Dear devs : stop listening to Otz

latly Dbd not enjoyable anymore thanks to all these bugs and unreasonable nerfs and buffs
i follow otz and I noticed every single thing he complained or point at is always heard
he complain about DS and its useless now
And killers still slug anyway
loops that reworked and change due to his opinion
bt is also change
like high ping and bugs aren’t enough
listening to Otz as the most powerful streamer killer in Dbd is like letting AI run the earth and dominate it
Dbd now is unbearable frustrating
please consider main survivors streamers opinions too
its hard to play fair game when only main killer is the only side devs listen to
Yeah, thats why they nerfed hillbilly. Because killer mains wanted it.
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That... isn't the case at all.
The devs don't listen to anyone.
Plus, Otz plays both sides really, really well. He's respected for a reason.
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No single person should have a more influential voice on the outcome of a game (or how other people respond to the game, for that matter) than any other, especially one who has financial interest in how that game is shaped in the future.
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Yeah otz really wanted all these bugs and all those issues you mentioned were things that a large majority of the community agreed on. Also the BT change was by and large a buff so idk ######### you are on about with that one.
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DS was balanced, and in fact follows more along the lines of what i kept suggesting a year ago than Otz's
Killer slugging still happens because sometimes a killer does not have time to pick you up. If they're waiting out your DS on you, then it's no different to before, so this point is moot no matter how you spin it and is 0 sum.
Many loops did need changing; as someone who plays both sides, it was easy to see what he was talking about.
BT got buffed overall, as a wave of perks and abilities that countered it are now rendered useless against it, and all it cost was 3 seconds. Many people would agree that a more dependable BT was worth 3 seconds.
Otz isn't the only person listened to, Streamers across the spectrum (and even me, a random, assuming my DS idea was what was taken) are listened to. What this post here is, is a demand that only you and who repeats what you say should be listened to.
In any case the game is still broken for both sides anyway.
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I remember that time when Otz said that victor should have a longer cooldown after landing a hit
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Is he the reason why RPD got turned off?
I'm just messing with you OP. I think they listen to some stuff, but not a lot. If that was the case, we'd have constant updates
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Yeah, Devs just listen to Otz. That's why Trapper has 2 traps as base. Oh wait...
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To be fair I don't think survivors wanted it either. I know I didn't. I was on the forum before they started talking about changing him and I don't remember seeing anyone complain about him. I'm sure there could have been one or two post but ultimately I didn't see any.
If they nerfed Billy I'm sure they did it out of their own volition and not because they listened to a side (I could be wrong though)
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I agree. You won’t find honest discussion on here sadly. This is killer main central and they’ll gang up on you to say it’s your fault, your bad at the game, and statistics aren’t real. It’s every post but you’re right. Basing a game on the skill of a red rank dude who plays 8 hours a day is not healthy for the regular play base and it shows. Survivor sucks to play. It’s basically a kill simulator for killers now to get easy 4K games each round.
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This is just not true, he did not ask for Billy nerfs or the DS nerf. He did not ask for these buffs, I watch him everyday and he great at both sides.
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I've noticed that the developers, and this community in general, seem to pay much more attention to what streamers are doing than pretty much any other gaming community I've been involved in. I myself have no interest in "e-celebs" in general and have been exposed to several that really rubbed me the wrong way (my reactions to whom are why I'm in forum jail at the moment, lol) so I admittedly have a clear bias. I don't watch them.
As such, because I don't watch them, I don't know what they specifically say (unless it's recounted here) or whether they seem like decent people worth listening to. If other people like them and want to watch them that's their prerogative. I've just noticed that their thoughts and opinions seem to hold a lot of sway here, for better and / or worse.
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Thats what I mean. Devs really don't listen to one side or the other and they don't favour any side either.
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Otz is not just a killer main. He has a great game sence as survivor as well.
