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Increase in camping and tunneling?

quirky Member Posts: 56

So I saw others seem to be having the issue of tunneling and proxy camping. What do you do?

I'm not good at running the killer, though I try, DS doesn't do enough to stop them, and I just feel like the game isn't as fun anymore.

The past two days I've been tunneled more than I ever have, and I'm red rank. I have actually been DCing because I've been getting so heated.

Any tips? What do you guys do?


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited June 2021

    You will improve in chases if you are chased more. Try dead hard, woo and iron will. You will always know where available pallets are without checking beforehand with woo. Use dead hard to reach window or a pallet. Iron will so you can lose the killer and hide when you need to.

    That is my build atm, with kindred. You can bring medkits too if you are not confident enough or just want to be safe.

    And yeah, lots of killers will leave you if you don't get down easily.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Not much can be done as it is an endorsed play-style, but I have been facing off against a lot of killers who will camp and tunnel. Rank 1 killers are doing this, sometimes before a gen has even popped.

  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130

    Try lucky break a lot of killers will consider you not worth the trouble of chasing and let you go or just straight up lose you if you can break line of sight while it's up. Sprint burst is a similar idea where if you get enough distance before the killer gets to you it ends the chase before it even starts and they'll try to go for someone easier. Windows of opportunity if you need help learning pathing during chase and how loops can connect to each other. Alert and spine chill help you avoid dealing with the killer all together although I'd advise learning how to loop as opposed to stealthing since you'd make your team's lives easier by learning how to loop and waste the killer's time.

    DS like you mentioned helps too if after all that the killer is still dead set on tunneling they're probably gonna lose if your team is being efficient and doing gens like they should be so I guess take solace you did your best to help your team win and go next. Don't worry about "winning" for the time being and teach yourself the skills for being a better looper and you'll save yourself stress in the long run.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I've noticed an increase in this as well. A lot of them even chew through BT and DS as well it's shocking lol.

    I honestly think the best way to overcome camping and tunneling for each survivor to bring selfish perks that make them harder to catch. Altruism is too easily taken advantage of by killers.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I'll have to try woo again. I gave up on it too easily I think.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I don't play with friends often so that's out.

    I can't help being the first one found if I spawn in the killer's terror radius.

    I know I need to get better at running the killer, but with being camped and tunneled, I don't get a chance. I'll try Windows to see if that perk helps me though. What other perks do you recommend?

    I just want the game to feel fun again.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Get better at running the killer.

    Not to be a dick but you shouldnt be in reds if you arent good at running the killer. Just being real with you, if i see someone is really weak at chase that person is prioritized. I wont tunnel them right out immediately, but theyre gone as soon as i need it to be a 3 man. Anybody can hold m1 on a gen, running the killer is what seperates bad/goid/great survivors. Because anyone can hold m1 its efficient to get rid of tge weak runners first so i have more time to chase the bad ones.

    Proxy camping just depends on where youre hooked and how manu gens are left. If theres 2 gens left and ive got you hooked in the middle of a 3 gen, yeah, im patrolling thise gens while pressuring the hook. If theres 5 gens left and youre hooked in a corner no reason to stay there, this is why its advisable to try and lead the killer away from the gens if youre being chased.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    Any tips for running the killer? I've tried practicing, and sometimes I can but usually I'm good at just saving and gens and hiding.

    I also can't help I'm red ranks. It's easy to pip without running the killer.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    I feel you on the pip system, like i mentioned wasnt trying to be mean just pointing out the game is putting you up against killers you arent ready for yet.

    Theres a few really goid videos that talk about some of the basics in looping. A lot of which is being able to judge the distance before youre going to take a hit.

    Once youve got those basics from there its understanding each killer and how theyre going to utilize their power in a loop and how to counter it.

