Did they disable DC penaltys?

I DCed due to my entire team killing themselves on hook against a hag, and just wanted out of it, it was farther into the match (Not early) but i got no penalty when i was in the lobby after, is it disabled or was it a glitch?
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Yes, due to all the crashes and instability. The ensuing behavior in everyone's games is a phenomenal argument for why the DC penalty exists.
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It’s free wins for killer right now. Slap on lethal pursuer, down someone in the first 20 seconds of the game, and collect your DC.
SWFs are abusing it like usual. Literally one of best things that has happened to me in DBD to date was a SWF offering Haddo and also abusing the exploit where you can’t pick up on the basement stairs.
Finally tunnel one out, and have 3 slugs next to the hatch. I’m BMing the survivor on the hook when two DC at the same time so the third guy gets hatch but it doesn’t open because the guy on the hook still needed to die first. EZ.
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Why bm someone? And why did you not hook the others?
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Haddonfield offering is enough to do that.
He also said, they abused glitch spots.
It was also an SWF group, so...
Do you need more reasons than that to stop being nice?
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He could’ve just killed them and moved on though, so people really waste their time like that?
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In most cases it is the need to make a payback, revenge. Fighting fire with fire.
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I uninstalled last night, wasted a good 4 hours of my life trying to play this game and every game was utter garbage. Either the killer DCs or the survivors DC or the killers play with the worst tactics imaginable forcing survivors to DC via tunneling and hook camping. Ill reinstall when I can be bothered to deal with this BS again.
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The game is more fun for me. It’s like i can pick the maps i want to play on as killer. As survivor, I never have to dc since I don’t get screwed over by maps or fight spirit at all. When I’m fighting a 3 man i just don’t kick and it makes the game fun