Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Convince Me

VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

Because I've seen so many content creators promoting DC'ing against killers like Spirit & Twins, I'm open to have my mind changed.

Convince me in the least "Killer/Survivor Players are Dumb" way possible plz

I for one believe one person should not have the right to ruin 4 other peoples enjoyment of the game.


  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2021

    People DC because they don't want to play out the match. It's not that deep.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Because there are 4 other people who still just want to get the game over with. Disconnecting is leaving your team to die with little chance of survival (far less than before) and the killer also gets bored.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I personally don't care if someone DCs, but that is only because the penalties they are punished with.

    If someone is getting mad and feeling awful I wouldn't want them to keep playing just for my entertainment, but I wouldn't want to play with them again if they are a constant quitter.

    Also the devs said one of the reasons they nerf Killers is based on the number of DCs against them, so if you want to get a Killer nerfed it does help in that regard.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    edited June 2021

    You'll eventually be punished with DC penalties so no need to convince you of anything.

    DCing just because you don't like a killer is one of the most pathetic things I can imagine so feel free to do so till the game itself stops you. If everyone quit just because of some small thing they don't like about DBD, this game would be unplayable as everyone has something they don't like and meet regularly in their matches.

    Luckily, most people have decency to play out games thinking about more then just their own fun, unlike you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited June 2021

    I mean... you´ll see Twins once in a blue moon... so not really a point to convince you, since you won´t get matched against them anyway.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    Convince you that dc'ing is a good idea? It's not. Content creators or streamers or whatever the heck people call them, they aren't always right. The fact that people take their word so highly is honestly creepy.

    Convince you that dc'ing is a bad idea because you don't want to play against those killers? You'll never get better against them if you always rage quit.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I think everyone misunderstood what I was saying

    I AM ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO HATES IT for christ sake. I'm just seeing a lot of high profile players support DCing

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    Survivor's who DC just make the game easier for the killer. You aren't punishing them at all unless they are trying to go for Adept or a challenge....or if they care about ranking up...but they can still get that with careful play with the remaining survivors. The only ones DCers actually punish are their fellow teammates. Every game I had last night someone DC'd on first hook and made it so much harder to push 5 gens.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    About 1 out of every 4 games has someone DCing. What's baffling is that sometimes the survivors are actually winning when that person DCs. It's like, wow, that was the killers first hook and we already have three gens done. Ok...

    Really just ruins most games. But I guess when I was a kid I used or hit the reset button on some games when playing NES. So maybe just lots of kids play this game.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    This is a community that will try and tell one that camping, tunneling and slugging are fair tactics and 'sometimes necessary', so...

    the sole reason they DC or do the above is their bloated ego.

    Like, I can understand dcing against plague or doctor, as they can seriously be triggering in the ACTUAL sense of the word. so dcing against those is caring for one's own wellbeing.

    but everyone else. Like, look, if I as someone who can't loop can get out alive against a red rank spirit (depends on the map though) then these streamers do something wrong

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Are you sure they're promoting DCing? I haven't seen that myself. If they are that's kinda pathetic. I've seen a bunch of people joke about it which is fine. But...tbh, a lot of people in the community do take jokes seriously (see Sluzzy posts for more info)

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Do you really think they intend to do that on purpose?

    People can play who they want, whether they enjoy it or not.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I've seen the majority of statements on twitter tbh. Not naming names ofc. You should be able to find them if you surf around recent dbd tweets.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    You should tell that to the killers who chase you forever and until you go down because of Bloodlust, not skill.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    DCing is a jerk move

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I mean, someone who plays Spirit does not want the other side to have fun. Same for Survivors who burn Haddonfield - they dont want the other side to have fun.

    And Killers can also have fun against SWFs. I they would accept that they also lose because they are simply not good enough and not because of SWF. :)

    Well, it was half a joke, but as I have written above, someone who plays Spirit does not want the other side to have fun. And yes, I wont change my opinion on that one. (This is the main reason why I dont like playing Spirit myself)

    And well, while it will get better when the DC-penalty is enabled again, you will never avoid players DCing for various reasons. So I dont care that much anymore.

    (E.g. yesterday a Jeff DCed against a Blight after their first down... A Meg DCed soon afterwards. I was not really bothered by those two DCs, I was more bothered that the Blight wanted to slug my SWF-Mate and myself for 4 minutes, because "we" ruined his game...)

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    I know that you can have fun against SWF.

    I do have alot of fun against SWF as long as they are not toxic.

    Just like i have fun playing against Spirit as long as they play nice.

    Dont act like all spirit players are toxic and dont care about the fun of others. You really show ypur bias here.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    I don’t think so. Until dbd addresses certain killer mechanics that are either busted or just unfair, they are begging for dcs. Games should be fun, not a constant grind of misery.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I don't have a recent memory of a killer doing that and winning hard tbh. If you hit BL2 in all chases gens are gonna go flying.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    People DC against the Twins? Seriously? First I've heard of it. What does that say about you, as a player, if you DC against one of the bottom three killers in the game. . .

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Twins are far away from being weak. And they are one of the most unfun Killers to go against, you get hit by Victors Hitbox (which is around the size of a bus) and spend the majority of the match slugged.

    Obviously that people DC against Twins. Not that I would do that myself, but I also always lose my will to live when I hear the sound of Victor being released.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    @Aven_Fallen I'm sorry, but what? Since when is Victor's hitbox been an issue? I've always had to hit center mass on a survivor to get something out of it, otherwise I fly right through them.

    Now, if you had mentioned the Twins camp/slug playstyle, I could see merit in that, but a hitbox? Really?

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I play Killer more and I really don't enjoy it because usually it's just a stomp :/

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    This is a screen from another Thread. He hit me where the blood is, you can see that I was not really near it. I did not move. Thats a pretty big Hitbox.

    (The Screen is older and the DCed guy took the penalty, which was active back then...)

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    @Aven_Fallen Is that the hitbox, or latency, though? It's like grabs and Dead Hard. Much of the time they fail is due to the server connection.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No killer mechanics are objectively unfun, everyone find different things fun and unfun. I for one love facing strong chase killers, spirit included and even when I agree with some nerfs, I'm 100% against many of the major things that very suggested to ruin her.

    Besides, survivors have the same things that can be considered "unfun" which doesn't entitle killers to just quit without punishments whenever they feel like they're not having fun. Neither side should quit unless it's an emergancy.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,933

    Dogs would agree with that, since they... yeah.. well... do certain things.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    To an extent. Guess that depends on who you find. Survivors I find on PS4 seem not to be able to do anything right.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Is it? They're just playing a killer. The killer may not be fun to go against, but there's so much crap in this game that isn't fun to go against that it's not really fair to single out someone whose probably just playing a killer they like.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,838

    My friend and I were queued up one night and ran into 4 freddy’s pre nerf. On the 4th one he just disconnected and quit playing the rest of the night.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298

    So pathetic.