Survivors need a nerf!

Kevin_the_wise2000 Member Posts: 43
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

so let me get this straight

so survivors can have flash grenades and Instantly stun the killer if he OR she kicks a generator and all these perks dead hard,borrowed time and d strike BUT

Killers can't have the original enduring where it would've shorten the amount of time that the killer gets stunned!

REMEMBER the survivor perks are added 4x due to it being a 4 vs 1!!

Developers stop feeding the entitled survivors and make this game balanced!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2021

    Is enduring changed now? It reduced stun time by 40% last time I checked. Oh, you mean reduced DS stun. Yeah but DS is ok now. It does what it's suppposed to do. Still, I'm not a big fan of the perk that blinds you when you kick gens lol. It's kind of annoying but I don't mind it that much. Balancing surv vs killer is one of the greatest conundrums of the game. I saw in an interview once that the devs are aiming for a bit of chaos in the game so perfect balance is not a goal. What I think they should do is balance the early game. Make it so that survivors don't start working on gens right as the game starts because that's a huge head start when the killer has to find the survivors first. Still, the perk lethal pursuer is apparently really good on some killers for this exact reason.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    If I spawn alone by a gen on Springwood, Yamaoka, Ormond, or Mother’s Dwelling just to name a few and the same thing happened to 3 other teammates.. survivors aren’t the issue.. that exact scenario is a death sentence for most killers and I feel their pain when it happens because even a default Feng with 10 hours can potentially hold M1 all the way to victory.

  • Mar3384
    Mar3384 Member Posts: 30

    lol are you serious??? Killers are the ones that need nerfed!! So many things wrong with them and ya'll camp and tunnel. I find it funny that you complain about survivors when its the other way around,