Which survivor do you like to see in the lobby?

I like Nancy and Steve.
Leon 💙
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For... reasons.
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Farming davids and megheads are my favorites
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Yun-Jin, David and Nea as a Killer.
Bill and Meg as a survivor.
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I love seeing lisa's in my lobbies. Even though sadly they're almost all very bad from personal experience. I've only lost to a lisa once and it was amazing.
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I like to see Yui and Min, they are good runners most of the time.
Claudette and Steve are least favorite.
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ash i love his smug look inspecting his hand
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Jill, Claire, Leon and Feng Min in her red dress outfit because it reminds me of Ada Wong. The dream team!
I also like seeing Kate (obviously) even though I'm a Jill main now.
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Jill, Cheryl and Kate.
For... reasons.
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Chris, Leon and Claire.
Leon needs to continue the redfield bloodline.
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Kate, Meg, Leon, Jill, Claire, Nancy. Mostly because they always seem to save me off hook lol everyone else just runs straight out
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steve with prestige face and scoops ahoy outfit
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Probably Jake, Adam, and/or Jeff.
Just for the proof that they indeed still exist.
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If there is a Nancy and Steve I try to get them on death hook and walk out together. Or I will kill Steve soon as gates open (like a shocking scene in a show/movie) and let Nancy be the sole survivor.
I'm a Nancy main.
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Tapp mains are the best solo teammates by far and I’ll argue with anyone on this
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Claudette, Quentin, Kate and Laurie are the ones I like to see. Since they are the survivors I usually play, seeing them in the lobby feels like I am playing with / against myself.
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Bill, that man always has your back.
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that is very specific
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Cheryl, Jill, Leon, Claire, Jake, and Kate. They are usually helpful and good at the game.
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as a killer I like to see Jeffs and Tapps. It's like getting the opportunity to hunt an endangered species.
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Leon, bc he's a hottie. Also had a Kate earlier with the exact outfit I use, which was kinda cute to run into.
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You've had enough Claire's in your lobby to determine that? Lmao
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Ash and Steve cuz they're usually memelords.
Jeff because they're usually pretty nice.
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Felix, Chris, and Lisa. Maybe it's my own superstition, but those types of players are usually pretty helpful throughout the match.
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Kate, especially with the guitar on her back. Guitar is a passion of mine so that's why
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David and Felix.
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When i play survivor i am happy when i see Ace and Nea. Because i never saw bad survivors using this characters. Ace and Nea mains are good players usually.
When i play killer Claudette, Meg and Jake. I am sorry but most of this survivors are just bad. I faced with good versions of them too but usually they gives me easy kills.
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Chris.. for obvious reasons.
Other would be: Jill, Leon, Claire, shirtless David, Kate, Jane, Yun Jin doooeh.
The same happened with RE like it did with Halloween back in 2016. The Chapter woke my interest to play the RE games like Halloeen woke my interest to watch the movies.I don't really know any games except Village.
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Bill... I never ran into a toxic Bill yet. David is my least favorite. Never ran into a normal David. Or if I did, I didn't notice because of cosmetics or something.
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Seeing a Jeff is always nice.
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Jeff or Tapp because they're so rare! Also, P3 Quentin's!