What Nemesis Build Do You Use?

I've only been playing Nemesis for a short while and am unaware what the meta is for him so I've experimented on my own, but for the moment I've settled on
Perks: BBQ and chili, Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright, and Save the best for last
Addons: Marvin's blood (increases mutation rate from hit survivors), and Plant 43 vines (Makes it take longer to open supply chests)
What do you all use?
Lethal pursuer, Pop, Ruin, Bamboozle.
I was using save the best for a while but once I get better with the tentacle strikes I stopped using it.
I like bamboozle because in tier 1-2 the survivors can easily be too far ahead of you during a loop to comfortably hit them even in an animation lock. And he chews through pallets quickly in tier 2 so it doesn’t matter if they predrop because the window is blocked.
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BBQ - Bloodwarden - NOED - Coup de Grace
I love to falcon punch the hell out of the survivors.
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I’ve got four pages of perks at the moment but my build has remained:
- Eruption
- Hysteria
I think it’s mostly because BBQ and Pop are tried and true. And I want to keep experimenting with two of his new perks. It’s been working quite well actually.
Eruption gives time after downing/hooking to push pop on a generator.
Hysteria I think provides some really good jump scares.
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- Ruin
- Corrupt
- Pop
You probably won't find a better build out there. You could probably switch Ruin for STBL if you'd like.
My strategy is to contaminate as many people as possible and reach Tier 2 ASAP. Survivors running out of vaccines mid to late game is crucial.
Ruin does its job while I push people off generators & try to get my Tier 2. Pop is there as a Backup. Corrupt is mandatory. BBQ is there for BPs & Info.
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What I’ve learned with Nemesis perk builds and most chase perks are not needed on him because of the nature of his power.
He hits over pallets, so enduring/SF not necessary.
He breaks pallets in a little over two seconds with the whip, Brutal Strength not necessary.
His whip takes less time to reset than punching a survivor, STBFL not necessary.
Bamboozle has never really been a good perk so not a fan.
In my opinion the players down to tracking and gen regression. Once I feel more comfortable with him, I’ll remove the gen regression too. Just tracking perks.
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This might be just me, but in my albeit small amount of experience, he doesn't need a ton of tracking because the zombies almost always provide quite a bit of info.
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Thank you to everyone who's posted their build and tips so far its been very helpful
I really like this build I hadn't thought of stacking 3 gen stall perks with BBQ, I just don't really like Ruin. But I can definitely swap Ruin out with STBFL or another perk like you said
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BBQ and Chili, Ruin, Enduring, and Undying.
BBQ for points and tracking. I don't think you need much other tracking due to zombies helping you keep track of Survivors as well.
Ruin + Undying because I think the zombies pushing people off the Gens makes Ruin too good not to use.
Enduring lets you play greedy as him and just walk through pallets if you think they will keep running without much risk. I have also had people stun me and was able to hit them with the tentacle after thanks to enduring.
Still experimenting with him, but this is my go to build atm.
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How is bamboozle not a good perk? I’d argue it’s one of the best M1 killer perks in the game. I’ve been using it since the days you were required to have it or survivors would just run infinites on you.
There’s actually new god windows in RPD. I still see some disgusting double window setups on maps like Father Campbells chapel.
You are probably not going to mindgame really good survivors at jungle gyms / the shack and it keeps your chases moving instead of getting looped into oblivion.
I don’t think you really need it per say, and maps without problematic windows it’s not good. But it’s a great insurance policy.
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sometimes I run the Enduring+Spirit Fury package to ignore the pallet mind game
Typically I run BBQ, Surge, Starstruck and Lethal Pursuer.
I still think Enduring, and to a lesser extent Spirit Fury, are still worth it on him in a vacuum. If a survivor is injured, a pallet is a guaranteed down. If you pull out your tentacle and the survivor loops again, you lost that mindgame. If you run through and they double back and stun you, you lose as well. I would say the real benefit here is the ability to save time. Tentacle smashing pallets counts towards stacking Spirit Fury so you can always save dropped pallets to eat later.
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Ruin + Undying + STBFL + BBQ
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I use the following perk
Lethal persuer
I dont use any addon because i have a huge fear of wasted rescource. Ruin and pop are use to slow the game down so i have a fighting chance. Tinkerer tell me were i need to start pressuring and the perk can tell me if im losing or not. Lethal persuer tell me were i need to apply pressure at the start and just like tinkerer the perk tell me if i will lose but at the start of the game so i can change the way i will play the match from the get go
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I request for someone to play as Nemesis, no Add-ons, no Offering, only the Perk Nemesis, optionally kill all 4 in any way, optionally say in the afterchat "Nemesis", take a screenshot while hovering over the Perk and the chat open if possible, then come back on the forums, make a new discussion titled "Nemesis", and then only write "Nemesis" and show that screenshot.
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Oppression + Huntress' Lullaby + Dying Light + Undying
Combined with zombies and zombie speed and detection addons, it's the ultimate in gen slowdown. I rarely lose with this build.
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Infectious fright - Allows you to slug and contaminate more people at once which is important for his mutation rate
Tremors - Track where people are for mutation rate
Make your choice - Having an easy down is very nice for a slow building killer like nemesis to keep pressure whilst trying to gain mutation rate
Lethal - Find people ASAP to begin growing your mutation rate
- Increases mutation rate when contaminating a survivor
- Movement speed on zombies moderately increased
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Huh I hadn't thought about Huntress lullaby that's a pretty fun perk this kind of build reminds me of the types used for Old Freddy. I dig it!
