What are some unwritten rules for the game?

milktea Member Posts: 14

So I’m newish to the game and was wondering what are some unwritten rules ? The only one I know is dropping down twice to say “thank you” for being healed or because a killer let you live at the end lol


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,070

    Well every one has different rules since every one doesnt play the same way, killer and survivor are basically 2 different games played in 1. Not every one plays both sides and not every one understands the frustrations of each side.

    So really, there are none

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    Don't call people names and don't body block to hold games hostage. Tunneling and camping exist in the game for killers as backup options to get more pressure, learn to deal with them quickly. Nodding camera up and down is also a small communication method lol.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    Try not to go into the basement against Leatherface or Hag to save someone immediately; they will only capitalize on it.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I think I remember one from back in the day: last survivor gets hatch.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    If someone is being chased and has already been hooked twice, try your best to get the killer to go after you instead if you've still got another hook to go.

    Try your best to save your teammates after all gens are done if possible. When I started playing, I thought you were supposed to leave right away, even if people were hooked or being chased.

    As killer, try not to go after the person who was just unhooked, but I get that some people say it's a good strategy and unfortunately it kinda is.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    That sounds familiar but wasn't it if there was a dc? I can't remember correctly so I might be wrong.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Wait so I did that wrong lmao good to know that I did that wrongly

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah, I agree with others before me. There are no more unwritten rules.

    Me personally, I play how I would like to verse. I think more of this would really benefit the game.

    But , in the end. Enjoy your journey in DBD, and allow others to do the same

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    always pet peegy

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, sometimes I did follow the unwritten rules. But not every single trial :)

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Try not to be a tool unless you wanna be treated like one.

  • milktea
    milktea Member Posts: 14

    What does BM and sandbag mean ? And what’s tunnelled

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2021

    Here's a couple:

    -As a survivor, tbagging to other survivors (crouching a few times rapidly) or clicking a flashlight is either a thank you or a call to attention (heal me, come over here, etc.) Doing either of these to a killer is usually considered as rude. Friendly gestures to the killer include nodding, crouching in front of them (without bouncing up and down), and dropping your item in front of them.

    -If you're the last survivor and you've been downed, don't struggle and the killer might give you hatch. Struggling almost guarantees they'll hook you, though if they start hitting the air or flailing their camera, they're telling you to stop.

    -If you face a Pig, you can try crouching and walking towards her. If she crouches back, use the point animation in her face. This is known as booping the snoot, and some Pig players will turn friendly, leave you alone once, or spare you at the end of the game on if you boop them. Some players aren't interested in memeing and will just stab you, but it doesn't hurt to try in a last-ditch scenario.

    -If you're going for an unhook and the killer spots you and starts chasing you, don't continue back to the unhook unless there's no one else who could possibly get it; instead, turn around and lead the killer somewhere far away from the hooked player.

    -If you are running from the killer, and there's another survivor running from the killer that's behind you (between you and the killer), don't drop a pallet - you'll trap them and guarantee the hit. Leave it upright and let them drop the pallet behind you if they choose.

    -If there are 3 survivors at the exit gates and the last survivor is hooked, and there isn't something extremely dangerous in play like NOED/Devour/T3 Myers/a facecamping Bubba/a killer chasing all of them out of the gates, the survivors at the gate should go back to rescue their teammate and it's in pretty bad form to leave them behind without trying. 2 survivors safe is iffier but should still try; 1 survivor typically cannot rescue from a camping killer by themselves, and can only hook trade and hope the other survivor makes it out. A lone injured survivor won't even manage to get the unhook and should just leave.

    -It's usually best to open exit gates to 99% and then leave them there until everyone is ready to leave; starting the endgame collapse early limits your time to make saves and risks activating Blood Warden.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    BM stands for bad manners - rude gestures include tbagging and clicking at the killer, spamming loud noise notifications, hitting a hooked survivor, and camping a hooked survivor and nodding.

