Killers, stop chasing the flashlight

ethan99 Member Posts: 154
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

When playing survivor I usually always bring a flashlight.

Reason being is matchmaking is so volatile in the evenings/night, that I get paired up with rainbow ranks (hell some brown ranks play better than reds...).

I don't know how good my fellow Dwight is running his base skin (bless him he looks so cute)

Point being I run the flashlight to waste/distract as much time from the killer as possible, because my team mates are usually potatoes.

If I have the killer fixated on me they have all the time in the world to focus on their objective. I will try run/blind the killer for as long as possible.

I even managed to flashlight save a Steve on his death hook twice on one of my previous games.

But I would like to know from killers mains is what I'm doing toxic to you?

I like to play both roles and if I know a survivor is decent at looping and has a flashlight I would not focus on him all match, but instead target the weaker survivors, and wait till he has to to save ie out positioned.

However especially to new killers this playstyle may appear super toxic, if I see your a new killer in the end game I will usually always apologize and explain why I have to do this.

If you are a newer killer don't focus on the survivor trying to get your attention, they are most likely the most decent at running you around and blinding you.

Also if you suspect a flashlight in the area don't pick up.

Yes I know I'm echoing advice but still a lot of killers pick up as soon as they down someone... I know I'm there watching you 0_0

Sometimes I would love to run SWF because I would not have to resort to this, since I would know how good my friends are etc. But they got scared off DBD in the first few hours hence I am alone :(

If there any solo survivor brothers here, do you being flashlight? If not what do you bring and why not? How do you handle potatoes?


Some people seem to think I will hunt the killer from the start of the match and start clicky clicking.

That's not the case I will always due gens until either the killer comes to me or when a team mate is on their death hook/being tunneled.

I am not doing it to aggressively BM the killer in anyway, I use it in defense to try and protect the team if they need help.

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