Nerf of remove Noed? Hell no.
I run NOED, and yes sometimes it can get frustrating but you just need to counter it. Don’t get ballsy and teabag the killer. Just get out. Really, the only reason I run it is so I can get that extra jump on the survivor who does a gen in my face. I also use it to punish the teabagging idiots. Plus sometimes if can be fun. Like when playing NOED Gate Nurse! But, sometimes as soon as my NOED is active it is destroyed almost immediately.
I don't even mind getting hit by NOED when I play survivor. Sure, it kinda sucks, but I like the unease after the last gen pops and I'm not sure if I'm safe to take a hit.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I want to feel a bit of anxiety when I play survivor; yet, it's more relaxing than playing killer most of the time
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Theres so many counter Totem perks in the game right now there's no excuse to cry about noED anymore.
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Noed is okay. I like running it on nurse. But simply do the totems and alas: the killer has only 3 perks now (2 if they run hex:undying). First off, if people cry about noed, they just don't do totems at all, just try to gen rush without doing any other objectives.
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next time i won't teabag the killer so i don't get instadowned after the killer gets a speed increase, thank you
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Noed is a terrible perk for four main reasons
1) There really isn't a way to counter it immediately unless you happen to already be next to the hex totem, or magically do all 5 dull totems just in the small off-chance the killer has this one perk.
2) There is no warning that it is coming. You can have an amazing chase at the end of the game whilst trying to save a teammate off of a hook, you try to take a hit for a speed boost, and then bam, your dead for literally playing the game correctly.
3) It is undeniably a crutch for terrible killers. I have been in so many games where I have looped the killer for at least 2-3 gens, and then as soon as he catches up after 2 minutes he manages to just one shot me and then camp me in the basement.
4) It punishes survivors for playing well, and rewards killers for playing badly. This is an extremely powerful perk that only activates when all generators are done. Even perks like Remember Me and Blood Warden at least take some work to get. For Noed, your literally just handed it for free when your about to lose the game.
12 -
Uh it doesn't take magic. It's called Detective's Hunch.
13 -
Noed is ok with low tier Killer, on top tier Killer its like put salt on injures (especially Nurse blink count as M1)
But most perks are good for top tier & high speed Killer anyway (Ruin + Tinkerer; Lethal pursue are example)
@Product It is undeniably a crutch for terrible killers
I main Trapper without using any slow down perk. If you finish 4 Gen before I finish setting up, doesnt mean Im a terrible killer.
For how Noed work, they only need to remove speed boost, but because Perk Tier is a thing, they have to add something bonus to make it different. And because Noed exist, survivors always have to make choice between rush Gen risking Noed, or go for safer way. If Noed getting removed, the Gen will always be rushed because there is no risk in it.
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pretty random, but wish exposed went through endurance.
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Sometimes i want to use Noed for the assurance but everytime i put it on i never get to use it cause the survivors are already dead.
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Honestly I do as well. Exposed (or any insta-down for that matter) should deal 2 Health States. If someone's fully healthy, then they still keep Endurance, but if they're already injured then they're downed through their Endurance.
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Not like Ruin/Undying are meta or anything right now. The perk can help you prevent three gens, find a chest if you need, and find the killers hex totems. Given all that I'd say my argument is pretty good actually. By all means run whatever you like. Just don't pretend it takes some mystical power do do something easy.
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It is literally the free kill perk. No perk should get you a free kill just because you equip the perk. It should take skill to use. It's based on the survivors abilities to do bones, nothing the killer did.
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It's easy to do all 5 bones in a solo queue game? Also what if you do all 5 bones and he doesn't even have noed?
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Its exactly Killer slug you and have a free hook stage because he fear you have DS, eventhough you dont have it.
I like the 1 direction game play like Home Sweet Home Survive because everyone has a chance to play their game, its much harder to get tunneled there.
But the unexpected things is what make DBD has key moments in each match.
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I don't have a problem with Noed. I like to do bones and most of my teammates are usually decent enough to know exactly what to do when Noed is in play.
But I understand how frustrating it can be for some survivors if they die to it so I wouldn't mind nerfing it in some way.
