Killers, stop chasing the flashlight

When playing survivor I usually always bring a flashlight.
Reason being is matchmaking is so volatile in the evenings/night, that I get paired up with rainbow ranks (hell some brown ranks play better than reds...).
I don't know how good my fellow Dwight is running his base skin (bless him he looks so cute)
Point being I run the flashlight to waste/distract as much time from the killer as possible, because my team mates are usually potatoes.
If I have the killer fixated on me they have all the time in the world to focus on their objective. I will try run/blind the killer for as long as possible.
I even managed to flashlight save a Steve on his death hook twice on one of my previous games.
But I would like to know from killers mains is what I'm doing toxic to you?
I like to play both roles and if I know a survivor is decent at looping and has a flashlight I would not focus on him all match, but instead target the weaker survivors, and wait till he has to to save ie out positioned.
However especially to new killers this playstyle may appear super toxic, if I see your a new killer in the end game I will usually always apologize and explain why I have to do this.
If you are a newer killer don't focus on the survivor trying to get your attention, they are most likely the most decent at running you around and blinding you.
Also if you suspect a flashlight in the area don't pick up.
Yes I know I'm echoing advice but still a lot of killers pick up as soon as they down someone... I know I'm there watching you 0_0
Sometimes I would love to run SWF because I would not have to resort to this, since I would know how good my friends are etc. But they got scared off DBD in the first few hours hence I am alone :(
If there any solo survivor brothers here, do you being flashlight? If not what do you bring and why not? How do you handle potatoes?
Some people seem to think I will hunt the killer from the start of the match and start clicky clicking.
That's not the case I will always due gens until either the killer comes to me or when a team mate is on their death hook/being tunneled.
I am not doing it to aggressively BM the killer in anyway, I use it in defense to try and protect the team if they need help.
I'll chase whoever i want.
If someone goes clicky-clicky at me and i'm not busy, i'll start chasing them.
I know they're confident in their own abilities, doesn't mean i'm not in mine.
That said, if there's an Injured Survivor to my right and a Healthy clicky-clicker to my left, i'm going to my right. (Special situations may change this, but this is in general.)
Cause i have B&C on 24/7, and i want my BP.
EDIT: Oh, i forgot to talk about its toxicity.
I don't even view clicking as toxic, i guess that's how i forgot about mentioning it.
On the contrary, if i hear it, my brain usually says: "Don't worry, i'll be with you in a moment."
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I am a survivor and also a potato. I have never had success with flashlights (I very rarely play on PC where I bet it's a little easier but mostly play on PS4). I do sometimes take them (and also broken keys), just as half a joke to see if the killer singles me out.
As a killer, I will definitely single you out if you try to use a flashlight on me. It's just a thing. You're being aggressive in a perfectly permissible way and I am returning the favor. I will want to kill someone who is blinding me with flashlights as quickly as possible and they usually oblige by trying to stay close by to use their flashlight on me. Nothing personal, I just want you out so I don't get blinded more.
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I didn't understand anything
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I avoid players that are obviously trying to get my attention and want me to chase them, but I will admit that I'll try to get a flashlight user out of the way over another player. Part because I want them to burn their flashlight trying to blind me at pallets rather than preserving it for saves, part because the sooner I either waste the click stick or kill them, the less time I have to waste checking the area every time I pick someone up.
OTOH, they're kind of nice because if you do stop and search your surroundings after downing someone, you will usually find the flashlight user and get a free hit on them, and gens move slower when a player is following the killer around every time they get into a chase.
I consider flashlight saves and pallet blinds very annoying but fair, but if a survivor clicks the flashlight at me, I interpret that as either bait or BMing (or both) depending on the circumstance and react accordingly (ignore/murder with extreme prejudice.) Macro users are the worst; I always think my computer is having a seizure and is about to crash before I identify the fly in the room.
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Wraiths should always chase the clicky clicky like a cat trying to catch the laser pointer
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Toxic, no.
But be warned, if you seek attention you might get it 😈
I was trying to ignore a Jill because she was my obsession and i was running stbfl. She kept running behind me clicking the flashlight. I ignored her for about a minute, finally i had enough. Downed her, hooked her, camped her. When people tried to save her they got slugged.
