Console killer getting tea bagged for no good reason??

What’s with the Tea Bags in green ranks? You get console players get huge freezes. Like, you can charge Tencle Strike Freeze and the survivor can be a good few seconds chase in front of you again. Line up a TS, Press attack Freeze and it misses the survivor.
I’m playing for the anniversary BP, 4 games straight i’ve been tea bagged for getting 1-2 hooks per match. Yes it’s that bad! I haven’t tunnelled, camped etc.
Not that the lack hooks bother me, no point getting frustrated whilst the freezes are that bad.
I laugh off the T-bags they don’t bother me, I'm just amazed at the survivor mentality, thinking they played well when the forums are scattered with performance issues.
They cant tell if you're console or not; freezes for PC player just look like stupid plays and the like
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Tbaggers in general are trash gremlins, but there's no way for them to know you're console and having these issues until the game's over.
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Why would you even T-bag a stupid play though lol
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Even still, why would they tea bag? Lol
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Queried a tea bagging survivor on it.
“Because you’re trash” 😂
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Play with crossplay off. Fair games.
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Won't the queue times skyrocket, though?
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Honestly it feels better, I dont know why.
Played last night, survivors queues were like 30-60 sec and killer queues instant.
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You say t-bagging doesnt bother you but you mention it in your title then 3 times in your post, must bother you a little.
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Yeah queue times are considerably longer
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Play ghostface and twerk back
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Tea bagging doesn’t bother me, what bothers me is I don’t understand the need to tea bag a killer performing poorly.
The flip side to it all is these exact same survivors probably complain about killers tunnelling and camping too lol
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I think you're at least a little bothered by the teabagging, hence the post. But I agree, it's funny when bad survivors teabag at the gate. They literally don't even know how bad they are.
Also, teabagging isn't necessarily the insult you think it is. Sometimes when I hit a good skill check with someone else on the gen with me, I "teabag" to celebrate. I'm sure they think I'm an idiot but I play to have fun. Survivors often teabag one time so say thanks. I do it all the time, and survivors do it back. Sometimes survivors teabag to say hi to each other. The other day, the gate was open, two survivors left, and my teammate who was dead on hook was downed. The killer walked through a pallet, where I was waiting, and I got the save. He just stood there, and when we got to the gate, we teabagged at each other to celebrate and then ran out. It wasn't about making the killer feel bad or to insult him. He wasn't even there.
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I’m considering turning crossplay off whilst it’s this bad. Even the playing field. I’m just worried about wait times for games
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If I can switch off to the performance issues and just play the game for BP, tea bagging is very minor in comparison. What does bother me simply from lack of understanding is I don’t understand the need to tea bag a killer performing poorly.
Generally I've found survivors single tea bag to a killer, or survivor to say thank you. Multiple at a killer is usually to mock for whatever reason. Multiple to a survivor can be numerous things, usually only classified as bad manner if you do it in front of a hooked survivor. I mean, if you want to do it all the power to them. I’ m sure eventually along the way these exact same survivors complain about tunnelling and camping killers. Yet here they are adding fuel to the fire, for a killer not so level headed a.k.a me
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I get those frequently even if I dont camp or tunnel. I perhaps come off as a bit of a tryhard perhaps. Oni on console is a joke atm and Ghostface and Trapper are 2 very abusable killers by coordinated teams anyway 😅
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Killers who camp and tunnel are basically ending the game for that survivor. Survivors who teabag do not make it impossible for the killers to play.
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I main GF, If survivors tea bag i return the favour once I've downed them. I’ve had survivors message me being triggered because I did it to them, even though the instigated it first. 🤷🏻♂️😅
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I don’t condone tunnelling and camping, however i’m sure we’ve all been in a match where the killer has rage quit due to toxic survivors. Hasn’t that example also made impossible to play as killer?
Why’s one for acceptable, yet another isn’t?