No crown for the Twins?
I've found the crown 7 times now while playing Twins and yet each time the crown hasn't shown up after the match ended. The patch fixed getting the crowns for everyone else so what's going on with the Twins?
Each time the match ended Victor was separate from Charlotte so are we looking at another bug associated with them being split? Anyone else having this issue?
I played two games as them, the first one I didn't get the crown, second one I did get the crown.
What difference did I make?
Well in the first game I finished as Victor, the second game I finished as Charlotte.
The only way to get the crown is by not having Victor enabled or leaving him in the dormant state when the game finishes.
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Right, I made a thread about this yesterday. Have to exit the trial controlling Charlotte or it doesn’t count.
This was an old bug on her release where if the Twins player was controlling Victor at the end of the match, technically Victor didn’t have BBQ (he has no perks) so the stacks wouldn’t give bonus bloodpoints.
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I mean, dead on. A lot of us stopped playing Twins shortly after release. Over the last six months they basically fixed every single problem and many of us still had a sour taste about it but they’re slowly becoming more popular lately as we realize all those bugs were corrected.
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Are you serious? I've been Victor everytime. I find it funny to run around as that little gremlin as the match ends. Well that explains that. Thank you.
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that's literally so stupid. really frustrated by this