Am I the only one pissed of being abused solo Q against tryhard spirit stridors?
"Spirit is fine. SWF are the problem....bla bla bla".
And 4k spirit games one after other. I´m so tilted. 3 games in a row vs spirits level 1 or 2.
When the hell is going to be implemented a command communication tool and a ping system for solo q survivors???
Solo is fine. Ranks however arent. Alot of red ranks should be green at best.
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Who is saying Spirit is fine lol. She deserves nerf.
And also yes, swf is problem because game balancing around low ranks and for this swf is stronger than most killers.
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The small game buff was your solo buff!
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Maybe she is suite for playing vs Oracle. But on Solo Q is just abusive the way she wins ez pz.
I also think she must be nerfed.
I have said many times: good SWF and Solo Q is almost 2 different games. Solo needs communication kit. Solo wouldn´t reach however SWF efficiency, but it would be a nice start to reduce this gap. And maybe, Solo will be able to face a spirit. Now is impossible.
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That´s not a buff. That´s a PERK for finding totems. Is like if I told BBQ or ruin is a buff for killers. They are called perks.
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I was joking. One of the dev comments for the loading screen was saying “We hope the solo players are enjoying the small game buff”
Solo needs buffs ASAP imo
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I´ve been hearing that argument too much time. Is about the ranks, it´s about the MMR....
I play Solo Q red rank with red ranks the majority of the times.
Solo Q is not balanced. That´s all. Playing on Solo Q is an instrument for Otz winning +50 games in a row with every killer. Check it up.
In which balanced game 1 side could win +50 times in a row???? Balance is a mathematical concept: 50 / 50. 50 times out of 100 would win 1 team, 50 times would win the other. I´ts not like I win 50 games when u win 1.
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It's probably coming with the early game warm up phase we were promised ages ago
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Excuse buddy. I´m writting this thread still tilted and I couldn´t even notice the sarcasm xD.
I guess that dev don´t play much Solo Q.
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In any game where 6000 hours killer can play against 300 hour survivors...which btw are all in the same rank.
So yea, ranking and fair matchmaking would be the best solo buff
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That's cool if been rank 1 both sides since its release. As someone who plays solo 95% of the time I have never had issues as a solo player, I have seen the skill of red rank survivors get worse and worse over the years. Killers get win streaks due to awful survivors and if you actually watch them they end up skipping over half the hook states. The BIGGEST issue is bad survivors, people dont do gens, have no idea how to loop, hook farm etc. If someone goes down within seconds against a basic attack killer they're bad.
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They have tried that many times. Haven´t worked very well.
It´s just time to give Solo Q players what we have been claiming for: communication tools and pyng system. So can start playing in "team", like SWF do. When Solo Q would be buffed, they can do real adjusments and balance the killers propperly. All you see in DBD competitive is Spirit, Nurse, Blight. If you see any other is because tournament restrictions. Game has 0 balance.
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Your argument goes on the same line I said. Buff solo q and make those "not the best survivors", play better and efficiently.
Gameplay will just improve. Win win.
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No, giving people pings will not make them better in chase, stop them farming you off hook or even do the gen they spawn near. If you're aiming to buff those players no. Any changes to solo should wait for a working mmr. Like seriously when mmr is working most killers have no chance even versing solos, plus if solos are buffed most killers will be buffed.
Wait till mmr. When rank 1/2 players should be 15 etc. Its an obvious issue, the number of times iv been on the game map and my team go down in seconds for me to run the killer for 5+mins in a single chase...
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"Solo is fine. Ranks however arent."
Ranks aren't the problem, it's the fact that we have no communication amongst each other. Even the best survivors will look inexperienced in solo queue because no communication screws them over more often than not.
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Disagree with you. If solo players commit so many inefficient plays is because they play with no communication or map information.
Command communication also would help vs tunneling and camping making these strats less efficient.
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Well as someone who is solo 95% I dont look bad, if people watched my gameplay youd just see bad survivors dropping like mad while I'm carrying the game. Ranks is a huge issue, 2 red rank players can be so far apart in skill it's stupid. Iv seen red ranks that cant look behind them at all in chase and miss skillchecks constantly. Rank is an issue
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Solo queue is not fine. I only play solo. Do you play solo as survivor ? How many SWF escape and let the last one on the hook, or escape with hatch and don't care about the solo queue players ? So many ######### times. They sandbag, they want to gen rush and won't heal you : this game is not ok for solo queue players.
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They buffed kindred and small game for solo survs.
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Solo survivors have to play these 2 perks and not the perks they want, nice idea
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If dves are not going to give commns those perks shoud be base kit for Solo Q players.
Eventually more than 20-25 % of the Solo survivors would lmfao.
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Ranks is not the only reason why solo queue sucks, no communication also plays a role. It's just a mess, you can't balance the game around both SWF and solo queue when they play completely different — it's just impossible.
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SWF have all the information perk for free
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That's what I'm saying, you can't balance both SWF and Solo Queue when both are fundamentally different in how they play. You just can't and that's why DBD game balance can never be achieved until the developers close the communication gap that both parties have.
Having the obsession mechanic as base is nice, but it's not enough. I don't want perfection, just enough information for solos to not be forced to run perks just to play catch up with SWF.
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We all know the people who say spirit is fine, lots of them come from one particular stream on twitch lol.
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They gotta be trolling to put that in a loading screen message. Literally nobody uses small game.
