STILL no word on switch cross progression. Why?

It almost seems clear that switch cross progression, which was supposed to come out by the end of Q2 (so 3 potential days left, removing the weekend coz there wont be an update then), is basically delayed immensely or cancelled. Honestly the recent trend of BHVR ignoring the community is really frustrating and is making players less hopeful about the games future.
The devs or social media team really need to provide relevant progress updates on the things they announce and not string along their players. We just want to be kept in the loop of what is actually happening - its frustrating.
Is anyone actually hopeful that switch cross progression will come by the end of the month? Because I am absolutely not.
It keeps getting postponed so if it eventually drops I will be very surprised. I'm tired of waiting and have moved on with my steam account leveling up characters I already had on switch. I hope I get my switch cosmetics on steam but to be honest it feels like it wil never happen. I miss them sharing information; it sucks if it will take more months or a year or will never happen but at least tell us.
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Same :( I still have a majority of perks and cosmetics on switch but have just levelled up my steam account nearly matching the hours i had on the switch version already. Its very frustrating and very poor by the devs + social media team.
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Someone posted that it’s dropping on September. I think it may have been from the website or a recent interview.
orginally supposed to be this quarter but I think it’s now September.
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Well, to be fair, they've got some other concerns at the moment. I want cross-progression too but I doubt that it's coming anytime soon now. It may not have been close to ready yet as it is, we won't know until they address it.
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Havent heard anything on this myself, if you had a link that'd be great and even if this is the case, again: very poor communication from the social media team
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I agree but they need to address it. Its been delayed so many times and had dates set for it and they've not delivered. The least we deserve is a progress update minimum.
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Where did you hear this? They said it was September of last year the first time they announced it, from what I've seen they haven't said anything about it being September of this year.
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I do agree that it should be addressed. There are people who have said that BHVR needs to keep giving updates on other things that they've already addressed (such as the current round of glitches) but I feel that it would be pointless to just say "we're still working on it" if there's nothing more that they can give us. The cross-progression, on the other hand, hasn't been addressed in a long time, at least not that I'm aware of. It would nice to know if they just dropped the idea or what.
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I can't even find a game on the Switch version let alone cross progression lol.
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Literarlly, we just want an update. Its been way too long.
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Do you have cross play turned on? Crossplay and crossprogression are two different things aha
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This, sorta. All they can say is if it's finished or not. Giving dates or projected dates is always a bad idea in development
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I know the difference thank you :p
No, the Switch version runs much worse than the other versions putting me and other Switch players at a huge disadvantage. For this reason I do not have crossplay on. I just wanted to get out of low ranks but can never get a game.
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Oh right you didnt make that clear originally lol
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I semi-agree. But even so, they should not have announced this nearly a year ago if they knew it wasnt going to come anytime soon.
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I basically meant I barely have anything on the Switch to cross progress anyway and atm have no way of getting a game to get anything lol.
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If it ends up getting cancelled I'll be so upset. I stopped playing the Switch version because I've been expecting cross-progression to drop for months. I just wanna play DBD wherever with my PC progress.
Edit: Months, not years. Whoops.
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Yeah and that's what I say devs should never give announcements or dates unless it's close to completion. Because then everyone is wondering about the feature you announced LAST YEAR and the only thing you can say is "Still not here yet"
Then why did you announce it, genius? It's like announcing you're going to have a baby because you got a Tinder match. Way too soon.
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Exactly this! I had about ~400 hours in the switch version before I decided to start playing PC because it was supposed to come out relatively soon when I started playing. But with still no update it's really really frustrating to not have access to all the characters, perks and cosmetics I've paid for on another platform, let alone console versions being broken right now anyway. Really disappointing and the lack of communication with the players is awful on BHVR's part.
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Haha yeah. Seems to be trend that the devs keep doing. Remember key rework they said back in January? lol. They need to learn and deliver on their promises.
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They need to stop promising things when they aren't sure about the direction or projected time. "We have a key rework/LGBT surv/ice cream bars coming" is just going to make people MORE upset. Don't announce ######### before it's even in its beta stages. I learned that in my first year. It's not terribly complicated. The real answer is pinning it in a very visible place with a "We'll consider it" and boom. That's done. No promises, no obligations, no overt disappointment.
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Couldn't agree more. The team need to learn to communicate properly and timely. Something like the key rework was requested by the community for a while so its fair to say they are considering changes, but they need to be more clear that these things are a long way off and don't make them seem like they are coming any time soon. They need to stop promising things that are years away and acting like they're coming soon. Totally with you.
