Without DC pennalty DbD unplayable

Kharbarg Member Posts: 126


50% of the trials the first survivor downed dc


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    I have had either 1st down dc's or hatch escape dc, dc to open hatch for last survivor, not every game though. I know it won't stop some players but it may lessen what we are having now once it's back, hopefully before the event to limit wasted bp gained through cakes.

  • Kharbarg
    Kharbarg Member Posts: 126

    I only play as survivor since new chapter because long killer queues. I never use spirit because I hate play againts her. I mostly play Wraith, Billy, Clown and Doctor but as I said I don't play as killer since RE launch.

    And by the way DCs don't bother me when play as killer. DCs screw me when I play survivor because I am soloq survivor.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    It’s better this than those of us getting errors and lagged out get penalized.

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    I had a 4 man swf dc because they didn't like Hawkins.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,142

    There have been threads recently where people seemed to believe I was exaggerating when I said the game was damn near unplayable due to disconnects back before the penalty. No, it's been the case since I started playing that without a DC penalty the number of matches where there's a disconnect is too high to be like, "Oh, it's no big deal." This is the way of things.

    HOWEVER, the game is broken right now and crashes are not at all uncommon. When I play killer, it likes to crash at the end of a match. When I play survivor, I've had it crash while being hooked. I'm sure there are a lot of ragequits (this is DbD, after all), but it's not like disconnect penalties are disabled right now because the game is so stable. Penalties will be back as soon as the game is functional-ish and it'll be all sunshine, rainbows, AFKers, and hook suicides before ya know it.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Right you do realise that the game is freezing for alot of players right now so while you're here crying about DCs someone else me included are greatful they deactivated the ban as my game freezes anytime I go against nemesis or get put into the scrap yard map if I had a ban for every time my game froze I'd be uninstalling the game and never coming back.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    They will find other ways of giving up. The DC penalty is only making this people adjust their strategy.

    What if their goal is punish others? What if the game is attracting people that enjoy punishing others?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If the DC penalty doesn't do anything, they should've left it on. After all, why waste the time disabling it?

    The best argument for the DC penalty working as it should is that people keep coming here to try to convince everyone that it doesn't do anything. If it didn't do anything, they wouldn't bother.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's the implication when you say this:

    They will find other ways of giving up. The DC penalty is only making this people adjust their strategy.

    The implication here being that the DC penalty doesn't actually stop people from leaving the trial.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    That implication is different than saying that it does nothing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The implication is "Even if you do this, they'll just find some other way to do it". It's the same thing as when people say "Well, laws don't stop criminals because they'll just break the laws anyway".

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    You are trying to return to what you understood the first time. The implication that it does nothing.

    You got it right the second time, it will make criminals adjust their strategies. Which is what happens on the world or has criminality dissapeared?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    In other words, the DC penalty doesn't actually change anything because people find other ways to DC. That's the implication.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60


    It changes players strategies to "give up" without being punished. That is doing something, no?

    Notice how you, one more time, bring "doesn't actually change anything" implying that it does nothing.

    I mean we can keep going but as long as your mind brings that the implication is that it does nothing it kind of makes no sense...

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    I personally never DC because it's not worth it. Whether a map is good or bad I still find it fun.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I rarely see early DC's unless it's someone game's crashing or leaving because he got farmed by his teammates, which i can't blame.

  • Neverborn
    Neverborn Member Posts: 28

    My last three games last night all had DCs. The first of the three had three DCs after I hit a single time. It's crazy to try and finish a game without oodles of DC bonuses.

  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108
    edited June 2021

    Once I had to play against a team that sent me to rotten fields and had WGLF/Unbreakable/Soul Guard/Dead Hard. It was very fun

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Im into my 10th hr so far today and yes theres some DCs but i wouldnt say theres much more than normal.

    I did have 3 teammates dc at the start, why...........it was a Pig on McMillans #########. A pig, pig op. Bastard still killed me.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Unplayable is a bit hyperbolic (imagine that).

    I will say it is frustrating seeing the number of purposeful DCs since the penalty was removed, but "unplayable" is an exaggeration.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788
    edited June 2021


    I personally love that the dc penalty is down. So much of my time and frustration is saved when things go down hill fast within the first couple minutes of the match due to bad team mates or really scummy killers.

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217
    edited June 2021

    Its still not worth it. You're screwing over your team. And besides just get the little bit of blood points or something. dc'ing just because you dont like something is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Most people don't care in Solo queue. Playing survivor yesterday, seeing lots of DCs for just random reasons. Downed near start of match? DC. Etc etc many don't care about points.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    What servers are you guys playing on? I am on EU and in last 15 matches I had 2 DCs and both in the same game

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2021

    Some friends and I were in a swf. One of us brought an offering to haddionfield and someone else brought a key. In our defense we didn't plan it. Nobody knew what the other was bringing and one of us was burning offerings/items before prestiging. The match starts and it's a doctor. I spawn upstairs in a building. The gen is downstairs and someone else is already working on it. I jump down from the roof and run across the street to another gen. I see a hex totem. I cleansed it. It turned out to be ruin. The Doc runs to my position. I wait for him to get closer then I SB away. The Doc DCed.

    I know from the killers perspective it probably looked like we planned all that but still that Doc didn't even try. Just because your ruin was found within the first 30 secs doesn't mean you will auto lose. Losing ruin at the start of the match is damn near common practice before it's rework. I can't help but feel if the DC penalty was still activated he would have stuck around.

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    That's the issue is that people dont care. That's why I get so irritated with this community. Empathy is the most important human quality, but people just dont care anymore.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2021

    Agreed. A lot of people on this game feel "If IM not having fun then I have the right to DC" "Well you aren't the only person playing this game. Every time you DC for BS reasons your wasting 4 other peoples time."

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    Absolutely. Even as killer I get frustrated because I know how it is as survivor, so I either feel like I have to farm or just stand still. I feel like killers who sweat for kills when there's 2 DC's are ridiculous.

  • LuckyLucy1999
    LuckyLucy1999 Member Posts: 29

    Although having people DC is annoying, the way I see it is that even with a penalty most would still DC anyway, so having a penalty probably didn't change much.

    I had a match as killer where a player DC'ed in less than 45s because I caught them in a closet and they probably still would have quit if there was a penalty.