Basically its only good on Trapper anyways. If you don't do much whole game and get even 4k thanks to Noed you still get just safety pip at best. And if you do well, Noed don't even activate
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I would rather they actually rework it into a decent perk instead of the enormous "get ######### one person, because I equipped a perk and that makes me better than you" that it currently is... But also, I'd rather it was just deleted than have it stay as-is. It is such a bad perk that exists purely for a free kill, that's so insanely unfair.
4 -
You're not supposed to think that hard.
Okay, but seriously though, that is like my dream trial a killer. Everyone, waste time doing bones because of this perk that I totally have, I swear it won't backfire in any possible way!
3 -
Well glad to see that you ignored both of my questions. Killers can easily avoid DS by just not tunneling, since it deactivates when they touch a gen or do anything else. Decisive strike requires you to be hooked, be unhooked in the past minute, not do any objective, get chased by the killer, and then land a skill check. Noed just activates when you lose the game to get a free kill on some poor survivor. You made a terrible comparison.
2 -
Listen, either you're worried about NOED or you're not. If you are, you need to counter it. If you're not, then it's not an issue.
PS: There are four survivors and only five totems. Survivors - as a group - need to stop being lazy and start cleansing totems.
6 -
I'm going to copy and paste this for the last time:
Noed is a badly designed perk that gives bad killers free kills for losing the game.
Talk about that. It's not "gen rushing" to not do 5 dull totems. Killer mains who demand that solo queue survivors do all 5 dull totems must just never play survivor. For the last time, talk about this:
Noed is a badly designed perk that gives bad killers free kills for losing the game.
It is undeniable that noed just gives bad killers a free kill. PERIOD.
2 -
Said this a million times already: Noed is only good (and very good at that) in the hands of a strong killer.
If the killer is bad then survivors have no excuse not to do the totems, if the totems are too tall an order to do then clearly the killer is not that bad and is applying enough pressure.
If the killer is good then survivors will barely have time to do the gens and wont have time to deny NoeD which is where the killer can make use of that.
it truely is as simple as that, same really with survivor meta perks, in the hands of good players it becomes nigh impossible to deal with while in the hands of noobs its a non issue for the most part.
1 -
The most powerful Hex perk are Ruin & Noed. I always have Small game to deal with Ruin early, for Noed its depend on situation. If there is not much time left to do Gen, I have to rush Gen for Gate. If I feel my team is still in good shape (6 hook and below) at 1 Gen left, I will find all totems before the last Gen pop. And I never have problem with either Ruin or Noed.
Sometimes still die by Devour hope because its unexpected.
The argument escalated pretty fast I see.
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Why do you keep ignoring the question? Is it really that hard to answer? You saying "I don't think any killer cares if you do 5 totems or not." Is so mind-boggling I can't even believe what I'm reading. The killer isn't going to "care" if I do dull totems? ######### does that even mean?? It's not about the killer 'caring' if I do dull totems, its that I lost 2 minutes of doing gens just to cleanse 4 dull totems and then being unable to find the 5th.
Borrowed time and Decisive strike, the two "second chance" perks for survivors, can both easily be outplayed.
Borrowed time = Hit the unhooker instead of the unhooked
Decisive Strike = Don't pick up the guy who just got off a hook
The only perk that can't really be outplayed is Dead Hard, but I already suggested nerfing that perk a while ago.
You saying that "doing all 5 dull totems" as a counterplay is so perplexing that I would love to see you upload survivor gameplay off yourself in 100 matches just going around cleansing all 5 dull totems and then losing the game because nobody was on gens. What an amazing counterplay.
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The only way the killer gets NOED is if the totems aren't cleansed. Now there are only two reasons why the totems might not be cleansed:
- The killer defended at least one dull totem
- The survivors decided not to cleanse the dull totems
Since you're worried there isn't enough time to cleanse dull totems, I can only conclude that the killer is doing a fantastic job, and therefore the killer isn't bad. If the killer were bad, you'd have more than enough time to cleanse totems, because, y'know, they'd be bad at the game. See how that works?
I'm a survivor main, for the record. If solo survivors know to get on generators, unhook, heal, etc., without needing any SWF-like coordination, why, exactly, can't they equip Small Game and cleanse totems? It's not that complicated.
3 -
Dead Hard is a terrible perk for four main reasons
1) There really isn't a way to counter it immediately unless you happen to bait it out or magically wait 5 seconds before swinging every time just in the small off-chance the survivor has this one perk.