    Sandbagging is when you as a survivor do something that either unintentionally or intentionally endangers your teammates or prevents them from playing. Sandbagging includes blocking a survivor's way while they're being chased, dropping pallets in front of them, dropping pallets needlessly in general, running the killer into other survivors as a way of escaping a chase, trapping other survivors in rooms or corners, pointing at lockers other players are hiding in, unhooking a survivor right in front of the killer without using the perk Borrowed Time, or spamming loud noise notifications near other survivors so the killer comes over to investigate. Basically, if it's going to get your teammates killed, don't do it.

    Tunneling is when a killer keeps pursuing one player - when they get unhooked, the killer ignores the player that unhooked them, or anyone else who comes in to try and distract them, and starts chasing that player again. Repeat unto death.

  • milktea
    milktea Member Posts: 14

    what does these mean ? Are they killers ?NOED/Devour/T3 Myers/a facecamping Bubba! Also why leave your item for killer if they can’t use it? The pig boop is funny tho I’m going to try that haha

  • milktea
    milktea Member Posts: 14

    Probably a stupid question but how do you nod? And click at the killer ? All I know how to do is point, and say come here ! And I think circle is to drop an item. But I don’t know what stuff means but learning a few in here :-)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2021

    Ah, shouldn't have used DBD terminology. :P

    NOED: No One Escapes Death. It's a perk, especially common on newer killers; once all 5 generators are powered, unless all 5 totems were cleansed during the match (they pretty much never will be), one of them becomes a hex totem and the killer gains 3% movement speed and the ability to one-hit down everyone until the hex is cleansed. Very dangerous; you have to either find the totem or leave immediately.

    Devour: Devour Hope. Another hex perk. Basically, every time you unhook a player and the killer is far enough away, they gain a stack of this perk. At 3 stacks, the killer gains the ability to one-hit everyone. At 5 stacks, they can instantly kill survivors, which is really, really bad. Unlike NOED, this perk is active throughout the match. If you ever get the notification for Devour Hope (it will come when the killer gets 3 stacks), you should stop working on generators and look for hex totems; if you let it get to 5 stacks, it's pretty much game over.

    Myers is one of the killers: Michael Myers, or the Shape. His power has 3 tiers. In tier 3, the highest tier, he can one-hit survivors. He has an addon that can make this tier last forever, and other addons that allow him to instantly kill players while in T3, though these addons are rare to face. You can tell if he has one by looking at his hand that isn't holding the knife in T3; if it's closed in a fist, you're safe, and if it's open, he has the addon.

    Bubba is one of the killers, Leatherface or the Cannibal. Bubba has a chainsaw that he can use to one-hit multiple survivors at once if they're close together. If he's sitting near the hook (camping), it's basically impossible to rescue a player from the hook, because he will just chainsaw both of you the second that the hooked player is freed.

    The common theme in all of these is one-hits. Going out to rescue survivors requires you and your teammates to be able to take an extra hit, and usually shuffle your position around so that a healthy player can bodyblock (get between and use their collision hitbox) the killer from attacking the injured ones. If there's an instadown effect in play, this doesn't work and most rescue attempts are going to end with the hooked player freed but one of the rescuers taking their place. There's no shame in just leaving if a rescue isn't feasible.

    Anyway, dropping the item is just a gesture. The killer can't use it, and it means you can't take it into the next match, but you're basically giving them a gift and it's the thought that counts. You can also do this as a last-ditch 'please give me mercy' thing; if you're about to die, you can drop your item and crouch and hope the killer is feeling nice.

    You can nod by bobbing your camera up and down. Shaking your head is the same thing, you just have to move the camera from side to side. Clicking requires you to have a flashlight, which is one of the items you can carry. Dropping an item is R for me, but I only know PC controls.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    BM means bad manners, aka teabagging or flashlight spam and sandbag means getting in the way of your teammates, like purposely getting in the way of your teammates.

    Tunneled means tunnel vision, only focusing on 1 person per say.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Killers would actually tunnel p3 Claudettes asap and would usually bring moris dedicated for them.

    Most of the time other survivors would sandbag you if you used full prestige cosmetics since they assume you weren't going to do anything but hide.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Waving ya arms means that you're getting camped. Many people don't know that. But it's a really good thing you can do to communicate with the other survivors.