Killers slug because sometimes it's nessessary. It's silly to expect killer find couple of injured survivors in one place and just down one of them. Killer will slug first and chase second survivor. No matter if he has DS or not. As survivor you choose to play injured or heal. Slug 4 healthy survivors off the bat is absolutely impossible. So it's mostly your fault you being slugged.
Also some killers on this forum slug unhooked survivor because they don't want to look like tunnelers and give you chance to be picked up.
BT was buffed so now it will protect from stealth campers and distant hatchets.
And I don't remember any loops were reworked. Main buildings still allow you to waste killer's time effectively.
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Otz could single handedly give BHVR every solution to fix the game but he'll be ignored.
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The devs do not listen to Otz or anyone else. At best they base every decision off their strange data collection that tells them things like "Pig is the strongest killer at red ranks".
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0/10 bait post. Every single point here is incorrect. It's amazing how the OP strung this all together but none of it is true.
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Using your example, why shouldn’t you be losing to someone who puts in more hours? If you were able to go toe to toe with someone who has put in more time and win, that would tell me something is very wrong with the game. You aren’t entitled to win because you own the game. People who play more than you will be better. It’s common sense.
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To be fair, nobody wanted it.
As for Otz, he and Tofu are the to most fair minded DbD streamers in my opinion.
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Otz literally said that he’s given up giving advice to the developers because they don’t listen, and everything you mentioned was complained about by the general playerbase too.
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Devs only listen to their stats and ignore everything else.
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They don't listen to Otz, they don't listen to anyoneunless the entire community comes together to scream about something for years, which is what happened with DS.
Also, BT was buffed, slugging is the nicest way of winning, and they've been buffing already strong loops for about a year now.
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Dear Devs: Stop listening to players who don't play both sides like op
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Ah yes the Otz, who wanted old Undying nerfed and made long videos how Spirit should be nerfed.
Typical killer main that doesnt understand balance at all. Dunno what you smoking but I want some
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Otz being a killer AI is now canon in my book
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Otz made a video talking about how spirit's add-ons are problematic.
But I guess the devs should stop listening to otz.
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So what, you wanna get him cancelled too?
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Otz needs to start complaining about keys then, smh
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Okay then, you want a discussion but start the post in an offensive way with a nice ad hominem to everyone who does not agree with the OP. Also you straight up rule out that it could be the fault of the survivor and say that the other side does not listen to statistics.
Please tell me which statistic you are talking about.
Also tell me what is the expectation you have for a Killer? How many hooks / kills should a Killer get or do you measure the perfomance of a Killer in a different way.
We need to get some groundwork done before we can discuss this topic.
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I've noticed a few posters recently who's posts consist almost entirely of denigrating 'killer mains' and referring to this as a 'killer main forum'.
Very curious......
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At this point you and a couple others are whining and playing victim more than the killer mains.
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I'm afraid your logic is faulty. Otz is just one of thousands that complained about DS and the other things. They DEV have proven time and time again that they don't give the Streamers anymore weight than they do the rest of us. It is merely YOU who are assigning that authority to the guy, not them. The DEV go by their own internal metrics first and our yammering last.
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Yes, Otz is the only killer ever to complain about DS.
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That's not the case, even if it was he's right most of the time. That's why it happens.
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C'mon, you're really gonna give attention to a Sluzzy-like?
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Un fortunately u r right
they measure the survivors power by the idea of SWF which is only 10% of survivors community
i play solo all the time and its a very very hard to escape
not to forget to mention thats Otz “with all respect to him an his playstyle and his amazing kind personality”
he is complaining about iron well and unbreakable now
and he forgot stridor and instadown addons and all perks and addons that easily can counter these two perks
he forgot blood trail and scratches like its not enough
i read all comments I respect all of u guys and ur opinions
but u have to see the game from a solo survivor prospective
guys please be reasonable
devs please get normal Ds back again it was barley survive us and nerf noed at least give us an exposed statue effect before anyone get down or make it like corrupt intervention 187sec
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I'll never stop listening to that sexy spanish man till the end of time
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Oh, yes let's not listen to the guy who has made proposed changes that will fix so many issues of the game. And with those changes that the majority of the community wants. And has proposed changes that are better for both sides. Actually listen to everything he says please.