    The biggest tip i can give without writing a dissertatiin, number one thing, if you are about to take a hit and are healthy, run straight. Dont drop a pallet during the speed up, dont 360 half your speed burst away, just run straight. It will take the killer 15 to 20 seconds just to catch back up and youre at another loop. Lets say youre bad, kilker gets first hit in 5 secobds, then spends 15 catching back up, then 5 getting second hit. Thats still 25 second chase. Not goid but ive seen way worse. I double tapped a feng earlier, entire chase was like 8 seconds for both hits 🤷‍♂️

    WoO is a great perk, spinechill and the other one (starts with an R cant think of the name) can help with vault speeds.

    Anyway, good luck :)

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    Yeah, killer mains are pretty angry right now.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Survivors Run 4 meta perks on 4 survivors, along with voice comms. Will genrush or bully as depip squads: 'It's in the game!'

    Also Survivors when Killers run meta, pick certain Killers, or camp/tunnel/slug: 'Stop being toxic/angry!'

    Just sayin'.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    So you are saying that if you are bullied by a bigger person, you can bully a smaller person? And that smaller person cant be mad because the biggest guy bullied you in the first place?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited June 2021

    I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. Survivors are allowed to run meta & try their hardest to win. But Killers, doing the same thing, are 'toxic' and 'should be banned', according to these forums.

    Because Killers winning is 'unfun' and 'ruining the game'.

    The level of disconnect from the people complaining is staggering.

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    yes. Because killers are stronger than survivors. A good nurse, blight, spirit or hag can easily dominate the game. other killers are not that bad too. trickster is a strong killer too. I think.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I feel both side. I've had a killer say we were toxic SWF and I was a solo. So was someone else because I reached out out them.

    I think Survivors shouldn't teabag after a pallet stun or flashlight click unless you're trying to piss the killer off, which I do if they tunnel my friends the occasional time I play with them.

    But Killers also can't blame everything in SWF.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I'm not blaming SWF. I'm just pointing out that Survivors will use every tool at their disposal to win; perks, teamwork, SWF.

    But when Killers use every tool at their disposal; Suddenly they are 'toxic' and 'ruining the game'. And 'should be banned' and the game needs to be changed to remove the tactics 'for the health of the game'.

    The level of 4 year old 'No one but me can win' energy in the complaints is amazing.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    It is every game apart from the 2-3 killers who are running Devour, and I'm not even exaggerating. Game after game after game, nothing but camping and tunneling. It's miserable and I don't blame my teammates when they DC.

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162
  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    This is EXACTLY what I mean.

    Killer uses tactics to win? 'I don't blame people for DCing'.

    But what if the Killer is tired of In It To Win It SWF squads? Do they get to DC? Nope! They need to suck it up because SWF is part of the game!

    (For the record, all DCing is bad & ruins the game. I'm just making a point)

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    What do you mean? It sounds like you only read complaints from survivors? Take a look at these forums, there are just as much complaints from killers than from survivors.

    And please, stop looking at survivors like they are all the same person.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    The greatest defense against tunneling is demonstrating how competent you are at looping and that focusing you would be a very bad strategy.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    This thread is about camping and tunneling; other complaints don't matter.

    I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of complaining about two accepted Killer tactics, while the people who do such complaints are also the first to say Killers have to suck it up when they run into 4-man SWF squads, because it's part of the game.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    All I'm saying is I don't see the point in camping or tunneling. It only happens to be at 5 gens. I get face camping when the gates are open, I don't get upset, but when there are so many gens left. Why?

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I've seen killers DC before. Happened to me last night. 3 gens done, no hooks, he DC'd.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I'm working on practicing on that today. I've just always thought maybe I can get by on sneaking but I'm apparently an awful ninja.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
    edited June 2021

    Killer tunnels one person out of the game, cries that he was gen rushed when three people escape. UWU.

    Oh and I've had a way more killers DC this morning than survivors, even though we're literally constantly tunneled out of every game. What world do you live in where killers aren't DCing because they're just bad?

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    This thread is about camping and tunneling yes, but I believe you missed the point of me asking how to avoid that. Plus, of course I'm going to post about killers because I'm a survivor main. I play killer very little because it either stresses me out or I get angry lol.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Because the Killer wants to slow down gens.

