sUrVivOrS LoVe ThE tWiNs.

The match making isn’t my fault kids.
I thought i'd get this as Freddy but no, I think because everyone being slugged countless times playing survivor why people do not like the twins.
But there is no penalty now? so people will DC over the slightest things.
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Just saying if they all dc'ed before you had 16K points, they probably didn't get much chance to see your rank lol
They probably just saw twins then dc'ed. My guess first chase was easy down then dc. 2nd did the same. 3rd dc'ed out of chase. 4th no idea lol
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I hadn’t even slugged anyone. That’s whats a bit sad about this.
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Almost spot on.
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Sadly this is not how survivors will see it :( once people do something with a killer and more do it they get a bad rep, like Freddy he has such a bad rep now and many still hate going against him.
I would never DC even if i am having a bad game as a survivor or killer.
A lot of players get super salty, sorry that they all DC on you. it is annoying especially when there is no penalty and you can also lose a pip.
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Damn 😂 what happened then
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Two of them had Spine Chill and were like: it doesn't work against Victor, can't hide in a corner when it highlights for 1 second, must DC.
Jokes asides, at least, you got a few BP... : (
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Dcs rn are awful.
I'll never understand dcs, why waste your own time like that? Get some damn points.
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Tbf against Twins you'll end up slugged most of the time and below 10k pts. So, it's not necessarily time or point efficient comparatively.
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Not everyone needs points? When you have all characters with all perks what is the point?
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Off topic but I like the band aids lol
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Can’t really get points against a killer where you spend half the time on the ground and all chases are against Victor, who gives you absolutely nothing in boldness.
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I guess I should say "adhesive bandages" actually!
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Better than zero.
I'll take 1k over a dc.
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No need to be toxic, I don’t dc myself but points are about the worst argument for this killer in particular.
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Don't necessarily mean just twins.
Any killer, and dc. Waste of time why even play? If you don't want to do it then walk away till your dead. At least let your character be used as bait to waste a bit of killers time.
also fyi
you get more than just bloodpoints for finishing a game.
player level experience. You want every bit of that.
Waste of time to DC.
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No one likes the twins... Not even playing as those things is fun. Especially playing against them is one of the most boring tedious part of this game.
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Twins are my least favorite killer to play against. I either loop Victor for the match for no points and lose pip because game thinks I was running around doing nothing or I get slugged/camped for no points. Either way the match feels like a complete waste of time. I never DC'd against them but I was happy when they made that change to Victor that caused less to play him since I went from several matches a session that were waste of time to rarely seeing them.
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I like versing twins shame I dont see them like many other killers
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I’m guessing it was more matchmaking. I can tell instantly if I’m with ranks close to my own or not, survivor and killer.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm surprised this hasn't happened any of the times I play spirit.
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Bold of you to presume this is the only way i choose to play Twins.
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I love stomping Victor's face. Too bad most Twins players put Victor inside your booty before pouncing for 100% hit rate.
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Been a long time since I’ve had all 4 DC on me. A long time.
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Only rarely, and only because it’s incidental, like instances I go to leave the hook, and I’ve already spotted someone that wasn’t very discreet about running over to the hook, so I unleash victor onto them. But the moment they’re latched, and I switch back to Charlotte, I go searching for someone or go after who has Victor if they were close enough. I’m not staying by the hook doing nothing if I don’t see anybody else.
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I'd kick the bebe
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No. I want that latch on to waste the survivors time.
The reverse though, yes. I don’t intentionally park Victor near a hook, but again, sometimes it happens by accident. If I hear killer instinct, then yeah I’m not ignoring it. I always want Victor latched onto someone else to stall the game as often as possible, and possibly give me the location of other survivors.
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They should love Twins because they've got a million problems. All you have to do is heal against Twins so you don't get slugged.
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I have never heard of survivors liking twins as a killer, no joke but if there is something I could remove from the game it would be the twins, a slug fest of a killer who most of the time puts victor under the hook before hooking just to camp.
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They don’t need to get rid of Twins. They just need for Victor to be auto destroyed if he’s within 16 - 12m from the hook.