Killers are OP? Ehm, how about NO!!!

Its really funny how many people here say that Killers are op or the devs favour Killers.
Yesterday i played two rounds. First round was very intense and both sides played really good. The most fun match i had in dbd. And i won with 1 Gen on 99%.Next match was the complete opposite. Then Gens where popping and all got survs got away. Bad for me. But this is 50% of the time im playing. I win , i loose... etc etc
Thats how it goes. Sometimes i loose 3 matches in a row, then i win 3 matches. And that is op? I cant understand this opinion...not a bit.
In my opinion the game is fairly balanced right now and neither survivor or killer is OP.
What we need now is the better matchmaking to see how balanced the game actually is or its not
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Exactly...100% behind you
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The game is mostly balanced right now, just not in a good way.
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I mean you can't really judge the entire balance of the game on your experiences alone.
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I think they need some match tracking ability where they collect data of balance because we as players can't really judge balance because each one of us has different experience but in my own opinion game is pretty balance for both sides right now and it's been in best state for both sides since release idk just my opinion
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Sample size of 1 is not conducive to anything is it?
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*sigh* sorry for not making an offical statistic about it. But most of the people i saw on yt or my friends are for the most part my opinion. But what do you think? Killers op? Or wrong matchmaking?
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The thing is the statistics are heavily favored for killer. Every killer has above a 50% kill rate and the majority have like 65% and up. I don't think this is because killers are OP (I think a few are) but because the matchmaking is really bad and it always matches good killers against bad survivors.
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Yeah thats actually what i meant. Matchmaking is bad, but i think that killers to survs are balanced not the complete game for itself.
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Well if we're talking about the highest level play then yeah it's probably balanced in the favor of survivors but in the average game the statistics show that killer is favored.
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Exactly. High performance of gameplay are balanced toward survivors and only a few killers can handle the best premades (spirit, nurse, blight...).
BUT.....if we talk about Solo Q.... Solo Q is hell and it´s totally killer-sided.
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I agree with solo. But how can that be fixed, without changing the game completely?
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Bring on mmr. Sadly they are going to cap it or expand rank search like they do now so swf don't need to wait for an actually equally skilled killer.....
That was quite evident after Dowsey waited 2 hours for a game the first test but didn't need to this test.
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Not really. kills are literally trash to look for balance in this game. Think to yourself how many games you have died and got a pip anyway. Now think of how many games you did all 5 gens with everyone alive and the killer for a 2-4k from everyone trying to save ONE PERSON.
I see that crap constantly when i play survivor and it annoys me that it will be used to push the narrative that KiLleR Is fINe LoOk At ThE StaTs
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Solos need communication system like other strategy games have. A voice command and and a ping system.
This way Solo players will be able to coordinate and play like a team. They won´t be destroyed by a camper and tunneler killer. Their level of coordination would approach then to the SWF level.
And is at that point where Behaviour can do the appropiate balance and buffs on week killers so they can handle SWF (nowadays IMO, only nurse, spirit and blight can deal good premades). I mean, any killer can handle a public match vs Solo Q. Before balancing the game the gap between SWF and Solo Q must be reduced. You can´t buff weak killers right now because those weak killers like the clown or trapper can win on solo Q with no problem .
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Killers are not OP. At the top end, maybe oppressive, but certainly not OP.
The issue is that if you have good game sense and experience, you probably win more than 75% of your games. Maybe even more.
With a lot of playing time as killer or survivor, killer is honestly a little too easy if you're running good perks and good add-ons.
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No i was guys would have destroyed me if i were ghostface. 😂
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I pretty much never see anyone claim killers are OP
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Killers certainly aren't OP as a group, however certain killers are a bit overturned strength-wise.
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That's a weak argument as balance doesn't come down to how often you win and lose. It comes down to HOW you win or lose.
If a killer played very badly but still managed to win most of his matches would you say killers were in a good spot?
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Who the hell says killers are OP? Anyone that's played more than one month knows SWF is the power role. They're second only to RNG.
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Ehhh... The only killer that's strong is nurse.
Hate me for saying it, but Spirit is overrated.