What nicknames do you call your killers?

Greetings DbD players, it's time for a new question!

If I see a Hag in my game, I'd be like "It's Haggy". What about you? Do you have nicknames for your killers? Feel free to share.



  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I have a lot.

    Trapper, Clown, Myers, and Nemesis: Big Guy

    Pyramid Head: Doritohead (duh)

    Blight: The incredible pinball

    Legion: Not really a nickname but I like to purposely misspell all of their names.

    Trickster: The guy who throws knives

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    Deathslinger is usually midnight man

  • Forrestgump
    Forrestgump Member Posts: 60

    I dont know why but i always call the doctor just herbert.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168

    Michael - Mikey, Miguel, or Mookel.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Not nicknames but I tend to use their real names.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    Bing Bong Boi

    Lola Bunny


    The Hash Ringing Slasher

    Vommy Mommy

    THE Ghostface

    Those are the ones I can think of

  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110

    Doctor-Doctor of love

    Deathslinger-Legion with a string

    Ghost face-Claudette with a mask

    Michael-Uncle Mike

    Clown-Fat boy


    The Huntress-Mrs. Tapp

    Everyone else I just cuss.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited June 2021

    I'm boring, I just call them their killer name.

    Except Legion, Plague and Deathslinger, I call them Suzie/Legon, Adiris/Plag and Slinger/Shooty McFace.

    Edit: Also Bam Bam.

    Edit edit: or Bonk Bonk.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,303

    Trapper - El Trappo

    GF - Charles Ghostiekins

    Nothing for Oni apart from Oni way is Essex

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 203

    Piggy piggy=the pig

    Pukey pukey=plague

    Ding dong=wraith


    Pistol pete=deathslinger


    Big Mike=Michael Meyers

    Amazon and her baby= twins


    Here comes the trapper.....gingersnaps

    Hagitha or cricket lookin b!tch if shes wearing the bug lookin skin lol (backstory to that is I was tunneled to death by one in a bug skin for popping her devour hope hex and I was like Fk your hex you cricket lookin b!tch!) Lol

    Burnt hotdog=freddie

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Trapper: Snap Snap the Trap Trap

    Clown: Hoonkers

    Legion: That one survivor with a knife

    Pig: Peppa

    Lastly, Victor (not the Twins, Victor himself): 0:02 - 0:10

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    Blight is Florida Man

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2021

    Me and my friends have a couple of names for some of the killers:

    Hag = Hagitha 🤣

    Nurse = Nursula (as in Ursula with an n in front of it)

    Hillbilly = Billy

    Plague = Vommy Mommy

    Victor = Smeagul / The Bebe

    Trapper = Le Trapper (usually in a French accent, dunno why lol)

    Freddy = Frederick

    Pig/Amanda = Piggy

    Demogorgon = Demo

    For survivors, we sometimes joke around whenever a surv queues up in the lobby with us/we play as a specific surv:

    Meg = Megan / Megara

    Dwight = Dwighty-poo

    Jake = Parkman

    Nea = we just pronounce Nea weird the whole time, we pronounce it differently than the way everybody else does, we don't pronounce it as "Nee-a", we pronounce it as "Ney-a" for some reason, think I started pronouncing it that way by accident and the rest followed suit (although they got me into the game, although I knew about it from the launch from Youtubers playing it together - my friends played the game a bit before me and then I joined them).

    Claudette = Claudetty / De-tjie (in Afrikaans, so a lot may not understand that one)

    Bill = Billiam

    David = We pronounce it like Moira pronounces David in Schitt's Creek, just because we find it funny

    Tapp = Tepp

    Jeff = My friend always makes the "my name is Jeff" joke

    Yui - Yoohooooi

    Steve = Schteve / Stephen

    Zarina = Used to call her Jasmine cause the one cosmetic looks a lot like Princess Jasmine's outfit from Aladdin

    We also have a couple of things we say when we see on which map we load into:

    The Game = "You wanna play a game?" / "Let's play a game, shall we?"

    Dead dawg saloon = The Wild West

    Macmillan = Mackie-millan

    Backwater swamp = "Get outta my swamp" (reference from Shrek)

    Lerys Memorial = Leryyyys (again in a French accent...apparently we think we can speak French a lot of the time🤣)

    Haddonfield = "Ughhhh, okay, here we go guys" 🤣

    We also have a nickname for Coldwind Farm, but it might upset some people, so not gonna repeat it here. Some may find it in poor taste.

    My one friend played against Nem for the first time last night and called the zombies zoomer boomers (they took a particular liking to him, they only seemed to target him 😂)

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49
    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Triangle Top

    Bing Bong

    Ghostie Boy

    Nurse Rachet

    Evil Clint Eastwood

  • Itooshie
    Itooshie Member Posts: 174

    Only a few interesting ones.