    The Killer has no idea if Survivors are all doing 1 gen, or if 3 separate gens are about to pop after his ONE chase.

    And given a solo gen, done alone, with no items, can take 80 seconds, and a chase can easily take 80 seconds; they want to remove one player before 3/5ths of the objectives pop.

    The point being; it's a valid tactic. Same as meta perks and SWF groups. The people complaining, even if they're not aware of it, are sending the message 'It's only okay if I win' because they want to change/punish/remove Killer tactics while they keep running meta SWF groups.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I don't give a single flying ######### if I win. I just want to play! I know dying is part of the game, but if I'm being tunneled right out before a gen pops, that's not playing now is it?

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    you are right. but for some reason this forum always defends killers.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I will give you my example. I played last night against a Spirit. Arguably the most powerful killer if played correctly. They had strider. They had BBQ. They had some good perks! They tunneled me. Now, I will give them credit, they got me at the start of the game, spawned in her radius but that's not her fault, but then every time I got unhooked, guess who came back? Yep. I know I should know how to run Killer, I'm working on it, but with a spirit youre tunneling and camping? Hellnah.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    When you play a PvP game with no respawns; you accept that you may be removed first & fast.

    Do you play Counter-Strike and complain if you get shot first?

    Do you play PubG or Fortnite and demand the guns be changed because you're the first dead and 'did not get to play'?

    You can't remove camping because you want to 'play more' when part of playing the game, in a PvP setting, is the possibility of being eliminated.

    That goes double for when gen speeds can be sub-5 minutes; you force the killer to go for 12 hooks, or take away his ability to kill for 2 minutes, or whatever else can be suggested without altering gen speeds, and you are literally removing a Killer's ability to do his objective.

    Because the Killer KILLS. I don't get why this is so shocking to Survivors. He does not 'Maybe kill later on, if we let him'.

    A Killer's job is not to ask you if you had 'enough fun for me to Kill you now, please?'

    I don't get why Killers doing their goal as efficiently as Survivors is so shocking.

    That's the 'Only I can win' energy I'm talking about; Survivors bang out gens while running meta in SWF groups, then cry if they get camped. Only THEY can play optimally. Killers have to avoid camping, tunneling, slugging, using <insert perk here>, using <insert Killer here>. Because they're toxic/unfair/unfun/for noobs/ruining the game/whatever BS can be made up.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    Don't get me wrong, survivors are toxic too. Hell, half the ones I play with won't save me, and they should teabag or flashlight click, but I can't control them.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I don't get how you can complain about SWF and gen rushing and that's fine, but us survivors who get maybe 5000 BP a game from being tunneled right out are in the wrong. I don't understand you.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I'm sure you're not awful at stealth, it's just stealth will only get you so far, as you climb ranks the killers tracking perks will become more meta and counter the most perfectly played stealth regardless.

    The killer has 5mins to make the game a 3v1 to contest control of the game normally, that's 1 person getting hooked 3 times, if get caught and it's clear that you're the weak looper on the team ( there's always 1 ) then you've become the path of least resistance.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    JFC. I'm not complaining about SWF. I'm pointing out it's IN THE GAME AND SURVIVORS USE IT, then THEY complain about Killers using their tactics. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of Survivors using every tool they have, then whining when Killers DO THE SAME THING.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I'm trying today to work on making sure I'm not the weaker loop, but I also tried a few days to use a flashlight and that didn't work for me.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    I don't care what the devs said. A face camping, tunneler isnt a strat. They have so many perks you can use to do better. ######### I'm an awful killer and I still don't face camp.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    But, you know what, we can agree to disagree and both actually agree that Survivors and Killers can be the worst.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Most definitely learn to loop before you carry things that can make a killer salty lol. Look up youtube vids and master 1 map at a time, good luck.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    why are the forums always filled with these posts

    Honestly I recommend being more stealthy, let others take the pressure if you don't preform well in a chase, or try to improve in a chase as much as you can