Create a New Mori for a Killer

Ghostface sneak ups on the Downed Survivor & slits their Throat ,then turns body & pulls out a pen to Draw on their Face(He writes Ghostface on their face on the Obsession,& on non obsessions draws poorly Ghostface mask on them)
Trapper forces the Survivors Head into a BearTrap and then Activates it. He Then Proceeds to Stomp the Survivors head into the ground.
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Kinda similar to his already existing one, but I got one for Blight.
Blight slams his cane down on the survivors kneecaps, breaking them. He then repeatably bash's his cane into the survivors torso until it gets stuck. After that, he takes out a syringe of Blighted Serum and injects it directly into the survivors eye. As their skull bubbles and melts, he rips his cane back out of the survivors torso and stands back to admire his work.
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I like your idea for a new mori, but only allow to be used while crouched, rather than replacing the current animation.
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Oni - Kneels survivor down and slices there head off.
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Ace: Ace Throws a bunch of cards at the survivor (all of which are Aces) while doing stylish poses, he then gives the survivors an autograph and then an unexplained extra Ace card flies down and pins the autograph on the survivor.
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I'm just gonna assume the one i'm killing is a Jake or whatever, to make writing this more easy.
Sorry, Jake mains.
wraith (starting the kill animation while uncloaked)
Wraith moves to stand over Jake's body, Wraith's feet planted to Jake's sides.
Wraith takes his Wailing Bell in his free hand and smashes it down on the back of Jake's head, the bell ringing loudly once.
Smashing Jake's head with the Wailing Bell also makes Jake's body phase in and out of the Spirit World in a second or 2, which Jake's body can't handle, leaving a few Lightburn marks on Jake's body once he's done phasing, and these marks fade out in a few seconds.
(If you don't know what Lightburn marks are: I'm talking about the shiny particles on Wraith's body whenever he (un)cloaks and gets Lightburned.)
Wraith does this 2 more times, and with the 3rd smash, Jake's head splits open from the back, killing him.
Jake's body goes in and out of the Spirit World during these smashes as well and these also leave Lightburn marks, and all Lightburn marks fade eventually.
Wraith puts the Wailing Bell away, steps away from the body, and that's the end of it.
wraith (starting the kill animation while cloaked)
Wraith moves to stand with one foot on Jake's back.
Wraith partially uncloaks, revealing only his lower left arm, which is the arm that holds the Wailing Bell.
He keeps this arm uncloaked and then starts ringing the bell.
Due to Wraith directly touching Jake and ringing the Wailing Bell, this forces to Jake start going into the Spirit World as well.
However, because of lore reasons (
My theory: The Entity altered Wraith's body to allow him full access to the Spirit World.
), Jake can't enter the Spirit World fully.Wraith keeps ringing the Wailing Bell repeatedly, but Jake doesn't get cloaked fully, with only his head still uncloaked at some point.
Eventually, his eyes, nose and ears start bleeding from the insane pressure, coughing up blood as well, clearly in agony until he finally dies.
Wraith stops ringing his Wailing Bell, fully uncloaking Jake's body.
He recloaks his arm and steps off of Jake's body, and that's the end of it.
The latter option does mean that the Wraith would now have the ability to start a killing animation while cloaked, something he currently can't do.
But c'mon, giving him this option wouldn't be bad, right?
I DID imagine Wraith pulling out the skull and spine or the entire head and spine for his uncloaked kill animation, but it's just not realistic.
And i don't mean: "A man couldn't possibly do that!"
I mean that it's not how the game was build, they'd either censor the kill and spawn in a head that he rips off, or it'd be like Demogorgon: You'd expect him to bite the head off, but it's just a lil nom nom. You'd expect Wraith to rip the head off, but he just snaps their neck.
So i just opted to not do that idea.
This goes for the Lightburn marks as well: They fade out because the devs just don't do permanent damage on Survivor bodies.
