How on earth do people play Trapper?

SWF ruins him, Maps ruin him, and he's basically reliant on survivors being idiots to get anything done
Because there are a lot of "idiots" available.
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well i wish i had some of them show up in my matches, all of the survs i've had knew exactly where all of the traps were and were actively avoiding them, EVEN WALKING INTO ME INSTEAD OF THE TRAP JUST TO SPITE ME
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setting up traps at the beginning is crucial. you can also place traps infront of loop pallets that are dropped mid chase. When survivors see you do this, they tend to abandon the tile completely and when you realize that they just run, you can cancel the placing of the trap to get up faster and catch them in the open.
theres a streamer/youtuber called NotOtz. He is a trap main and a good one at that. Hes a good person to get some tips and tricks from.
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They have a strong will I guess. You just need really cheeky spots, I really like putting mine at the bottom of hills and at corners of loops instead of by pallets or windows. People don’t always expect it. He is very difficult though so I usually don’t go through the pain of playing him unless I have a daily.
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Me find grass near loop.
Me put trap in grass
Me lure survivor into trap.
Me laugh at survivor.
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Nostalgia and Potato survivors.
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me does this exact same thing
survivor sees the trap
survivor stops
survivor turns to me
i hit survivor
survivor goes in the opposite direction tea-bagging the entire ######### way
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Match start, scan the gens, pick your 3 gen, trap that area.
Good build I just used.
Forced Penance, Surge, Agitation, Save The Best
Just defend your 3 gen
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I enjoy playing him, and Learn where to place traps to trap survivors. sometimes works, sometimes it don't. use perks like if they pop the trap they become injured.
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Haddonfield is a good time with him. All that grass to hide my traps and areas where survivors can't avoid them while running between house and fence. 😂
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He was plenty playable until the map reworks happened and BHVR decided to make the grass as thin as humanely possible.
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3 gen defence is actually pretty strong with trapper. Of course he is no tournament killer, but you can play good with him, even when the survivors arent potatoes.
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I used to do this but:
A) It gets boring after a while. You're basically just walking around 3 gens constantly, trapping them and then just bascialy letting them get 4 gens done. Not really exciting
B) Good survivors will counter this strat. They'll split up on your 3 gen, 99 the 2nd gen or lead you out of the 3 gen in chases to which you can't get any downs.
C) You're bascially letting them only have to do 1 gen. It's risky. If it fails and they pop one of them, then it's game over. Unlike having 5 gens to do where if one gets popped it ain't game over.
However! It is fun the first few games and it is good practise on where to place traps. You just have to think of somewhere you wouldnt think they would be yourself. Be unpredictable.
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Solo red rank survivors are a mix of very good and bad players, so with a Basement build you can turn things around fast quite often. But good teams never lose to such a weak killer of course.
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Save the Best for Last + Padded Jaws. Easiest way to farm tokens.
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ermm place smart traps then guide survivors into them? idk watch otz or something
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Trapper is only good for basement playstyle.
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Because the satisfaction of hearing a SNAP followed by a SCREAM is much more important than losing the game.
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I'm not even a Trapper main and he is the killer I have better results according to the data I gather off my matches.
I'm still wondering why.
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It's best to play him defensively. That is to set up an area with 4-5 gens and focus on that. Don't try to chase survivors around, as he simply does not suit that style. You need to create a hell-pit of traps that ensnares them. Recently, I had a match on Grim Pantry that pretty much took survivors out between 2 gens entirely.
Obviously, doesn't work all the time. But it's strong in that sense. Or, as strong as can be expected.
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Honing Stone on The Game... You go from playing against humans to potatoes. A great way to get his daily done.
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Either set a heavily fortified zone with basic ######### type of traps that sooner or later will work and if not they will force survivors into dead zones or just simply into taking free hits.
If you want to be a bit more aggressive, you can use some 300 IQ traps around stuff that MAY be used as a loop or as a transition between loops. It is a lot more risky, may not pay off at all but if it works, survivors will tremble at your superiority.
By doing it that way, you can focus on chasing survivors and sometimes herding them into a trap.
Double trapping some obvious stuff may also work, as survivors will often disarm just one trap, thinking that's all there is.
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Be Territorial. Its that simple. Set up a 3 or 4 gen and trap the hell out of it, this is alot easier with corrupt intervention and perks that help with your mid to end game like fire up. Make strong loops unsafe with your traps and have a few in places survivors wouldnt think about. Depending on the map you get your gameplay will vary. Autohaven for me is my favorite to play on as trapper
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Usually while crying, and doing a daily or tome challenge
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People don't play trapper
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Want to hear something funny. I was playing on a buddies account yesterday giving him tips and what not. Hes a green rank. I see why everyone thinks killer is easy as i believe most killers are green or yellow. I was able to win several games with addonless trapper 😬
Wish it were that simple in reds 😂
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My guess would be good trap placement, adapting to what theses specifics survivors are doing in your current match, zoning skills and just pure luck.
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Altruism is the Trappers friend.
Agitation and Iron Grasp are your friends. You take downed survivors where you want. Preferably, into a heavily trapped area that is hard to save their teammate.
Trap placement is strategic. Think of lines of movement, whether with looping or escaping. Will they run straight after unhooking or will they jump over windows? Will they loop around a tile? Certain maps are just harder for Trapper.
Think of survivor sight lines. Will this trap placement make it harder to avoid the trap? If I place obviously here, will they avoid and possibly walk into this more obscured one there or will they disarm and move on?
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Have you ever tried trapping better areas where they can't easily see the traps lmao. If you're putting them at corners and in very obvious patches of grass it's not gonna work against any competent player. Trapper has been in the game since release, most people know the main trap locations inside and out, you're not gonna catch anyone out if you're doing the same thing everyone else is doing.
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Got a 3k against a bunch of Rank 11's 12's last night. Last one knew the hatch was right in front of the guy hooked so I let her have it. He is so abuseable by SWF. His traps can be easily seen through the tissue paper grass and maps from chests just defeats the purpose of laying traps. Trick is to pre trap pallets and watch as they EVENTUALLY run into them. Always set up a basement game or heavily trap a jungle gym. Problem with that though is, you are pretty much ALWAYS down to 3 gens by the time you catch people and apply pressure.