its customers.

    I've tried to encourage people to see things from the company's side. I've tried listing legal reasons why this would be in the company's best interest. I've tried pointing out that none of us are employees of the company and therefore have no factual ground upon which to make accusations. I've tried explaining my own face to face interactions with upper level management of other game publishers and developers who expressed to me in no uncertain terms why they had to make the same type of decisions about the same type of issue. I've tried arguing the simple common sense that if a company does something that the players don't like and could very well cost the company money, the company probably had a very good reason for doing it. I have spent hours doing this not because I have absolutely anything at all to gain from it but because I would like people to have more than one limited and entirely subjective assessment of the situation.

    No one cares. I've seen less than ten people over the last 24 hours who tried to do anything similar and discuss this subject with anything resembling objectivity. Everyone else just wants their glitch and is angry that they don't have it anymore. And it is for that reason that I'm exasperated seeing yet another thread on the subject, this one regarding the opinion of a streamer who, by nature of their celebrity status here, is just going to further complicate the discussion.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited June 2021

    I just wanna watch the world burn, when it comes to this topic.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    You may not seek the perceived expertise of streamers but there are plenty on this forum who do. I wouldn't even mind such a phenomenon if it didn't help to create a hive mind mentality in which people tend to assume that what they say is inherently correct. Sometimes I'm sure they ARE correct. I'm also sure that plenty of what they say isn't, or is nothing more than opinion. In the case of this particular thread it's just the irritation of seeing a streamer weigh in (in favor of the glitch, which didn't surprise me) after trying so, SO hard to help people understand that the issue isn't black and white, BHVR vs. us.

    Having said that, I totally agree with the majority of what you said here. You're right - it IS frustrating to see so many things that need to be addressed left unfixed. I DO understand why it would feel insulted to see what is perceived to be nothing more than an enjoyable, seemingly innocuous little glitch patched out while other, admittedly more important (from the player's perspective, at least) issues left untouched. I get that. I don't deny it at all. That's why I'm not running around telling people to quit complaining, or saying that their frustration has no merit. I haven't spent the day telling people that they're wrong to be upset, I've spent the day earnestly trying to get them to see things from another point of view.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2021


    Very reasonable, i see this side of the issue as well. I was also not very upset even though i had glitched all of the cosmetics there are. Except Jane at the time. Of course i don't like my predicament of having maybe 16 glitched outfits that took a lot of time to create, sometimes doing multiple things to combine multiple sets on one character, not many people had that kind of patience. Now needing to erase them myself, it kind of strips me of the uniqueness i created with it. But i was aware it could all be gone when they do decide to do something like they did.

    I expected them to patch out the glitches though, and even though i knew there was THIS kind of solution (checks and resets) i didn't expect them to take it since it is pretty drastic.

    I am no hypocrite, i also made my point against BHVR in this situation, even though i did understand what lies beneath the surface. Its 2 parts of the same medal like with most things, opposite points can both be true. In everything lies a grain of truth. Its often not the issue at hand that sparks the outrage of the community but underlying issues.

    I do enjoy having a profound discussion with you though. Not many people speak on this kind of level, even though english is not my native tongue i believe i can express myself pretty good and don't know why not more people engage in high level conversation.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    @Zucker_Schock @miketheratguy

    Just as a side note, it took me days to get some of the things i had, but since i know everything is temporary what can i do. I tried some things at the patch day and got to the result that it is still possible to play with glitched sets. Its only a little inconvenient, but still possible. I guess that it still is enough for BHVR to call it a day. They probably aren't fixing the 3 other glitches or issues there are as well. Some people can still play with their glitched outfits 24/7 without issue, only a little step to do. But thats pretty rare anyway.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Thank you. For what it's worth I think you speak English very well.

    I'm not in any way against anyone for being upset that the glitch has been removed. I understand that, as someone correctly observed in another thread, the timing is horrible and when taken at face value it appears that BHVR ignored much more negative, important things to focus instead on removing something that people were happy about. I COMPLETELY get that. The problem is that instead of taking some time to consider why this may have happened from the company's perspective, or allow for other possibilities other than "they're liars, they're inept, they don't care about their customers", the thought process for most people seems to have stopped at "they took away something that I like and I'm angry, there is no reasonable excuse for this".

