Good Nurse Perk Builds?

Hello! I am looking for some new perk builds for Nurse currently my go-to perk build is, infectious fright, sloppy butcher, thanatophobia, and starstruck.


  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    its nurse.....who cares about builds

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I don't think I have ever tried that combo on Nurse, is it good? Typically I don't really prioritize the gens which is silly, but it's how I play. x-x Honestly that's okay, I honestly feel like Nurse takes a lot of effort even once you mastered her and I still feel as though each game that I'm not super confident in my blinks, and I pretty much exclusively play Nurse so you arent the only one so don't feel bad. :)

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited June 2021
  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590
    edited June 2021

    Like dude, if you have nothing to say at all, don't comment. I actually wanted to have a discussion with people on perk builds not for someone to just randomly say "just use no perks lol" it's kind of contradictory and neither answers my post nor adds anything meaningful to it. This is a post for people to reply, actual answers and not opinions it's like asking "what's the best perk build to use for being sneaky as a survivor" and you going and saying "just do gens lol". It is not helpful and not useful so please don't do that. :(

    Post edited by JustWhimsical on
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited June 2021

    I'd prob replace Sloppy and Thanato with gen-regression perks.

    Your options include: Pop + Surge, Pop + Ruin (I recommend this one the least), Pop + Tinkerer, and Ruin + Undying.

    I would personally go for Pop and Surge, or even one alone. Surge works well because it works with Nurse's blink attacks, and Pop is self-explanatory.

    Edit: I forgot about I'm All Ears, that's an excellent chase perk for Nurse!

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Thank you! ill definitely have to try it out sometime, I'm interested in finding new variations now as I kind of got used to a certain playstyle and I want to try something different. :)

    You are a huge help. :)

  • sensovsky
    sensovsky Member Posts: 102

    was maining Nurse for a while, I have like 200-300 hours on her, if you are new to her I would suggest running corrupt, pop goes the weasel, sloppy butcher and bbq. it makes you learn things because if you don't land blinks you won't get value out of your perk (except corrupt, but it's mandatory imo). and when you get semi good at her, I would run something like corrupt, undying, ruin, tinkerer (imo it's the sweatiest build you can have as Nurse). the startruck thing is funny and really decent sometimes, but I think it's pretty niche while playing against rly good players, which you get once in a while

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Yeah a long time ago I started dropping information perks as I got more confident in playing Nurse, but it definitely does make the game feel a lot easier with more information instead of just guesswork. So I am definitely going to try some information builds to see what's more fun for me to work with. :)

    Thanks for the tips. :)

  • sensovsky
    sensovsky Member Posts: 102

    if you feel really confident in your blinks, you can try infectious fright, agitation, starstruck +1 any perk (could be lethal pursuer, bbq, anything you want). it works sometimes it will get you a game at 4-5 gens, but if you lose tempo it's pretty hard to comeback

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited June 2021

    My go-to build right now is whispers bbq surge surveillance.

    Sometimes i drop surveillance for devour hope because i like the thrill of the high risk high reward (don't use undying though it's just not fun otherwise because it's just low risk high reward)

    If i wasn't addicted to whispers I'd drop it for I'm all ears, actually I'd almost recommend not to use whispers at all because it does become addicting. I tried playing without and i felt lost

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited June 2021

    Not a Nurse player, but might be of some help:

    Lethal Pursuer + Corrupt is a-m-a-z-i-n-g on Nurse since she can transverse the map pretty damn quick. Also works great on Blight, Hillbilly, etc.

    For an actual build, I personally love to run slug builds (particularly on Oni), so I'd recommended trying Knock Out/Starstruck + Deerstalker + Infectious + (any gen regression perk). It might not be too fun for the survivors but it definitely creates pressure & allows you to practice blinking way more often given you know where a nearby survivor is (assuming you're not a god Nurse already :p)

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Thank you very much I will definitely have to try a lot of these at least once to see if I enjoy them, yeah Nurse was the first killer I played when I started in like mid-2018 I believe I don't quite remember when, but I really enjoy the way she plays. Yeah, but when it works it works really well adds a lot of pressure when survivors get overconfident. :)

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Thank you guys for all the tips and tricks I really appreciate it. :)

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    dont know why you are getting your panties in a knot, my answer is legit, its nurse, you dont even need perks with her so use whatever you want or use nothing at all, if you know how to play nurse perks matter little

  • sensovsky
    sensovsky Member Posts: 102

    yeah Nurse is really fun, my first killer was Spirit back in the days, I switched to Nurse when I had like 500 hours into the game, it was tough, but I really glad I did because I really enjoy her playstyle, imo she has the most dynamic one (maybe just like Blight). also once you go Nurse, you can't play other killers cause they feel so lacklaster (breaking all these pallets, vaulting windows ewww man). Sally is love

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I don't know what that even means, but please don't say things like that its a little bit weird and makes me uncomfortable. x-x Also I edited my previous question to more properly explain why it is not really helpful. ill just add it here as well. -I actually wanted to have a discussion with people on perk builds not for someone to just randomly say "just use no perks lol" it's kind of contradictory and neither answers my post nor adds anything meaningful to it. This is a post for people to reply actual answers and not opinions it's like asking "what's the best perk build to use for being sneaky as a survivor" and you going and saying "just do gens lol". It is not helpful and not useful so please don't do that. I don't see why you think it is useful or nice. :( -

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I edited my previous post to clarify why its not useful or particularly nice to say. Also, what does that even mean please don't say things like that it just sounds weird and makes me uncomfortable. x-x Though I will add this to help you understand why it's not really that nice or great of you to say. :c  - I actually wanted to have a discussion with people on perk builds not for someone to just randomly say "just use no perks lol" it's kind of contradictory and neither answers my post nor adds anything meaningful to it. This is a post for people to reply, actual answers and not opinions it's like asking "what's the best perk build to use for being sneaky as a survivor" and you going and saying "just do gens lol". It is not helpful and not useful so please don't do that, you arent helping anyone. :( -

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Guess English is not your first language, "panties in a knot" is just a way of saying "getting upset".

    Anywho, yes I get what you are asking, all im saying is that it does not matter, usually people ask for builds that complement killers etc to get the most out of them but with the nurse, her inherent power makes her so strong (same with hag really) that perks are a luxury she does not need.

    I never said not to run perks (though you could, easily), I said it does not matter what you picked because you dont need anything, so just have fun and try out some stuff.