    GF = Shyguy

    The Twinkster

    Demo = Demi Lavato

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    They usually come naturally in game when I play them.. the ones I can think of is

    Geometry Head - PH

    Vommy Mommy - Plague

    Piggy - Pig

    Shot - slinger

    Zappy - Doc

    Bing Bong - Wraith

    Gassy - Clown

    Demo - Demogorgon

    Pinball - Blight

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Bing bong (wraith)

    Fat ######### (clown)

    Can i dc? (Spirit)

    Traffic cone man (pyramid head)

    Booba (bubba)

    Dababy (twins)

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2021

    I like to change my name to BootyBabyBubba sometimes when I use Bubba.

    Otherwise as survivor when I see these killers:

    Bubba = Boobiss

    Huntress = Beach Ball Bi---

    Pig = Piglet

    Billy = Silly Billy

    Demo = Demogorgiss

    Hag = Hagatha

    Legion = Leg-E-On

    and that's about it, everyone else I call them by their actual names for the most part.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Vommy mommy for plague is classic

    I tend to call survivors by one of their perks. Example Adam will always be Deliverance. David is Dead Hard, Jeff is Breakdown, Meg is SB, you get the picture 😂

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2021

    We all call them by nicknames unless you're using their actual name

    Herman - Doctor

    Sally - Nurse

    Evan - Trapper

  • sumps1
    sumps1 Member Posts: 66


    many female killer = Margaret

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    Hag = Hagitha

    Doctor = Shock Jock

    Wraith was actually ghostface until... You know... Also "Ugly Breathing" because my friend often forgot the English word for him.

    Bubba = Basement Buddy (was made before his reworks, when Insidious Leatherface was the norm)

    Trickster: Jimin and because of it, I make sure to very overtly show how unafraid of him every time I am against one.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Spirit = *sigh*

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Bubba = Läderlappen (google it!)

    Pyramid head = Pizzahead

    Wraith = Bingo Bongo (bingo bango bongo song)

    Demo = Demodoggo

    Freddy = Frieda

    Deathslinger = Mendslinger

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389


  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Pyramid Head: Phineas

    Legion: Zoomy Gang

    Amanda: Miss. Piggy

    Doctor: Zappy Man

    Trapper: Ankle Breaker

    Spirit/Wraith: Invisi-#########

    Blight: Zoomy 2.0

    Nurse: Nursery

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    Pinball Wizard - Blight

    Dickslinger - Deathslinger

    Bubba or Booba - Cannibal

    Amanda Panda - Pig

    Miguel - Myers

    Needledick - Trisker

    Billy Wiskey - Hillbilly

    Nemmy - Nemesis

    Bam Bam - Oni

    Weegin - Legion

    Smurfette - Spirit

    Dorito Hat - Pyramid Head

    Bunny Mama - Huntress

    Pops - Trapper

    Vomit Comet - Plague

    Ghostie Boi - GF

    Nurse is Nurse, outta respect, or Console Nurse for the rarest of the rarest breed

  • The_Arr_Red
    The_Arr_Red Member Posts: 42

    I use a lot of nicknames for killers in my games!


    Trapper = Trapper because perfection

    Hillbilly = Billy

    Wraith = Bing bong boi

    Nurse = Snurse

    The Shape = Daddy Myers

    Hag = Hag because boring

    Doctor = Herman the German and we act like his shocks are farts

    Huntress = *untress (just go through the alphabet)

    Cannibal = Bubba

    Nightmare = Fredward

    Pig = Miss Piggy

    Clown = *iconic coughing*

    Spirit = Smurf

    Legion = Frank or not Frank

    Plague = Vommy Mommy

    Ghostface = Ghosto Facu (and we breath heavily after we stun him)

    Demogorgon = Is a pretty Flower

    Oni = Onii Chan Daisuki!

    Deathslinger = *Urgh*

    Executioner = Toblerone Daddy

    Blight = Rpg boss (that is what his chase music sounds like)

    Twins = Kick the baby

    Trickster = Oh no K-Pop

    Nemesis = SM Daddy

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Wraith = Walking gelatine or in German (Laufender Wackelpudding) because he looks like gelatine when running around cloaked

    Myers = Mischl (german nickname for Michael, there is also Michi)

    Huntress = La La La La La (after playing vs her for the 2.348th time)

    Leatherface = Booba

    Pig = Piggy uwu

    Spirit = Press M2 to outplay

    Plague = not really a nickname but we say "Du kotzt mich an alte" which basically means "you annoy me woman" but when translated 1:1 it means "you puke on me woman", which kinda fits unironically.

