Lag problem

Has anyone been dealing with lag during the event.
Yes, horrible lags on ps4. Worse as survivor compared to killer. I'm getting a big advantage playing as killer when survivors are obviously running but teleporting backwards. The lag even counters all exhaustion perks.Playing right now is a really bad experience and this so called Event is not what we got promised... . I am not happy
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I have the same problem bro, is impossible to play as survivor, and killer also have that problem but it's running better.
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Yeh save errors, laged out from a game or lobby, and stuff like that. Plz, if you can report this to the main developers plz ask them to fix the servers cause the new anniversary come up and can't play cause poor servers on console k?
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This!! Playing as survivor on my PS4 has been a nightmare. Playing killer Isn't as bad. With survivor I end up being pushed back into the killer and hitting walls.
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Nah I have not had any lag problems. I'm on PC and I've gotten a couple dedicated hits here and there but it's just normal dbd for me.
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As dc penalty isn't on I just dc whenever I get killed by the lag. It makes me sad, cause before the new chapter the game was finally running ok... I want that back.
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Yes, even on PC it happens to me, Behavior fixes your game!
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It's widely known that the devs borked the game, are failing at unborking it, will probably eventually declare that the borking will be fixed in a few months, and then will deny that anything has ever been borked and we should all just be happy with 200K BP.
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They can keep their BP's. I don't care for those. Except for new players who actually cares?