I Always Miss The Hook Rescuer...

...but I do hit the person just pulled off the hook.

I don't camp. I don't tunnel. But sometimes it just so happens that you end up chasing a survivor right to another survivor you have hooked. Then they go for the rescue. I wait out the animation so I can be sure my hit will count. I can be stood directly behind the rescuer, with them between me an the person they just pulled off the hook. I want to hit rescuer, to avoid BT and so I've got a newly injured survivor to chase (and because I'm not a tunneler). But it seems like the game always screws me over, and my hit will always land on the person just rescued. Then, they either go down, so I leave them slugged, or they had BT and everybody gets away.

Is it just me?

Any tips to avoid this?


  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Either attempt a grab on the rescuer or dont wait so the hit wont prioritize the survivor on the hook. I wish they'd take away the ability to hit survivors on the hook, it serves no purpose.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited June 2021

    reminds of old freddy where you auto locked on the person NOT in the dreamstate with the person in the dreamstate right next to them, good times good times.

    (still miss old freddy immensely though, all he needed was nonsense like that fixed)

    anywho, to avoid this you can A. time it so that you grab the person going for the unhook or B, have a bit of patients till the animation is over and then hit someone, its just kinda like the hatch stand off in a bit, its an inevitable bit of interaction really.

    (and yes we all know how cheap BT is, dont even start)

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    In my experience almost every time the killer hits me as the unhooker to avoid BT. It's really annoying because I would love every killer to hit the unhooked person.

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    That's kind of the point though. No "fair" killer will hit the unhooked survivor - that'd be tunneling. And you, as the rescuer with borrowed time, should expect to get hit. That's why you should only go for the rescue uninjured.

    I always run borrowed time as a survivor - it's a great perk and allows for some pretty intense interactions, especially when you're going for a rescue during EGC.

    But that's not what I'm complaining about - I want to hit you, the rescuer. But sometimes it feels like the game won't allow it and it draws my hit onto the rescued survivor.

    Perhaps it's just me and my timing/position...

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Its more of the game's auto desist ("Aim Dressing") proving why it shouldn't be in the game.

    Its also one of the many annoying mechanics that ultimately serve no purpose but to screw the killer over randomly.

    It also can drag your camera around wildly because of things like dead hard which can cause motion sickness.

    Yet despite being complained about for years and the general lack of killers the developers do nothing about it despite it driving off some of said killers.