Your thoughts on crossplay
I mean, even as a console player I don't have much problem with it since nowdays I mostly play survivor (played killer a lot more before cp).
I see a lot of people bashing and mocking console players, which of course is nothing special since people hate each other based on other differences too. But sometimes I feel like we are unhealthy to this game because maybe we can't reach our full potential and we are holding the game down in some way.
Optimisation, controllers... etc.
Was crossplay really neccessary? Yes we can turn it off but we are left with less players we had before.
What do you guys think about crossplay in general? Was it a good step or nah?
Idk if it was necessary, but i'm not unhappy with crossplay thus far.
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I thought it was a good move tbh. I havent noticed any difference in the level of players as a killer, its all been the same. I think the only thing it makes a difference on is huntress nurse and maybe deathslinger
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I think it was a good step, yes PC players have an advantage kind of with the mouse, but I don't see to much of a difference as someone who plays Xbox. The wiggling is also more convenient on PC as well, meanwhile on console, you have to pretty much break your thumb to wiggle.
As someone who has mostly played console games since 2010, I am used to just playing on console, although there are some hiccups. I don't think DBD was the best game to do cross-platform with since playing on Nintendo Switch as killer vs 4 PC survivors must be an absolute nightmare.
In my personal opinion, they should've left PC players with platforms that were on the same level, at least until they could optimize their game better for other platforms.
This isn't supposed to be a PC vs Console take as both sides have their pros and cons, but this is supposed to be a take on how I think it could've gone better.
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Considering most of my friends are on PC while I'm a console pleb, crossplay was one of the best things to happen to DBD imo.
With that being said, there isn't much of an unfair advantage other than console optimization, which is good when compared to FPS games that have waaay more things holding it back.
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Right, i do still feel a bit bad for our console players.
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I don't like crossplay. This game was meant to be played with a M&K.
Controllers are okay, but not as good as a M&K.
If the devs wanted crossplay, they should have just kept it between Xbox and PlayStation users (and other similar platforms).
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I like to have it off sometimes because more people in the end game chat
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I would play with crossplay off when the queue times wouldnt be that bad.
I really dont want to play with hackers (they are getting more and more common for me) or streched res users.
I dont care for M&K or Crosshairs tho.
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Only thing that annoying is getting hackers and macro clicking from PC players.
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I also play in console and I feel it was a good step. Before cp I mostly face Huntress when playing survivor and before cp there is a wide killer variety.
I don't understand at all that pc vs console thing...
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They should implement pre and post game chat for crossplay that was you can communicate pre and post game and say gg to other platforms
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I do wish the would make it so you could stop crossplay with certain platforms, for example unchecking pc, but let it do crossplay with the other consoles.
Apart from some irritating moments such as scroll wheel hag it seems OK though except for Nintendo Switch being players being at a huge disadvantage with that versions performance.
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Or just ad m&k support for console...
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Adding M&K support would even the playing field. But I seriously doubt the devs will do that.
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They need to remove the autoaim feature from consoles. I hate that the devs assume we need to be helped to hit a survivor, when more often than not it just tugs us towards a wall we weren't even close to hitting.
I appreciate the thought, but I can kill pc survivors just fine on my own, thanks.
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Personally for me, I think crossplay works phenomenally compared to other games. Yeah. I'm fine with it
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I hate it and I think it was a complete waste of resources.
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I love cross play!!!!
My only wish is that I could message my other consol/ pc peeps :< I met a lot of people before cross play (good and bad but lots more good) and now... no one ;_;
Its a lonely solo q life.
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It's alright. I wish console also had access to the in-game chats though, it'd be nice to communicate with them.
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Crossplay shouldn't ever be a problem, if there are weaknesses on one side, they need to be addressed.
For example, controller joystick deadzones on console. These are bad, even by console game standards, and make playing a ranged killer much harder than it needs to be, and it's already harder than using a mouse to point and click on what you want to hit.
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I was actually just about to post this exact same thing.
I haven't noticed any problems that I can attribute to the existence of cross-play. To my mind the option simply provides more people to play with. Having grown up with consoles yet doing most of my gaming on the PC I also feel that all of the machines are valid and don't support the "console vs PC" debate at all.
People with mice may have quicker control (I play the PC version with a 360 controller - heresy, I know) but there are so many variables in this game that I doubt it makes a substantial statistical difference. Beyond that, all things are pretty much equal to me. The Switch Lite version is essentially a 1:1 port of the PC version, and I've played games that mingled the two in all possible configurations. All of it's the same to me. So I find cross-play fine, I just wish that console players could see and respond to my messages.
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I'd just like performance on Console's to be fixed.
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This is a perfectly valid desire.
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Another example is the performance issues that Console has faced for years.
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Since the new chapter I turned cp off console had been having major problems after the new chapter down to the point that the game is almost unplayable. Having to face PC players with half of ‘em running mod menu’s on top off that is just not good for my blood pressure.
the other problem I have with cp is that I encounter a lot more hackers when it’s enabled. PC players can just make numerous new accounts when banned whereas we on console are stuck with the one account… yes we can create a new account but we’ll have to pay $60 to play online with said account so yeah…
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There are more people playing on other platforms that what you are, so there is a higher chance of getting crossplay players, and since everyone is bad, this gives the impression that people from X platform are super bad.
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They've already said it would take too much time & work, plus require a UI overhaul as well, so I doubt it ever happens.
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overall I'm quite happy with Cross play. Honestly this is one game where the differences between M&K and Controller isn't huge so it works out nicely... except for ranged killers but console killers already had trouble with that.
The only part I'm a little sad about is that my end game lobbies are a lot quieter.
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I get faster games now that I play with PC people. I'm almost always the only console player in the lobby, but that's not surprising with the way DBD treats console players. But yeah, the PC people who like to ######### on console gamers is always amusing to me. But I guess they need something to make them feel special.