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I use that perk with inner strenght very often and I destroy all totems under 2 minutes lol
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"Spirit is fine, just run Iron Will, No Mither, and Urban Evasion, then walk or crouch when she's phasing!"
The nerve of these people, I swear.
I'm with you on making solo queue fun.
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When MMR works and you get actual decent teammates. I usually get fine teammates, but I'm forever haunted the day on Azarov's Resting Place when Blendette Self-Cared against a Plague.
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Nice joke buddy
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There's literally a quote by @Almo in the loading screens that says solos will be pleased by the fact they gave them a way to track the number of remaining totems with Small Game. You know, the chief of the balance team.
That's what BHVR thinks of a solo buff. And that's how disconnected they are from the players.
For the next solo buff, see you in 5 years for the 10th anniversary.
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???? Where's the joke? I just wrote a feedback about an underrated perk
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Use a chronometter next time you are at azarov´s, the game or the psychiatric center.... I´d love to see you breaking all the totems in less than 2 minutes. Survivors have not blinks. That´s the nurse.
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Hahahaha. It´s the first time I heard about him. He is main clown in public games i guess, otherwise i don´t see his point.
Chief of balance team lmfao. Next message into the screen loader in 5 years will be like: "Solo Q have talked and we have listened. No mitther free base kit for everyone. Enjoy"
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Yet I find ruin and other hex perks very quickly and struggle finding them without it
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Yep. Sometimes totems can be hard to find on some maps. If it spaws in the middle of the hey field at coolwind is practically invisible. Or at big maps like The game.
But I don´t see the point of using small game at solo Q. Maybe you spawn very far from totems and your teammates are closer.
So at the end you are losing time.
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You fool. The only true way to destroy totems is the holy Detective's Hunch
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You get warned every time other survivors destroy them
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Blasphemy, that can only be Counterforce
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Witchcraft you must use HEXES!!!
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Small games is not good perk for Solo q survivors. We already have enough handicap.
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She's like the nurse to me in the way of nothing they do to them will ever balance them. They'll be bad to play or too good for people of all skills to enjoy playing against her. She had a way to "balance" her power out and that was with her not being able to see survivors and blood. But Stridor adds better hearing so she might as well be seeing the survivors without iron will.
Nurse going through objects will never be balanced unless it were to take away a blink or something for going through walls. But that'd be terrible to play. They should never make ghost like killers again because we have two and they're always in the spotlight to be hated especially spirit. Don't really expect spirit to be nerfed BUT if she does get nerfed. My bet is they remove her being able to stand still pretending to phase and they slow her base power down along with the add ons.
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Yeah suuure. Then SWF is fine. Judging by the killer outcry about survivors holding W .... lmao ... a lot of red ranks killer should be brown at best.
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No ranking buff can ever fix solo. It's simple logic. If the game is balanced and too many bad survivors have achieved high rank, then, logically, there must be somewhere the very good survivors, which would have low ranks instead, otherwise you can't say that the game is balanced and it's ranking that is causing the problem. But if there are good survivors somewhere in the lower ranks, then why do we never notice it, neither when playing killer in lower ranks, nor when playing survivor? There are no ranks where solo survivors dominate killers. Killers dominate over solo survivors in all ranks. Changing ranks for solo survivors won't change anything.
Simple logic beats fake news. 1:0 come and try again.
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There are bad killers in red ranks yes just not as common due to it being a 4v1 and if you're a bad killer you're hurt more in emblems than a bad survivor, for example altruism is a very easy medal to get iri in. But ranking would massively fix solo, atm you're likely to have 2 players that rarely touch a gen and cant do a chase. While I dont think you need to be perfect to be red rank you should have some skill and knowledge but alot of them lack this. You shouldn't be missing skillchecks, you should be able to look behind you etc. But even the devs have said the ranking dont mean anything hence the mmr, and when mmr was working solo games was easy af, purely because everyone could play to a higher level and the killer didnt have enough time to get downs and hooks. If you really feel solo is so bad and you dont think it's due to ranks being pointless you're probably someone who shouldn't be there, that's not me trying to be mean but just the way it is
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I'm more looking forward to full time sbmm and changes to ranking tbh.
They should just make kindred base kit, this may also help with the face camping problem. Proxy camping on the other hand...
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spirit can't be nerfed because of SWF
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Imagine actually needing perks as a survivor. It's not like its hard to add Kindred into a build. Its a good perk SwF or Solo. If you can't adjust the build for the situation. The problem is you not the perk.
The Devs thankfully already mentioned they would never do comms in game. Also those perks don't need to be base kit. You should figure put how to adjust builds for the situation.
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Imagine Solo Q players wearing kindred, BT, Small game and Bond.
But, hey.....On SWF: Unbreakable, Ds, Soul Guardian, Sprint Burst, prove thyself...
Can´t u see Solo Q and SWF are literally different games? Do u play survivor??
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I do actually. I also use BT as a staple for Solo and SwF. I also use Kindred quite a lot depending on my mood. I don't really use bond because logic says someone's gonna be at a gen. I also don't use small game due to how much I've played DBD. Totems are not really that hard to deal with.
If your biggest counter argument is do I play survivor. Then imma just laugh because you got nothing to contribute, but baseless claims at which point your reaching to hopefully validate yourself.
Also yes they are, but if you can't comprehend you need different builds for Solo and SwF than my friend the problem isn't the game its you not understanding the situation.