What do you guys think about a game health chapter?

It seems that while the old issues of the game go on unresolved, the new chapters also introduce a myriad of issues that the devs have to handle as a priority only to then find themselves with another chapter and maybe not being able to have fully fixed the previous chapter. Also, the recent pandemic has affected everyone's productivity and I think there's too much on the plate atm. Would you guys mind receiving 1 less killer per year and have a chapter entirely dedicated to fixing what is already in the game? Or would the lack of novelty wear you out more than the actual bugs?
Yes, as long as everyone also understands the concept of "different teams work on different things" and won't complain that we keep getting cosmetics.
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I'm jacked just thinking about it lol
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I would love for them to focus on a game health chapter.
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Good idea, they'll never go for it though.
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I would love a qol/ game health chapter!!!
- Fix the grind
- Fix bugs
- Buff perks no one uses
- Release awesome cosmetics (that we can mix and match with please!!!)
- Have a bloodhunt
That would be the best chapter ever ;3;
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I would love for them to do so, but i know they will not deviate from a chapter each quarter for any reason, so sadly a dedicated health patch will never happen.
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Desperately needed
Won't happen because the developers are too stubborn with their schedule/seriously believe they can cram all the 'health' the game needs into mid chapter patches
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I'm against a game health update because the game is passable for me. Sure there are bugs and a crash here and there but it's playable for me 95%+ of the time with the fun meter hovering around the 80% mark. I don't need it to exceed that if it means I'll get less content, because I get bored after a while. I've been playing games long enough to know that if I "finish" a game, and there's a long time in between content releases, there's a good chance I won't come back... even if the game is good.
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Any chance you play on PC?
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I think it would be good for the game. Fixing bugs that have plagued the game for a long time: a few examples are no noise when the survivor is in the dying state & flashlight saves denied by the built in lightborne.
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My only issue is, even if they agree to do it, they'd still give us a bug infested mess.
Issues revilving around bugs and balancing have existed for years before they're every addressed and for literally no reason. How long did iridescent hatchets take to get fixed? And that was just changing a 3 to a 1. They may agree to give us a health chapter but we won't get what we want from it...
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I think people are expecting too much from a game health chapter.
there are already dedicated devs working on bugs/game health as there are many many bug fixes in each update. If they can’t fix current big bugs such as silent slugs they probably won’t be able to in a game health chapter.
people working on other stuff would also be put on pause for such a chapter as many can’t just jump in to fix bugs when they don’t have the appropriate qualifications.
but, they should bring definitely more focus towards gamehealth and bug fixing generally! Expand the QA team, plan in more time for bug fixing etc. Maybe consider delaying an original chapter (as licensed are pretty hard to delay) if they run in development problems..
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I'm all for BVHR doing that
There are so many issues in game that they need to calm down and give us a health patch
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Same, i play on ps4 and i hear everyone complaining about optimization but my game runs fine, I'm not invalidating everyone else's experience just saying I probably would stop playing for a while until new content comes out.
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Yes. I understand some consolers have issues on their systems but that doesn't change my stance any.
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People have been asking for this for ages now lol.
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I think we all know what we all think of it.
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I think the majority of people have some form of optimization issues, with Console's taking the brunt of it.
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All achievements except for the broken map. All perks on all characters except latest killer/survivors which are all near P2-50 just waiting for the event. Rift complete. Basically, I've been caught up since 2017 and it's just a matter of capping out after each release.
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God please. That would be amazing.
Everyone has been asking about this, but the developers have been saying *nobody wants this*
bruh moment.
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They have said they don't need one.
I personally think they need several.
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We're well beyond just some consolers now, the problem is quite wide spread. Be thankful you are able to play the game fairly smoothly.
Here is a link to I think the largest thread on here ever. It began with a few consolers combining to relate their performance experiences, and grew to include many struggling PCrs as well.
It isn't to change your stance, but to give a broader prospective. And keep in mind the consoles altogether are the larger playerbase now.
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Health chapter is very needed, make it even 6 months long.
We can still get new cosmetics and some event here and there or a map reworks
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It wouldn't be categorized as a chapter. It would be a lack of one. I'm not on the dev team but I have a hunch that they really can do 3-4 chapters and still do game health changes. They've done it before. The pandemic is not an excuse, because they're all working on computers to do their stuff anyway. But assuming all that logic gets ignored, then I'd be fine with 3 chapters a year in exchange for more frequent and comprehensive game health updates.
But again, they're not a small indie company anymore and they have a growing fanbase for their game. They should really just step things up. Invest more time in what I assume is their only job/project, or do some more hiring/replacing so that they have more people that want to get things done. "Work at your own pace" isn't working anymore. They need standards and deadlines.
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I feel like even if the devs did decide to do this, the game state would remain as bad as it is. The problem is I don't feel like anyone working on the game has any pride in it anymore. It feels like its just a 9-5 job for many and the game seems to reflect that. I mean, they were in a rush to get this out and get the money from our pockets, but when we ask what's going on, we get a "well it's the weekend. We will let you know on Monday."
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I'm aware of the thread but it still doesn't change my opinion on the OP's question. I consider game health more about balancing issues and fixing bugs and such. Optimization does not concern me, bugs do. As long as they fix the major ones, I'm fine. If the OP meant optimization, then my bad for posting here, but that's not how I took it. If he meant it to be under the umbrella of "game health" along with everything else, then my perspective on it doesn't change at all.
I'll be blunt about it because I'm an old man and I'm used to bad games and poor performing games: I upgrade or I stop playing if a game bothers me that much. You won't see me posting in that thread because who am I to be the antagonizer-- it's your concern, not mine.
Please don't tag me if you just want to talk about the other thread. I'm not interested.