She wanted my attention, she got it 🤷♂️
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I get your point, this post was mostly focusing on the new players in the game.
That heathy clicky-clicker to your left might be me ;) but that's only cause I want you to leave my injured comrade alone, you ignore it? We go out separate ways, unless I know I could out cloak you.
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I'm unfamiliar with 'macro users? Please elaborate.
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It really just depends on how i feel and the situation, but yes: I'll happily accept your invitation for this wild chase. 😜
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Macro users are players who downloaded a rapidfire autoclicker that they use with flashlights. It has no practical use except to be annoying; it creates an extremely glitchy sound and doesn't deplete the flashlight's battery in any noticeable way, so they can use it for a very long time.
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Bro, if you get a flashlight save on console I respect you! As an ex console player flashlights are impossible, once I switched to PC they are pretty easy.
I respect your stance as killer, I understand your response as killer, hence I run DS x( I will try to waste as much time of yours because my team mates are bad :( Also my meaning is not aggressive but defensive I don't want you going after that bold Dwight.
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I love when people try to flashlight save, only works at most once (At most), and then after that it just farms me kills and gives me extra time that survivors are not on gens because instead of 3 on a gen, one of the survivors is not doing a gen so its 2.
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I will never understand players who use macros....
Your playstyle is what I want most killer's to understand, the problem is most don't and will try to pick up ASAP = flashlight save..
Most flashlight users click to get you away from something, your going after my weaker teammate urban evading the entire game? No come play with me :)
The only reason I bring it is to protect the weak, if I wanted to ensure survival I would being a key... Thats a different topic.
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If I have to die to save the poor Dwight? Let's go 😊
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And only happiness.
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Most killers would get the picture after the first right? 🙄
Idk sometimes I'm able to get 2 off the same survivor and then body block.
Can't wait for MMR...
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IDK man flashlight with extended addons and constantly bringing you out of clock does waste a lot of time 🤔
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I mostly do it during the match, seldom do it at exit gates as I'd rather leave 😃
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Sometimes if you demand my attention you'll get it if the game allows it, just don't come to the forums after and ask why you've been tunneled the last 5 games you play and forget to mention all your clicking and teabagging.
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I usually ignore the flash light until I have more free time in the trial or I catch them out of position. Someone trying to get your attention right at the start or clinking their flash light constantly usually ain't the quickest of chases. I will destroy their team while they watch as I know chances are they will be trying to get saves and be around chases instead of doing gens two birds one stone.
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I'll tunnel you out of the game, I don't care if it costs me the rest. I'm getting fed up with attention-seeking survivors, especially clickers, so yes, I consider what you're doing toxic, even if you wouldn't necessarily see it as such. A majority of clickers have a toxic mindset and are purposeful in their actions, and I don't endorse it.
You want attention? You can get it.
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I do it to get your attention, I expect you to tunnel me and let the others escape.
Btw I never teabag, it's pointless and a waste of time.
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I would only click to get you away from someone else, I mean no harm I just do it to protect the solos I'm up with.
The thing is if I do mange to loop you for 5 gens don't blame the others.
You can have me I don't care about rank etc anymore.
But would you rather me play with 4 people SWF?
I only do this because I don't know how capable the 3 people in my party are.....
Also those clickers may have DS.
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The last person who clicked at me I ignored the entire game and they just spent all their time standing in a loop clicking. I got the 3k, but they had to have their friend DC to give them hatch LMAO.
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Man that sucks..
For the record I only do this in solo, with SWF I'd just bring a medkit.
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Sure I can absolutely respect the runners on a team and I generally don't play into their game however if a runner starts bming me I'll give them a quick 30 second test and you'd be surprised how many don't have the talent to back up their desperation.
I show a lot of respect to runners who don't bm.
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What do you consider BM?
I never Tbag/Clciky clicky, I only click if I think my team mate is in danger, to try and get your attention from them.
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Ah OK, thanks. I have a macro capable mouse and keyboard on my PC but don't find much use for them as I play very few fast-reaction type games where I assume they are helpful.