Wraith's Lightburn marks also fade over time, so them fading on Jake is still accurate to me.
Besides, ripping out the skull and spine isn't THAT original: Many people thought of it before and it'd also be like Predator, and while i know that Wraith has quite a few similarities to Predator, i would prefer if he's more his own thing.
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Freddy does...this:
Skip to 0:34 and you will see.
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You sly bastard
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I want there is some struggle from survivors. This can be an alternate mori if he has trap on his hand.
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I feel like everybody’s trapper idea is the same so here is a different one.
The trapper arms the trap in his hand while he’s holding it and as the survivor turns over sitting up he swings it into their face snapping it shut, he then grabs the traps with both hands and gives it a sharp twist. CRACK. He then tears it off.
Can make the animation only trigger if the trapper has a trap in his inventory, keep the original animation in there for nostalgia to be triggered on activating a mori with no traps in your inventory.
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Clown just manifests a diving board out of thin air, and then bellyflops onto the survivor.
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Sounds familiar (wink wink)
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Second mori, only usable from a crouched state. The Pig corners her prey, who crawls away begging for mercy. After getting up in the Survivor's grill, the Pig silently orders them to BOOP her by pointing to her snout. A terrified and shaky survivor performs the boop. Pig stands up, and the survivor runs off screen, leaving the trial for good.
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I would only want them to creat moris looking realistic because right now they look like potato mixed with Pink spray and not actual blood
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I wish the Devs would go all out on animations in this game and give us mori's akin to MK Fatalities. Mori's just seem lazy.
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I think a cool idea if the devs are willing is to let us do a more competition so whatever the highest rated one is, would be chosen
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Nemesis - breaks both legs with tentacle and as your crawling zombies eat your face
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Wraith: place his bell on top of a survivor and rings it three time and each time he does it harder. The head would explode on the last hit which would splash a lot of blood. He would then scream.
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Quintin looks u in the eyes. Bam ded
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I agree completely. We need more violence, more blood.
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This is bullcrap, I had this same idea, How dare you steal it. Lol I'm joking of course. This should be the definitive Mori for him. For extra lols they could add the Trapper "Theme song" from the parody videos on youtube.
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Billy turns the survivor around, laying on their back. He pins them down, brutally opening their mouth with his hammer, until their jaw is broken. While still pinning them down, he revs up his chainsaw and chainsaws in their stomach while they attempt to scream. Billy wields his hammer and shakes the blood off.
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I couldn't do just one-
Hillbilly: Skewers the survivor with his chainsaw, lifts them into the air and turns it on, showers in blood
Demo: Drags the survivor into the upside down and well uh eats them
Twins (Mori when controlling Victor): Victor latches onto the face of the survivor and after a bit of struggle, tears and bites it into a bloody pulp.
Legion: Personalized moris for each of them, slight variations on their currently existing one with how they finish the survivor (current mori is dragging their knife through the chest of the survivor.) Frank's is normal, Julie admires her work and lets the survivor desperately try to escape before finishing them off, Susie slashes the survivor., and Joey finishes the survivor off with a curb stomp.
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Deathslinger alternate mori (The fazeslinger)
Caleb does a sick 360 no scope harpoon then teabags your dieing corpse before uploading it to his epic trickshot montage video.... You die of second hand embarrassment.
"i regret showing caleb the Internet" entity
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Pyramid Head:
The survivor tries getting up with their back facing him, and once they're on their knees trying to fully get up, PH uses two hands to stab his knife into the nape of their neck all the way down. He then performs a Punishment of the Damned to launch the survivor off the knife, at which point he stands over them and slowly sends them to a Cage, causing their screaming to be muffled and making their hand stick out of the blood puddle, reaching for help.
Grabs them the back of their head while they're on the ground, lifting them up above him and shooting his tentacle through their skull and out their forehead. He then rocks them back once before slamming them face first to the ground in front of him, walking forward and flinging them out of the way with this tentacle before retracting it and moving on.