2) There is no warning that it is coming. You can have an amazing chase at the end of the game whilst trying to snowball off of a hook save, you try to mind game them away from a pallet, and then bam, you lose them for literally playing the game correctly.
3) It is undeniably a crutch for terrible survivors. I have been in so many games where I have outplayed the survivor and read them like a book, and then as soon as I catch the survivor they manage to just press E to the pallet and then extend the loop another 30 seconds.
4) It punishes killers for playing well, and rewards survivors for playing badly. This is an extremely powerful perk that only activates when you're injured. Even perks like Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time at least take some work to get. For Dead Hard, you're literally just handed it for free when your about to go down.
In this game, you should always assume a killer has a specific perk in certain circumstances. You get a gen 70%? Assume they have Tinkerer and be alert. You see them waiting to hit you while a teammate is about to be unhooked? Assume they are about to get a 3rd Devour stack.
In the case of NOED, they will either play poorly or just not care too much about gens. If someone goes down to NOED and you can't find it, just gtfo, it's better to take your free escapes than risk giving them more kills. Run maps more often, use Small Game, Detective's Hunch, or Counterforce.
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Saying "dO AlL dUlL tOtEmS" is not legitimate counterplay.
That's like me saying "jUsT eAt AlL oF tHeIr DeCiSiVe StRiKeS" when you complain about decisive strike being a thing.
Throwing the match to cleanse a bunch of dull totems is stupid and boring and most of the time the killer doesn't even have noed because noed isn't even that good, it's just unfair and unfun BS for the survivor that happened to be in a chase when the final generator was completed.
And yes actually, I don't always happen to have a spare 3 minutes to cleanse a bunch of dull totems against a 4k hour infectious fright nurse that downs my teammates in 12 seconds
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yep, so once again confirming my point, NOED is only good in the hands of a killer who is already doing well, same for the DS argument you made.
If survivors are bad and you eat those DS's while only 1 gen has been done and everyone is self caring in a corner...then yeah you can just eat those and not worry about it.
for survivors, If 1 gen is remaining and lets say only 1 person has been hooked, you have no excuse to not go for those totems. If you want to take the risk that NoeD might not be in play, thats on you, dont cry afterwards.
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A bad killer can't m1 and catch people with perma bloodlust?
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sure? but a bad killer cannot apply enough pressure to prevent gens getting done and totems getting cleanced before the exit gates are opened and everyone escapes, that is kinda what the entire game is about from the killer perspective and what the definition is of being a "bad killer".
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You think survivors always cleanse all 5 dull totems just because there is a small chance the killer has noed?
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I know they dont, but that is on them, they should not come crying later if NoeD brought the killer to a 4k, its their risk to take, simple as that.
You think ever survivor jumps in a locker because they think the killer has BBQ? probably not, but do they then have a point when the cry that the killer bolts straight for them after hooking someone or is that just on them?
if a survivor is on the floor and you are afraid of DS, you leave them, but that is a risk because for all you know they have Unbreakable or some teammate is standing by with WGLF or they never had DS in the first place.
You dont know, but that is the game, that is what makes it fun.
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It was not a very good perk before and with these changes Noed should probably get a buff.
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1) No perk that rewards the killer for playing poorly should give them a 4k.
2) Jumping in a locker is WAYYYY easier than cleansing all 5 dull totems, and more killers use bbq compared to noed.
3) Don't tunnel
4) Noed does not make the game more fun
1 -
Seems like we have a baby survivor who wants every game as easy game rather than slightly use his small brain to do the bones. Sad.
2 -
1) You can easily bait out dead hards, and at least 1 survivor will have dead hard in any given game, its not a small off-chance.
2) There is a warning. If you don't see them use any other exhaustion perk, then you can wait a second or two after your within hitting distance to bait it out.
3) Dead Hard to not a crutch for bad survivors. Survivors need skill and timing to correctly use the perk. Noed literally just upgrades your m1 to instantly down people. Completely different.
4) Survivors who play really well will still eventually get hit against a decent killer. Your conflating Dead Hard and NOED together which is really stupid imo because Dead Hard is an activatable perk that lasts for a very short time and the survivor must use it correctly or else they don't really get anything out of it. NOED lets you just instantly down anyone... sounds fair. Also by your logic, Decisive strike is a bad perk because it rewards bad survivors that get hooked, and Borrowed Time is extremely easy to use.
