Strangely enough Pyke from league of legends could actually work in dbd

I know league of legends is not a horror game unless your ambushed on your own by the enemy fiddlesticks.
But i have come to the realization that Pyke could easily be added to dbd and just work.
Why is that you ask. Well its to do with his lore. He is basically a undead revenant that kills people that appears on his list thinking that there his old crew which betrayed him.
His old crew are long dead as he killed them all and now anyone in the town of bilgewater are basically dead should he Appear.
Note: also pyke takes orders from a fish he doesn't know this but this was confirmed by lor recently. This opens him up perfectly as an entity puppet because all you need to is grant him false memories and a never-ending list and that's hit hes killing again.
Pykes charector as a whole is also very interesting to explore as its very clear he kills very brutally with the powers he has been given. Slashes them then drowns them in the sea below them. Which is honestly a horrible way to go.
Anyway thats enough of why I think Pyke would work. I wanted to throw this out there to start off a whole wider discussion that off "could killers from non horror games work in dbd"
Finally I can press R to outplay instead of E
Though wouldn't this be just like Deathslinger? Q is the only part of his kit I can see working as a killer power.
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actualy his W could also work but i dont see him adding much to the game
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That would just be Spirit :/
Imagine Nocturne as old Freddy though. E puts people into nightmare world where you can R to them as a secondary ability.
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Tbh I would rather have Shaco the Demon Jester
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If we add machine guns to bear traps we could recreate the same experience
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What about Elise, though? I mean, I don't see ANY champion from LoL ever making his way towards DbD (and even if they did, they would have to do it with lots of stuttering, as per the current frame drops), but we actually miss a shapeshifting killer.
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She doesn't work as well she's alredy serving a spider god...
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While I am on board for a pirate themed Killer and Pyke has the aestetics for DbD I do not think that his power would fit well. He would be just a watered down copy of Deathslinger / Sprit as some have already pointed out.
Not that I would dislike seeing Pyke in this game, as I said his aestetics fit. But we would need to do something with his power.
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I think you are trying too much to stick to the lore. Pyramid Head doesn't even exist, after all, if not in Harry Mason's mind. And we got Cheryl, not Harry
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True but i dont think her Shape shifting would make it.. Her control of spiders would for sure however.
Honestly if idv didnt exist id could see her playing similar to that giant spider who uses webs to kill survs.
Its why as much as id love to see fiddle over pyke because of the things they could do with his scarecrows would translate so well to dbd.
Cant happen cuz idv made it first