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They haven't said much at all about it this year. ☹️
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Yeah my thoughts too, think previous commenter was confused with when they announced it last year; which shows how desperately we need an update...
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"It's coming out with Stadia and Steam"
"Nevermind, it's coming soon after Stadia and Steam"
"Nevermind, it's coming out by the end of June"
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Play it in handheld mode if you can. Many people reported that the game runs better that way, strangely enough. I have the game on my Lite and I have to admit, I've never had any issue with it. It performs fine for me. That said, I have NOT played it since these recent glitches so maybe things have changed, just like they apparently did for other console users.
They may have thought that they were close to getting it working and things didn't wind up turning out that way, hard to say. I guess it could have just been a lie to get people excited but I would need evidence before I believed that.
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If I manage to get games I will try your advice about handheld, thanks. Although it's weird less power going to it will make it more stable.
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No problem, I hope it helps. I looked up the game extensively before I bought the Switch version (which I did a couple of months ago, after getting the PC version first) and it got average reviews. When I looked into why the reviews were primarily because of the price (full priced game despite having become lower on PC) and complaints about some bugs and framerate issues.
What I can say for sure is that the game has been updated since that time, the review photos always showed the old game interface. And while I can't speak for the docked version, or any differences that might exist between portable Switch and the Switch Lite (there shouldn't be any), I can definitely tell you that I repeatedly saw people say that the game's performance was more smooth in handheld.
There are a couple of other Switch players here, they may have something to add. Remember though, supposedly everything but the PC version of the game was hit hardest by the current glitches, so if the game's running poorly for you right now it might be temporary.
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Just found this as well, wanted to separate it in case it's of any use. Nothing in terms of assistance, but other people discussing the handheld mode being more reliable.
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Exactly this. I don't understand how the devs and social media teams cant see that this is incredibly frustrating for the players. They NEED to speak on this soon and give us confirmation because it really is getting ridiculous.
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I am one of the lucky few that is having no problems at all on ps5 and series x, the normal killer bugs but no hitches, stutters, crashes or anything else. It's just the Switch that's been a hindrance so far, barely got anything levelled there hoping for some optimisation from bhvr that never seems to come.
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Hmm, no issues on those other consoles at all? That may in fact be good luck, I don't know. I hear more about the previous generation of consoles having issues, but I've seen some who said that the current gen does as well. A few users here claimed that their consoles overheated, even temporarily shut down. I can't confirm any of it as I play exclusively on the PC and Lite, it's just stuff I've seen others say. I hope that your good luck continues.
As for the Lite I may try to play it today, see how it goes. If I do I'll let you know if I have any issues with it. I know that others have reported frame drops and such but for me the game's always worked fine. Got a 4K at a Walmart with it. :)
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Another day means another day of no communication on switch cross progression. So frustrating.
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I keep waiting. I think the link the person sent me was about cross play not cross progression.
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Ah right that makes sense. Just shows how long the wait since the announcement has been that it's nearly a year so its easy to get confused.
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Honestly I feel the same about the Road to 60FPS plan outlined in detail in a dev update March 2019.
Now here we are June 2021 over 2 years later the game runs worse than ever and they never mentioned it again; with questions about it deleted from the Q and A threads.
I wouldn't hold your hope out for even a 'sorry we weren't able to do it'; though I hope I'm wrong. I'm dying to get my 1k+ hours of progress off the PS4 version myself.
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Yep! It all comes back to the developers making promises too early and a lack of communication. They really need to respect their community better and tell us more about things. Hopefully an eventual switch cross progression (again, which they said would be here by the end June :/ ) will make it easier for them to add the other platforms quicker. I know they said that cross-gen progression (PS4-5 etc.) would happen but they still haven't delivered. Again, another example of poor communication from the dbd dev and social media team!
Just wish they'd tell us more !!
(Also yep road to 60FPS is tragic :( )
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Hopefully this week devs will finally give us an update on switch cross-progression as this is the last 3 days left in Q2 :(
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Very understandable! It was also the main reason why I bought dbd for PC when they announced in January it would come by the end of Q2 so its equally as frustrating that they havent even mentioned it since. Very annoying :(
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Someone commented on one of their posts on Twitter and this is what they had to say
We can give you a small update!
We're still working with our partners to iron out some details before we are ready to go live with this option for Switch. It's on our radar, but we are unable to commit to a firm date at this time.
this was posted 28/6/21
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Well.. at least it's an update. Back to 10 fps hell......