    It's an extremely narrow, extremely subjective viewpoint, and the more I see it expressed the more I think it needs to be challenged. I'm not looking to invalidate anyone's frustration. I'm simply trying to get them to consider more possibilities.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    My advice would be to never invest significant time, effort, or certainly money on anything that's based around a glitch, since that glitch can always get patched out at any time. But as I've been saying no one's listened to me today anyway. :P

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565


    No it was the right course of action for me, i was fine with buying the sets, glitching them, and also pushing characters to prestige 3 just to glitch them. I had fun and felt accomplished as i finished it. And i knew very well what could happen. I was aware of the risk and even though it was very exhausting and aggravating it was worth it. Its not very nice that i had no chance to play with the rare combinations i created but so be it.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565


    I enjoy the journey and don't mind investing so much in something temporary. Also the gamble was fine too, if they would have continued their course of just fixing the glitch and not resetting it i would have had complete custom characters no one else has. I am completely fine with it and i did the right thing for myself. Others may say i am crazy for investing so much but no it was the right thing to do for me.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Well, you have a healthy attitude about it at least. That's good. I'd hate to put all that time into something only to have it taken away (which is one of the reasons why I do understand the initial frustration that people feel) but if you went in fully prepared to accept losing it all then you went about it the right way.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565


    You know, some people would maybe say that their advise would be don't waste your time trying to change peoples opinions on the forums, since people never change. I don't believe that, but you certainly invest a lot into trying to get people to consider more possibilities or see it from a different point of view as well. What do you get in return for that ? Its kind of the same thing as doing the cosmetics glitch, its effort and to a certain degree we get some enjoyment out of it. Was it worth it in the End ? Maybe, i certainly think i did the right thing.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Well sure i am at square 1 with my outfits now. I did spent so much time in different games, earning something just to loose it, thats just how it is sometimes. Loss is part of life. And now i don't have the high risk, needing to worry about switching the wrong part of my character and breaking the glitch. Or having the wrong character selected when doing it just to get this once reset. I am basically at the same point as everyone else. Well with some nice outfits to glare at. :D Until i decide to play that character at least.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Also i earned some knowledge and techniques about it and am way faster than most with it. When i do decide to change something in the future i will be able to do so again. There could be some applications, maybe for custom games or who knows what the future brings.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    The sad thing is, there are genuinely outfit combinations that look SO GOOD, way better than what we can achieve right now without it. Some of the best outfits in the game in my opinion are glitched ones. I wouldn't mind spending just as much time again to regain them. Well guess diversity is gone, so much about their LGBTQ+ statements and rainbow logo. :D Just a little joke with a grain of salt.

    Lets hope that the outcry of people gets BHVR to make less sets in the future.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    if your opinion is that someone else's opinion doesn't matter because they are a popular streamer of said game then yes I'd say I don't care for it. You have every right to say it but anyone else also has every right to criticize it, it is after all an open forum you are allowed to agree or disagree with anyone you see fit but you can also be called an idiot for doing so. Also streamers are just players as well but they are players with a platform and often very dedicated players who have a very high amount of hours and generally(not always) have a better understanding of the game.

    The reason many people parrot streamers such as Scott, Tru3, or Otz is because they are streamers that present their arguments for the points they make in a succinct fashion after which many people may come over to their side or may have already agreed with them on. Also I'm sure nobody fully agrees with everything one streamer says, I agree with Scott on many aspects however I also disagree with him on showing who is in a swf in the lobby, personally I think that would create a very unfun experience for anybody who'd want to play swf with lobby dodging or players who are very likely extremely confident that even though its a swf they will still demolish them.

    Another reason people are more likely to use a streamer clip is because frankly most of them are good speakers and typing down what you want to say in a clear way can be very difficult for people especially if they just cant quite find the right words to express their opinion where as they just saw a clip or video of someone doing just that in an easy to digest video format.

    Should anybody hold streamers opinion as gospel no obviously not but its certainly no crime to just link a clip and say that "this clip sums up my feelings on the topic very well" nor should it even be looked down upon.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2021

    Well, he did not like the, from his point of view negative influx of that opinion on the forum, since he is trying to combat that. And of course a streamer gives a lot of influence. Which sets this place on fire. I'd say let it burn, i will go collect the ashes afterwards. Maybe there is a phoenix under it.