Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Show Killer IDs in the Lobby

Underdawg Member Posts: 193
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Killers already get to see who they are going up against, as well as what they are bringing to the trial. I don't have a problem with this, but it got me wondering if there is a particular reason why the survivors don't get to see the ID of the killer they are going up against.

(EDIT: To be clear, I am not saying show which specific Killer you are going up against, just their gamertag/ID)

Every possible reason (that I could think of) also apply to the killer:

  • Survivors can avoid killers they don't like - Yes, but Killers can do the same. On top of that, Killers can see you are bringing a map/key/flashlight and leave the lobby. I have seen this happen (at least I assume that is the reason the killer left the lobby).
  • If the killer is a streamer, survivors can stream snipe - Again, Killers can do the same. I haven't come across this, but I don't have anywhere near the hours some of you vets do.

To return to the first counterpoint, I personally would like the ability to avoid toxic killers. I am not talking about the ones who are just skilled. Some of the most fun games I have had have been against a killer who has everyone on death hook before we even get a second generator done. I am talking about the killers who face camp and swing at your limp body on the hook. I am talking about the killers who slug everyone and watch you slowly bleed out (I know, I know, Unbreakable/Soul Guard - but if the killer is determined to keep you there, they can just down you again). I understand the Devs are busy, and toxicity is very hard to combat in online games - but I think this one small change would go very far in helping people avoid playing games that are just not fun.



  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited June 2021

    I mean, if perks, items, addons, offerings, cosmetics would be locked for survivors when they start to search for lobby I wouldn't mind showing them a killer, so they can prepare what to do in game. But I don't think there is reason for just a name.

    How will you know he is really toxic? Most of them have private profile, or turn off comments. I am killer main and can safely say that a lot of survivors have no idea what tunneling or camping mean.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    I think it's more likely to be rejected. Because you talk about just being able to avoid toxic Killers but there's one Killer for every four Survivors. So the chances of you running into the same Killer should be fairly low unless there's just not a lot of Killers queuing up. On the other hand, this isn't just going to help with avoiding toxic Killers.

    Some people list their Killer main in their Steam Profile description and of course there's streamers which you do acknowledge but I don't know, it seems like you're trying to brush it off or something. If you look at a Killers stream you know what Killer they're playing which is precisely what a ton of people don't want because you can use specific builds to fight Killers and you have an even bigger advantage than SWF's with their comms because you know exactly where the Killer is and what they're doing.

    So, do I think Behavior's going to implement a controversial change like this into the game thereby harming streamers who are actively promoting the game for free? Not a chance. Let me repeat that. Not.A.Chance.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I would say hide player ids for all players until end screen results.

    instead, show the ping of all players in pre lobby. There is no reason anymore for the killer to see survs pings but not the other way around as the killer is not the host anymore.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    This is such a bad idea. This means you cant have an open profile anymore, because survivors will see one post saying "-rep camper" and leave the group. They need to learn to play vs Campers instead of running from them.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193
    edited June 2021

    First and foremost, thank you for your responses.

    RE: Dino7281

    "How will you know he is really toxic?"

    Personally, I define toxic as gameplay that goes against the spirit of the game, with the intention to make other people not enjoy the game for your own amusement. It's when a killer doesn't care about bloodpoints, doesn't care about "winning", doesn't care about preventing gens, or any other killer objective. If your gameplay shrinks the player base, and makes the game not fun for others it is toxic. This doesn't include being really skilled or playing a really good Nurse/Spirit/Hag.

    An online game cannot survive (no pun intended) without players. Both killers and survivors. We play this game for fun, but if your idea of fun is purely selfish and at the expense of others playing the game, then I think the behavior is toxic. A killer who hooks one survivor, and then spams M2s on them is not forwarding their killer objectives. A killer who slugs all four players and watches them all bleed out is not forwarding killer objectives (I could be wrong, but I remember hearing you don't get bloodpoints if a player bleeds out). Pick them up (wait out DS) and end the match. These killers are simply trolling/griefing - and the survivor has to wait out the timer or face dc penalties.

    RE: Kyxlect

    "So the chances of you running into the same Killer should be fairly low unless there's just not a lot of Killers queuing up."

    I have had this happen. I play on Asian servers. I've run into a few repeat lobbies (with survivors and killers).

    "Some people list their Killer main in their Steam Profile description and of course there's streamers which you do acknowledge but I don't know, it seems like you're trying to brush it off or something."

    I am honestly not trying to brush it off. I just know that I have the same ability when I play killer to "research" the lobby I am playing against. I don't do that because, well, honestly I don't care to. It feels cheap. I've gone against survivors whose tags are . I don't pull up their twitch stream because I feel like it's against the spirit of the game to stream snipe someone. Not to mention it does nothing to improve me as a killer.

    "So, do I think Behavior's going to implement a controversial change like this into the game thereby harming streamers who are actively promoting the game for free? Not a chance."

    Again, Killers already have access to the names/IDs of the survivors they are going against. If this harms streamers, then doesn't it harm survivor streamers as well?

    RE: Emeal

    "This is such a bad idea. This means you cant have an open profile anymore, because survivors will see one post saying "-rep camper" and leave the group."

    Has this been an issue for the (equally toxic) Survivor bully squads?

    "They need to learn to play vs Campers instead of running from them."

    I think I understand your point here. You don't get better as a player if you avoid difficult situations. To be clear, that's not my goal. At the end of the day, this is a game. Sure there are bugs and glitches, but at its core, the devs have created a fun experience. This is why we have all paid our money. But players also want some agency in their game play. The conversation as to why camping/tunneling happens is a bit more complex than I want to get into (map sizes, gen speeds, wanting to "win" etc), but at the end of the day you have quite a few people who are saying that it is not an enjoyable part of the game. If the response to this honest feedback is "suck it up", then I think you're going to see the player base slowly whither away - because people will say "No. This is not fun." If we, as a community, are OK with this then I suppose the status quo is fine.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Just make names appear at the end of the game. And put numbers or some symbols so people can differentiate players during the game.

    Seeing names promotes toxicness, grudges etc. Positives are not much worth it because of the negatives knowing how toxic the community is.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Yeah, the solution is not to show the killer's ID, but rather to block the survivor's IDs from the killer until they reach the scoreboard.

  • SacrilegeGG
    SacrilegeGG Member Posts: 85

    This would hurt a lot of extremely skilled killlers, and content creators.

    Players extremely good at particular killers (e.g., Scorpionz on Pig, or CoconutRTS on Huntress) would be recognised and dodged often, making their queue times much worse.

    Furthermore, noticing a killer who tends to main a particular character gives the survivors information — if I saw Michi as the killer in my lobby, I can expect them to be playing Hag, and we can change our perks/items to counter them before the match even begins.

    For streamers, survivors could very easily stream-snipe, which is more damaging for the killer than if the killer watched one of the survivors stream. Knowing the killer's loadout and position is much more powerful than knowing one survivor's.