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Being all in my face click spamming and tea bagging and attempting to get in my head like a master manipulator. As I said I won't chase them longer than I would chase anyone else I found but if they fall over and they go on the hook I'm going to show them the same respect.
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Funny enough, I only half go out of my way to avoid DS. I do on purpose try not to down the same person twice in a row but sometimes, it's just unavoidable. If I do that and you have DS, you're welcome to it. Likewise if I decide not to respect pallets, enjoy your stuns. But for some reason, flash lights just make me want to get rid of that person... to a point. If they're good at chases on top of it, I usually peel off to find someone else.
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As stated previously I won't spam click you most certainly won't "tea bag" you.
I just want to draw attention from "weaker" survivors.
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I understand how flashlights can be annoying. Which is my post entirely, I only use it to protect the weaker survivors...
If there were a better build I would pick it, but atm flashlights are ideal for pushing you off weaker survivors.
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I feel this might have got out of hand?
If you have a better build to help weaker survivors then please share.
ATM flashlight seems to be the best to keep the killer off of the weaker survivors attention, based off the comments here.
I don't want to have to resort to bringing a key.... 🙄
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If it's effective, that's great. I try my best of course to turn away and so forth. I'm still gonna go for those weaker survivors in some situations...
Definitely if I perceive that one survivor is trying to gain attention or protect other survivors, I try to take advantage of that if I can. Probably that's killer 101, though.
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I tend to have Infectious Fright on 3/5 killers i play, so i'm usually aware of potential saves. I will tend to chase flashlight users if nothing else is going on though, What i find annoying though is people who taunt with it, get downed and then sometimes DC...
Back when i first started getting into demo a couple weeks after starting the game on ps4, She taunts with a flashlight, get's downed, hooked and then i get a message on ps4, how it usually goes lol.
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Yes that's killer 101 lol.
You counter my flashlight? I now know you know how to counter in which I will try to protect them in different ways. (rush gens etc.)
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That's not efficient flashlight use lol. If I was the killer I'd do the same.
I mean using the flashlight as it's supposed to be used to get blinds, not this clicky clicky BS.
I get a chance? I blind, you get a pickup at a nice spot? I blind, I only clicky clicky as a last ditch attempt to get you off someone.
I am not trying to BM the killer, I only want to get you off less experienced survivors.
Also that Jake lmao. That's one of the reasons I run this build they can't help themselves......
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Now that I know that you have a counter to my counter to your flashlight counter, I will be forced to counter it.
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Again, I don't care it if it'll cost me the game, I give zero ######### about that. Clickers are annoying to me and I've faced one too many in my games. The consequence I draw from that is that I tunnel you out of the game as quickly as possible. I've played for so long that I've stopped caring about the outcome of the game, especially since it's evident the devs aren't going to change anything about it. If I don't have fun, I don't care anymore about anyone's fun.
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Jokes on you, i play with sound muted so clicky clicky doesn't bother me.
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It puts the flashlight down or it gets put on the ground.
Click all you like; I'll get you.
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I usually ignore the flashlight clicker most of the game. I chase other survivors and break down pallets around the map, creating dead zones. It's much juicer to down the clicker when he has nothing left to work with when i finally start chasing him. So he has two options, keep following me (so i keep 2 survivors off gens minimum at all times) OR go repair boring gens. Either way he will have boring game even if he escapes.
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I don't click, I don't just run up to the killer and start clicking away...
I would only do it if someone was on death hook/being tunneled to try and get your attention away, if you don't take the bait? I'll just go do something else.
I understand people who follow you clicky clicky are frustrating we've all been there, I am not that type of player. I don't have fun in "bullying" the killer.
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I give up, read the above post.
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And again the above, above post.
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1000 IQ!
If I see you are ignoring me, I will just do the boring generator like a good boy.
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Survivors, stop running items.
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Killers, stop running weapons.
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You don't seem to understand - I see a flashlight, that person dies. They have to; they make hooks risky even if you don't chase them and if they are a pro looper even more reason to eliminate them fast. Clicking or not, flashlight = dead.