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You do realize he's been an advocate for a Spirit nerf? Right? The most hated killer in the game. And the fact the majority of the community wanted to nerf DS. And it wasn't just him who wanted it. Right?
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Ah, yes they definitely listen to him. That's why Spirit still hasn't been changed. And your daily reminder the statistics say Nurse is the worst killer in the game.
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And why don't you like the BT buff?
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Im sure if billy was his main he will be buffed im not attacking Otz himself im talking about the idea of make survivor meta perks useless based on main killer opinions
lets see killers meta perks
BbQ no change
NOED no change
Ruin Nerfed and then super buffed by undying
its actually a killer sided game already
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BBQ has 4 in game counters that require no perks. And mobility only utilizable by a few killers. And this game isn't biased to either side.
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I play a lot of survivor, and I've played a LOT of solo survivor lately. I run DS every match. I have no problem with the way it works now, because I didn't abuse it before. Asking for old DS back isn't asking for conditions of the perk to operate to prevent a tunnelling situation -- the current parameters of the perk work the same as they did before if a killer is coming for you immediately after an unhook.
Otzdarva has forgotten more about how to play DBD than most of the people commenting in this thread have learned -- myself included. If he was being paid to balance the game, it would probably be in a better state than it is now, but he's made it clear before that his suggestions, like other Fog Whisperers, are often not listened to. But if the developers actually did pay attention to someone, I would 1000X rather it be him than the vast majority of people who complain constantly here about things that aren't a result of a problem with the game, but with their own skill levels at it.
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It is an asymmetrical game its killer sided from the beginning but now it’s extremely asymmetrical
DS change is so wrong so so wrong for a solo survivor it’s useless
dbd is not a mode game u can choose and play based on that
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Remember that one time Otz insisted that Trapper is fine and doesn't need any buffs, just a visual rework for him to look more up to date?
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Old DS was horrendously abusable and needed the nerf. And no this game isn't biased.
Survivors have maps like Badham Preschool, The Game, Groaning Storehouse, and Gas Heaven.
Killers have maps like Shelter Woods, Wrecker's Yard, Dead Dawg Saloon, and Midwich
Survivors have perks like Dead Hard, Unbreakable. and BT
Killers have perks like PGTW, Ruin, and NOED.
Survivors have Med-Kits that heal in an instant
Killers have add-ons that boost their power to another level
Have more proof to show bias? Beyond a change requested from the majority of the community
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didn't otz get outed paying his friends to play with him?
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Ds is not useless now. If you genuinely think it is you suck at the game.
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the whole point of Noed is to have a chance when you get genrushed, or to give survivors the incentive to waste time on totems if there are no hex perks. It gets merely 20 secs to do a totem that spawns always besides or very close to a gen (plus if you cleansed one and follow a pentagram shape they are not hard to find, sometimes). It’s also very unlikely that the common killer will be so experienced to slug and do a 4K with it, they usually camp the hook and so you have time to look for the totem. If they still get 1 kill the killer will still depip, if the survivor that has been killed played well, he will still pip. It’s a perk for when you lose the game or for killer playing in comps. During the game when gens aren’t finished, the killer is playing with 3 perks since noed do nothing during that time.
BBQ, like others said, has already counters that don’t require surv perks (fake direction, locker, hiding behind gens, baiting away from uncompleted gens), and has counters with surv perks (distortion from jeff, sole survivor from laurie, off the record from zarina, quick and quiet to jump in lockers faster, spine chill to get distance).
I’m sure if you get to high purple ranks you will rarely see those perks, bbq is still super popular because of bloodpoints lol, if they put the 100% on spies from the shadow perk, people will use that instead of bbq.
by the way, BBQ it’s useful but not broken, it’s very needed to get info on huge maps where it would became a guessing game of which gens surv are repearing, most of the time it’s useful to snowball