This is like the eighth time that I will explain why the "jUsT dO AlL dUlL tOtEmS mAn!" is stupid. As I said before,
Throwing the match to cleanse a bunch of dull totems is stupid and boring and most of the time the killer doesn't even have noed because noed isn't even that good, it's just unfair and unfun BS for the survivor that happened to be in a chase when the final generator was completed.
And yes actually, I don't always happen to have a spare 3 minutes to cleanse a bunch of dull totems against a 4k hour infectious fright nurse that downs my teammates in 12 seconds.
Still nobody has explained to me why its fair that the killer can literally just equip a perk that gives them a guaranteed kill for playing badly. BT, DS, DH, all take timing and some skill to use, noed just makes your m1 instanly down people. Thats it. No extra skill, no nuance, not interesting at all. And it definitely isn't fair.
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Because your argument is so weak to makes you look like white rank in both survivor / killer and it's a waste of time to explain it to you.
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- Again, it DOESNT, It rewards the killer for applying enough pressure so survivors cannot or dont have the time to do the totems, thats it.
- Sure, its about the mentality though, you take a risk by ignore possibilities, thats YOUR choice, YOUR responsibility, YOUR gamble, dont cry if it pans out incorreclty if you had enough room to play it safe and if you did not have enough room, well then the killer was just too good.
- Ok... I dont? where did that come from.
- For the killer it might, completely subjective, but I do agree that the game would probably be better if we removed or HEAVILY nerfed all the meta perks, this is also why im happy the devs dont listen to someone like Otz as he advocates for buffing perks but imo we should be less reliant on perks to win the game for us and more on just our own skill and wits.
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Repressed alliance has a a bit condition to it though and ultimately does not help a lot against a capable killer.
First you have to have to available when tinkerer procs (which unlike tinkerer requires YOU to have been sitting on that gen for a while), then what happens often is the killer comes your way which you first of all need to know about because tinkerer hides that, then if they do come your way you activate it (now its gone and you have ot build it up again btw) and the killer can see the gen is blocked, so the killer will just go for you, maybe down you quickly (lets be honest you did not get that far trying to confirm the killer was coming for you) and then leaves you slugged, goes back to kick the now just unblocked gen with pop, then goes back and hooks you, and goes with a new freshly gotten pop to the next person.
Repressed alliance, I love all perks myself as I learned to play without perks but really it does not help all that well against tinkerer + ruin + pop + idk bbq
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it stops regression yes, but it also stop progression, imagine you running away, the killer following you and nobody is able to touch that gen in the meantime to quickly finish it, in my experience it has never worked so fundamentally
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the only change i would do to noed is that it immediately activates and not on first hit.
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Let's call it a NOED perk that slows down generators. Because it requires spending time cleanising totems. It is your choice: gen rush or do totems.
There is small chance that ruin will not be destroed in 60 second, but killer has to use ruin-undying, couse there is not to much alternative. But NOED is one of alternative just because of that! Even if it is not equipped - it will slow down gen rush if survs decide to play instead of cry.
If killer cries about gen rush or SWF - survs say "git gud".
If killer makes too much pressure to do all 5 totems - lol, just git gud, do not cry. There is nothing unfair, totems is one of you job, not only gens.
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While I don't think it does need a nerf at all, it's a horribly designed perk.
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Stbfl punishes them too because they dont expect you to be able to pick them up so fast 😂
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NOED punishes survivors for not cleansing all the totems, and it's a perk that can be deactivated before endgame. You guys have tools to counter it but choose not to use them and then complain how it's OP. And when I run it I don't get much value from it so NOED is kind of a waste of a slot.
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that would be insanely OP and make BT worthless.
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Noed is a perk that will bring nerf to killers since it improve the non-escape rate of survivors. Promotes kill instead of hooks.
Trash perk.
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Ooof. You know your comment can make so many whataboutisms right?
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I want to point out. Most maps totems arent well hidden. Also there are so many things to counter totems.
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I don't mind NOED if you run it your a perk slot short.
The reason I hate it so much is because someone will try save me knowing the killer has NOED :(