    Demogorgon = It's DemoPls

    Oni = It's Oni Chan

    Deathslinger = Todesbote (it's literally his name in German but I find it so dumb xD)

    Executioner = 4head

    Blight = it's *improvised Blight noises*

    Twins = The Cringes

    Trickster = It's the Depipster or "the best Killer in the world"

    Nemesis = Trashbagman

    On Survivor side:

    Dwight = Dweet

    Meg = Megathron

    Claudette = Blendy

    Jake = Jacke (which means jacket)

    Nea = N-E-A

    Laurie = Scarecrow

    Ace = A-C-E Saft (A-C-E Juice, healthy juice with fruits)

    Bill = Rechnung (since bill is also a receipt)

    Feng = Deadly Toaster (me and 2 friends played with a very special Feng who had this name, the friends PTSD is showing every time we have a Feng in our lobby

    David = Daddy Dav... actually not. I've got a new one. David is just David.

    Quentin = Quantenphysik (quantum physics)

    Tapp = tap

    Kate = I don't know, she is my special Kate ☺️

    Jane = You don't wanna know

    Ash = This guy needs Iron Will 3

    Nancy = Nancy Wheelchair

    Steve = Steve Herings Sohn (herrings son)

    Yui = Motorbike accident

    Zarina Kassir = Zarina kassiert, Zarina massiert, Zarins radiert, Zarina flambiert (at that point I am just making fun of her 2nd name and rhyming it with every word porssible)

    Cheryl = Kirsche (which means Cherry)

    Felix = Lix

    Yun Yin = dooeh, doeeeeeh... and other weird wiggle noises

    Chris = Virtual BF ☺️

    Claire = Alles claire? (We say Alles klar, which basically means "is everything alright?"

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 203
  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 203

    I swear she looks like a preying mantis in the green and blue cosmetics of hers lol

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Wraith: Bing-Bong Man

    Hillbilly: Billy

    Shape: Myers

    Hag: Granny

    Doctor: Doc

    Nightmare: Frederick

    Pig: Oinker

    Clown: Fatass

    Legion: Edgy Teen

    Ghost Face: Scream

    Demogorgon: Demo

    PH: Pyramid Man

    Blight: Pinball Man

    Trickster: Tricky

    Nemesis: Nemmy

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I don't have any nicknames for killers...

    I think the closest one I've ever had was when I saw a Legion and sighed "it's pain in my [BAD WORD]"

  • worriedfeng03
    worriedfeng03 Member Posts: 82

    I sometimes refer to Pig as piggy or oinkers, and then I like to call Trickster "Flopster" and say to him in my head that his album tanked.

    Then there are the usual swears I like to call them in my head.

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568
  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568

    Demopuppy would have to be the best nickname for Demo.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I think I'm in the minority when I call Bubba Leatherface. I guess, being from Wisconsin and hearing all the references to Ed Gein in relation to the film, I never saw him as "Bubba". On a similar note I also call The Pig Amanda. I was a big fan of the Saw movies a decade before this game was released, I can't picture Shawnee Smith under the costume and think "Oh hey look who's chasing me, it's Pig".

    I also call The Doctor Doc.

    ...I guess that's it. I'm not very imaginative, am I?

  • Surginou
    Surginou Member Posts: 14

    Nurse - Asthmatic

    Spirit = Aahhhh......... :(

    Freddy = Freddy pandeiro


    Myers = OHN (STUNNED)

    Had = Bruxa veya/Ol' witch

    Doctor = HIHIHIHIHI

    Demogorgon = Cara de xoxota/p*ssy face

    Legion = Gangbang

    Huntress = Tap's Wife

    Pig = Trash

    Ghost face = Panico/Panic

    Pyramid Head = Cabeça de pica/Di*kHead


    Oni = (Rage screaming)

    Deathslinger = Clint eastwood

    Nemezis = Menezes (Brazil joke?)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    I don't do that. It's childish.

  • ethan99
    ethan99 Member Posts: 154

    Trapper = TrapMan

    Wraith = Bing Bong

    Hillbilly = AAAAH

    Nurse = Floating Tissue

    Myers = Daddy Myers

    Docter = Mister Giggles

    Huntress = Bunny

    Leatherface = Basement

    Freddy = Incredible Lunge

    Pig = Bacon

    Spirit = DC

    Legion = Migrane

    Demogorgan = Demo Dog

    Oni = Oniisan

    DeathSlinger = D*ckSlinger

    Pyramid Head = Triangle

    Blight = Sonic

    Nemesis = THICC

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