Do DH & NOED need to be changed?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

Yeah, in my opinion both since there are both second chance perks that can cover the user's mistakes. But, what do you think

Do DH & NOED need to be changed? 59 votes

Dead Hard
Chocolate_CosmosSexyMoneyTeabaggingGhostfaceFobboyikesamaHex_IgnoredGamerEzra 7 votes
Hex: No One Escapes Death
Seiko300TapeKnotHannonElcopollodarwinsbrainShoobyAmazingXandShamelessPigMainTrickstaaaaapatchoulisunNeosinder 11 votes
GHERBEARRULESDimekSoulslayer618MrPenguinGeneralVRoboMojoPlantCollectorbjorksnaslandromatAwkward_FiendMadLordJackSergeant_Pandaglitchboixtr4meOmputinNoOneKnowsNovaTsukiYureiWishIcouldmainDistortedDreamSpIrItOp 23 votes
SacrilegeGGcoley_219SillierHorizon5TunnelVisionStarr43TatariuCrowmanMoundshroudTripleStealselflessneaSOMENINJANAMEViktor1853[Deleted User]ZonkyWizardKuroiZephyrGruulhexarsonnakotamcc 18 votes


  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Both have to go.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited June 2021

    "second chance perks that can cover the user's mistakes"

    I believe that mostly applies to dead hard, NoED doesn't really cover your mistake. Its not like "oh I misplayed but NoED made that hit." the same way DH is "oh I misplayed press E to erase that mistake". But those are just small details and labels, the main point is they should both be changed.

    Both have to be changed for different reasons.

    DH is very strong and has no counterplay if used for distance as well as being a really unhealthy perk. You can also use it multiple times for the entire match and there can be multiple active in a match.

    NoED isn't very strong, it only comes into effect at the end of the game and only gets you 1 down if the survivors are decent. Killer has to play the match 1 perk down and it's easily countered. However, it feels really bad to be the survivor on the receiving end similar to Myers just popping up on you and "Boom exposed and downed". It can feel bad for both sides.

    One is really strong and unhealthy, and the other is weak/mediocre and unhealthy. Both are unhealthy and should be changed or reworked to make them more healthy and balanced.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited June 2021
    Dead Hard

    Noed has a counter to make it never activate.

    Dead Hard can be used like an extra life stage many times per match and Killer can't delete it.

  • yonowi1885
    yonowi1885 Member Posts: 28

    Dear devs, I really hope you don't listen to this kind of completely absurd posts. This forum is apparently completely KILLER SIDE to dare to ask for a Dead Hard change omg. Imagine asking a change for Dead Hard xD! You're really forgetting that the Killer goes at a higher speed than the Survivor, and has the Bloodlust to catch up with the Survivor. Stop with this kind of posts sincerely... Dead Hard can be countered very easily, and has a reload time. You must be the same kind of person who asks for a change on Borrowed Time. Most people who use it don't even know how to use it properly. Against an experienced Killer, Dead Hard is mostly used for distance, to get to a location that you couldn't get to without it. The game is in very bad shape right now, this is not the time to come and pollute it with these kinds of requests.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    Except Dead Hard for distance to a pallet or loop has no counter. And this can be devastating on maps like Badham or the Game. And eliminate a possible good mind game made by a killer. And I wanted BT to not proc on the TR. Not every post is from a salty killer main. Please check what people have said before making assumptions like everything is against survivors. Because obviously you are inexperienced here.

    Post edited by WishIcouldmain on
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    So that explains why majority are in favour of both getting nerfed 🤨

  • yikesama
    yikesama Member Posts: 24
    Dead Hard

    Deadhard is just so stupid sometimes lets just say "Exhausted on the ground"

    It Happens way to often that i get downed and be exhausted like i dont understand the usage of the Perk when IT DONT WORK.

    NOED is fine as it is, i guess.. i mean its not hard to counter it at all its just annoying when the killer thinks "hehe i played like ######### now i am going to Camp with noed so the wont get the mate or die with him hehe (deathslinger intensifies)"

  • yikesama
    yikesama Member Posts: 24
    Dead Hard

    i mean, just wait it out like me or like the rank 1 killers i play against and its countered lol

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Depends, cant really counter it when it's used for distance unless you're playing Slinger or Huntress.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    NOED is just plain boring. It's not a weak perk, but it doesn't feel neither fun, nor actually rewarding. It's just like "oh, well, they beat me and the game is lost, but at least now I'll get one free down if they are nearby, or maybe if they are extremely dumb I'll even get value out of it more than once". I just really feel like it needs some reimagining and slight rework, not a nerf or deletion or anything like that.

    The only problem with Dead Hard is that half of the time players get exhausted on the ground. Still, it's more of a latency issue, doesn't have much to do with perk itself. It's easily baitable, it's not as annoying as Sprint Burst. And unless survivor is a somewhat decent looper, they'll get no value from Dead Hard whatsoever anyways. So yeah, it's completely fine in its current state and the only problem with it is inconsistency.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    This forum is neither killer sided, nor survivor sided. If you think otherwise - it means that you are never even present on forums, and your 9 comments only prove that. Both sides are allowed to have their opinion, biased or not, it's their right. And your whining doesn't help the conversation.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    Bro, Dead Hard doesn't even work properly half the time- it's completely busted on Console right now. Plus when a killer knows you have it and can adapt during the match it, becomes marginally less useful.

    ^ posted literally today btw lmao.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    NOED is frankly not that great against good survivors but the fundamental mechanic is terribly unfair. Dead hard is annoying but not particularly unfair nor powerful.

    Any insta-expose, especially in a situation when endgame is triggered, is terrifying. It enables an endgame camp and leaves it all up to totem RNGesus faith stat. Plus, it's not even like devour hope where you have to make a concerted effort to not only keep the totem around, but actively work for it using your own agency. NOED gives you the big fat piece of dubiously helpful cake for doing badly.

    The point of perks like NOED, unrelenting, etc. are all supposed to be training wheels, minor buffs to help ameliorate bad gameplay (emphasis on minor). The issue is that NOED is simply too powerful to fit into this category.

    Meanwhile, Dead Hard is really, really annoying, but not even that powerful and requires that you be somewhat familiar with looping before you go trigger happy with "e." It serves to augment a skilled looper by helping to extend chases on demand. But in the end, it doesn't hold a candle to sprintburst. The distance gained by DH is incomparable to the distance gained by sprintburst, or other sprint exhaustion perks for that matter. Those perks will help you get to far, far away loops, whereas DH requires that you're already almost at a loop, or already looping, to extend it by a few more loops. That's gonna be hard if you don't have a loop to DH at in the first place.