I'm sick of survivors teaming with the killer.

This is a direct continuation of this thread here https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/260302/why-does-this-keep-happening#latest

As you may have read in that thread, I've had several instances of survivors working with the killer to kill me. Several were where I attempted to use a "Ghost Build" and try to stay unseen all game. But a few times have actually been when I was just playing normally. Today, it happened again.

It was a Nurse. One person was dead, and she just picked up another survivor to hook her, she was dead on hook. I go to hide in a locker to avoid his BBQ. The other remaining survivor was there with me, but rather than hiding in a locker with me or leaving, stood in front of the locker I was in and let himself be revealed by BBQ. When the Nurse got there, he pointed to the locker I was in. The Nurse killed me, then let this guy go.

The thing is, they always try and act like I "didn't do anything all game" which does not justify anything. This game specifically, I did in fact finish repairing 2 generators, doing the equivalent of about 1 and a half, while this troll did the equivalent of 0. These were the only 2 gens that got done the whole game, as the game ended rather too quickly to do much of anything, as it was a high rank "super Nurse" who destroyed anything in his path. I only unhooked someone once, but that was because it was the only chance I actually got to unhook anyone. Coincidentally, it was the troll who I unhooked.

I wasn't even using the "Ghost Build" like a few previous times this happened, and I was running my normal build that I call the "Totem Tapper" build.

Like I'm seriously getting tired of people doing this. They always try and use the excuse that I "didn't do anything" which is both not true and an invalid reason to team with the killer against me. I do report people when this happens but I highly doubt that it even helps.

I don't understand. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is this just gonna inevitably keep happening and I can't do anything about it? I really don't think I should have to deal with this considering the survivors are supposed to WORK TOGETHER and the killer is supposed to KILL THE SURVIVORS.
