Another dev update, and yet another lack of acknowledgement about poor console optimization.

Look, the changes are appreciated, the ones that matter anyway.

But this would have been a time to let us know you're listening to us console players. Yet again you give us silence for an issue you promised to resolve 2 years ago ( 3 years when winter 2021 rolls around. )

At every opportunity you've had to let us know you're at least working on it you've not said a damn word.

Sure, the extreme lag will be resolved at some point within the next month or so. At least I can only hope you'll resolve it that soon. But the overall console issues will still persist even after that's fixed.

At this point all I want is an acknowledgement that you are trying to fix what you promised to. But with how long y'all have been silent, just about all I can do at this point is hope.


  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Slow work pace?

    Honey, I think you have it backwards.

    BHVR is working way too hard and way too quickly. They don't have time to do ######### like bugs in the game because they keep pumping out DLCs every 3 months. They're probably working on a new killer right this second during the actual anniversary event and the bugs.

    They need to calm down and change their workflow so they have time to dedicate to non-content related issues. Like bugs and balance changes.

  • BingBongMan
    BingBongMan Member Posts: 631

    Not to mention that with every mid chapter comes only a handful of changes. Feels like wasted time when major updates come out with such a small amount of changes.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I love everything that's happened in the last month.

    Genuinely wish I could quit this game for another.

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    In my opinion I wouldn't expect the devs to work on consoles. They have made it obvious that they cater more to PC players. I could have swore console players outnumbered PC players but I could be wrong. I expect that they will never optimize for consoles. They will just give excuses or the same old "we are working on it". To me it seems they are purposely procrastinating. That is why like I said in previous posts that they need PTB on consoles as well since PC problems will be different from console problems.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344
    edited July 2021

    Altogether the consoles do indeed outnumber PCrs, and PlayStation was closing in on PC all by themselves. For that reason alone you'd figure consoles would move up in proiroty some.

    I've seen it elsewhere in this forum the theory that the devs were coasting on Xbox1 and PS4 to get to the newer gen machines. But Covid and the components/availability issues combined to streach the lives of the proir gen ones and still is. Plus recent patches have dropped performance on those newer consoles as well.

    They seem to have quite the predicament on their hands. Their largest playerbase is stuck on the older machines they cannot or will not properly support any more (something like 80-85%). We are all feeling the burn badly now, and are starting to organize and rise up some in a common voice. The performance drop on PC recently just made it all worse for them too.

    All the tinder needs now is that spark to ignite, just like during the colorblind episode. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually Camcom at this point that lights it.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 313

    It’s not up to bhvr if console gets bug fixes, it’s up to Microsoft and Sony. They force developers to have patches ready a long time in advance so they can approve them and after they are approved they can’t make any changes to said patch. If Microsoft and Sony don’t care about the bugs getting fixed they won’t get fixed since the patches won’t get approved. So blame those two ######### scum bag companies that legitimately only care about money instead of blaming bhvr for everything

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    I agree. I would take it a step further and say the only reason console players have not left the game is because so far there is no other game like DBD with iconic slashers. I think you are right. It will take some company like Capcom to light that fire under their butts. I would hate to be BHVR if majority of their main base (console players) left. I understand that there are many issues and coding that go into this and trying to figure out what's what but any other game would have sunk already.

  • BingBongMan
    BingBongMan Member Posts: 631

    I'm talking about overall poor console optimization as well. You'd know that if you read the entire post.

    One could reasonably assume it would be the devs that are responsible for making the game run well on consoles.

  • DarrellM74
    DarrellM74 Member Posts: 64

    I dont think you understand how game development works. BHVR submits to those 2 but BHVR initiates the bug fixes, the other 2 just approve that it wont screw anything up. They would lose millions if they were to pick and choose what games got updated by their own accord. Its like saying my bank wont put money in my acct, not if your job doesnt submit the transfer of funds.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited July 2021

    I literally cannot play this game as much as I love it right now.

    Before the Resident Evil chapter, my frames were perfectly fine (i'm on PS4).

    The day of the chapter release, my screen will literally freeze in place while Surv's/Killers i'm playing against (more than likely on next gen consoles and/or PC) are benefitting from this handicap.

    Please, please, PLEASE give us answers or reassurance. I don't deal with frame drops in any other game I play. I understand new content is important, but pretty soon I can see last gen console players giving up on playing this if we continue to be unheard and/or ignored

    Edit: (especially with how scarce the supply is for PS5 demands and PC prices inflating).