What is your win condition?

I feel like it's a really big problem that there is no official win condition. I mean, how could you ever have a competitive game with no win condition? That's impossible. So most people just make it up. I generally like to use the method that Otzdarva does when he does his win streaks where if at least one person gets out through the exit gate with all gens powered it's a loss for the killer. That may seem a little harsh but I like giving myself a challenge. So what are your win conditions, and I don't mean "get 4 BBQ stacks", I mean a legitimate win condition that you are satisfied with?
knowing i gatekept the gens for awhile is nice.
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I'm personally happy if I manage to kill 2 survivors. But even if I don't, having a tense and interactive match is enough to satisfy me.
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- 4k
- 3k with hatch
- 2 escape with key.
- Gate open at least 1 survivor out
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Get some hooks or even some 1-2 kills and I am fine. Hooks are usualy enough for me if it at least 5+ per game (8+ is rly good).
I don't focus much on kills unless someone is asking for it ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)
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Killer: Did I have fun?
A game where everyone escapes but it was tense and nothing boring or cheap happened, thats fine by me.
Survivor: Did I have fun?
A game where everyone died but it was tense and nothing boring or cheap happened, thats fine by me.
And obviously there is a factor of doing your challenge, if I did the challenge and that was my goal of that match and I dont care about the rest of it.
Winning is so arbitrary, you could camp and 4k, wow...you totally won...but what did it matter? what did you achieve? there has to be a challenge that you overcome or deal with to the best of your ability.
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Personal survivor goal: Surviving is a win.
Team survivor goal: 3 people get out the gate, even if i have to sacrifice myself for it, is a win. 2 Escape through gates are a draw. Taking the hatch is a loss (unless gens are done anyway)
Killer: 3 people out of the exit gates is a loss, 3k is a win, 2k2e is a draw.
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Honestly I have several. Completing challenges, did I at least play well, was it a fun and close game, did I get better by throwing the game to chase the good looper / loop the good killer, did I pip?
Usually I can find some way to call each game a "win" in a sense.
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As killer, a 3K with last getting hatch/exit gate (exit gate only due to me closing the hatch, not them completing all gens) or a 4K.
As survivor, simply escaping through an exit gate.
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This. I used to sweat for the 4K every game. Nowadays I just go for a decent number of hooks and a safety pip or pip (unless I'm in a REALLY sweaty mood).
And the best part? Because I'm not specifically going for the win, I don't -need- slowdown perks in my build. I can try doing some weird ######### with my perks. It's great.
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Winning as a survivor : escaping
Winning as a killer: 3k or 4k
However DBD isn't a competitive game and I'm not playing to "win the game", so how i feel about my games depends on the performance more than the results, meaning as a survivor i'm happier if i loop properly and end up dying to save a teammate rather than playing stealthy the entire game and escaping, and as killer i'm happier if I get 6 hooks but no kills against good survivors bc i outplayed them rather than getting an ez 4k by camping or bc the survivors are new to the game.
Also typically i have a challenge equipped and my only 'objective' is getting it done (or a daily).
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Killer: 4 BBQ stacks and 2 kills minimum.
Survivor: a pip is a win for me.
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1) Daily or tome challenge done.
2) 4 bbq stacks.
3) SWF dead.
1) Daily or tome challenge done.
2) good score and as many wglf stacks as possible without throwing the game.
3) Any escape.
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20k+/25k+ BP (survivor/killer)
Even if I die or get less than 3K, getting that much BP usually means I did a load of stuff well.
But for killer "4 BBQ stacks" ain't bad either.
Too much RNG to have such a narrow win condition as '4K or Escape'.
Post edited by Seraphor on0 -
I only go by kills. 4-0 or 3-1 kills then killer wins. 1-3, 1-4 killer lose and 2-2 is a draw.
As survivor if I die but the rest escaped that is 3-1 for my team and we won, for example.
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Killer: 3 or 4 kills.
Survivor: Me and at least 1 teammate managed to escape.
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- 4 BBQ stacks is the I'LL TAKE IT win.
- 4 K or 3K + hatch escape is the BASIC win.
- +2 mori with Devour is the SATISFYING win
- Having fun with the survivor, like have some moments where you laugh out loud is the FUN win.
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3k and up, or if I left the match happy with how I performed.
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The majority of dead by daylight's player base is full of casual players as this game isn't considered highly competitive in the slightest. As such, I personally don't care about dying to the killer or having survivors escape so long as I have a balanced match, which sadly is few and far between.
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I don't think I have a win condition.
I used to play to level up so a pip was a win and depip was a loss.
Now, I don't care. I play for fun, to do challenges and try stupid builds.
Yesterday, me and a friend both had the challenge where you need to bring the killer to a generator using one of Zarina's perks.
It was a huntress on midwich with Iron Maiden.
We both worked on the same gen so we would have more chances of calling her over and it was just hilarious, we ran head on just in case and we were laughing our heads off the entire match.
I felt bad for the other two survivors but I think they understood what we were doing and cracked on.
We died, got really low BP but we had fun after a few very sweaty matches.
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You are my spirit animal.
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Wait, I have 2 spirit animals 🤫
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Pip, black pip is a loss
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My win condition is how many hooks I get.
If all survivors escape but I got 8 hooks, I won't be upset.
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My win condition is fun, for both survivor/killer.
As survivor I will happily give a kill to a new nurse etc.
As killer if I think your a new survivor I will give you exit gates/hatch. Unless you BM in which case you die.
I don't care about BP/Rank etc.
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If I feel satisfied. Did I leave with one kill but I got the toxic survivor? Win in my book.
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I go by Identity V standards. 3k = Killer win, 1k = Survivors win, 2k = Draw
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If a match ends and I'm not feeling frustrated or agitated I'd call it a win. Generally if that happens it means I had fun and that's what I play the game for.
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4 BBQ stacks is a win.
Having my only kill be the inappropriately high Red Rank of the group is a win.
Killing all the survivors holding flashlights is a win.
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A thrilling chase, that or actually getting scared/jump scared.
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Ive come to accept that a 4k every game isn't realistic. Im okay with even 1k and a positive pip, but fun matches are more important.
I tried Trickster yesterday for my daily. Fortunately I got 3 level 20s (I wonder if MMR is still on since I never played him before and never get level 20s). I had 1k, BBQ stacks, completed my Daily and I pip up. So I was happy with that
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3k because I killedn over half the team. I dont bother with slugging for the 4th it is boring af, and I dont care for hatch
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4k- curb stomped the team
3k- Win
2- Tie
1-k Loss
0k- Got myself curb stomped.
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Successfully enjoying a match. Been losing a lot lately :/
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If I can get a hook on all survivors... That's a win for me
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Having fun. Even if I don't escape or get any hooks
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3k, but I'm good with almost anything if the survivors can hold off from being obnoxious #########.
Seriously, why is it that pretty much every single survivor waits at the exit gates and brings the most annoying possible perks and then complains that the queue times are so long? I mean, if it were only 70% of the survivors I faced, that would make sense, but not 98%.