This sounds like a super aggressive snow ball build that could be really fun once it starts
Plus enduring and spirit fury help give Nemesis a proper spooky moment for the survivor. He just destroys the pallet with the sheer face of his head
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I prefer Lullaby over Ruin because it actually makes noise when survivors blow a gen, which attracts zombies. I have also doubled up, swapping Undying for Ruin and that works well, but then Oppression is useless unless you lose Ruin early (and sometimes you will).
Speaking of Oppression I cannot stress enough how crazy good it is. Oppression has been the difference between '3 gens pop at once' and 'i and/or the zombies got there in time to stop all of them from popping'.
Anything that forces Survivors to make noise notifications is good on nemesis.
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You're an actual legend!
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Gibb build with bbq pls. I'm starving over here plus event ;)
But yeah I don't know why I never thought of that because gens blowing up does in fact attract zombies. I wonder if screaming does too? Like infectious/Deathbound.
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I haven't tested screaming yet. I need some help with that, actually.
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According to DbD wiki, and this checks out from my games and experiences on nemesis, who i have played almost exclusively since his release. tl;dr version - they follow noises and will chase until they lose LOS for a while. Logical zombie behavior.:
Zombie Behaviour:
- Zombies spawn out of the ground beneath a randomly chosen Hook.
- Zombies will lose line-of-sight when Survivors enter Lockers, even when doing it right in front of them.
- Zombies will react to Distraction Perks, such as Diversion or Red Herring .
- Zombies will react to all sorts of noises produced by Survivors, e.g. rushed actions, failed Skill Checks, Generator Repairs, Chest Unlocks, etc.
- Zombies shrink their collision hitbox when blinded, allowing Survivors to pass by them.
- Initial Spawn delay: 12 seconds
- This refers to how long it takes after loading into a Trial for the Zombies to spawn.
- Destruction animation: 3 seconds
- Spawn animation: 3 seconds
- Stun timer: 15+ seconds
- The stunning object's timer will be added to this (e.g. Flashlight Blind duration)
- Fall height threshold: 0.5 metres
- This refers to how far a Zombie must drop to be considered falling.
- Fall Stun timer: 3.43 seconds
- Idle timer: 1.5 seconds
- This refers to how long Zombies idle before starting to patrol after (re-)spawning.
Zombie Attack:
- Attack Open time: 0.2 seconds
- Attack Hit time: 1.3 seconds
- Attack Cool-down time: 0.5 seconds
Zombie Statistics:
- Walking speed: 1 m/s
- Detection range: 14 metres
- This refers to the range within which a Zombie will start chasing a Survivor, if the Survivor is in its Field of View.
- Detection half-angle: 95 °
- This refers to how far to the left or right a Zombie can spot Survivors in their Field of View from an imagined centre line.
- Detection boundary: 20 metres
- This refers to the distance a Survivor must be from a Zombie for the Zombie to stop chasing them.
- Audio Detection range: 6 metres
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my go-to build at the moment is Spirit Fury, Enduring, STBFL and Pop.
There's some reasoning behind it, and if you are interested I showcase it here
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Total map awareness with these two perks. Every time survivors pick up an item, every time they touch a vaccine, every time they startle a crow - you know where they are. Add in Infectious Fright and the zombies are just all over them constantly. Oppression makes them near-incapable of doing a gen. So good.
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Im using a 3gen build on him and loving it so far:
BBQ (for farm) or STBFL(optimal for surge) / Surge / Pop / Eruption. Manipulate your zombies to patrol the 3 gen area and you can win even a red rank squad.
Early game you want to ofc patrol a 4 gen area. Nemesis lacks of mobility so you better focus your pressure on a specific region. Unless you know you can win the game and slug everyone ofc.
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I haven't found mobility to be an issue thanks to his immense pressure from zombies. But nice build.
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*looks at his level 20 nemesis*
well... its complicated...
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I dont like to rely on zombies for pressure bcs of RNG AI, so just for tracking. But even with zombies tracking survivors here and there you still will have to make your way to chase them. That alone can cost your gens and possibly the most important gens in the map.
But if youve been successful/lucky with zombies so sure, thats a way to go. Just sharing my experience as nemesis main in red ranks.
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They're not RNG. They go to survivor noises of all kinds; master manipulating them to go where you want or you're wasting half of Nemmy's kit.
And please don't use RNG incorrectly. Just because you don't have fine control over a thing doesn't make it 'random'.
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well, still RNG to me cus their AI suddenly stop working like get stuck in a window or in a corner. And you need to get lucky for them to land a hit on survivors if they are not paying attention to the environment, patrolling a dead zone that has no gen or get caught in a corner.
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Ah so infectious does in fact help the zombies then?
I wouldn't think spies and hoarders would since you're the only one hearing them. Unless you mean you're just using them for info, but I definitely think we're on to something with infectious/failed skillcheck perks.
I just noticed that it says
"Zombies will react to Distraction Perks, such as Diversion or Red Herring .
Zombies will react to all sorts of noises produced by Survivors, e.g. rushed actions, failed Skill Checks, Generator Repairs, Chest Unlocks, etc." But this doesn't mention screaming so It makes me wonder...I think it needs tested tbh
In all seriousness do you have a bbq build you can recommend me?
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Lethal Pursuer, Corrupt Intervention, Eruption, Pop goes the weasel. I use the zombies for tracking, so no need for tracking perks in my opinion. I get a lot of value in the early game, and the Pop/Eruption combo has really extended games for me.
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I don't use BBQ unless i'm farming, so can't help you there.
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Alright! Did you ever more thoroughly test out infectious & zombies? Or you still liking huntress Lullaby most?
I had an idea of a starting point for a build but it's a bit gimmicky. Dragons Grip and Overcharge. You kick a gen, if they touch it they're forced to scream instantly failing the overcharge skillcheck. Alerting zombies nearby who may help you find the exposed surv easier. But again dragons grip has a lengthy cooldown and let's be real, overcharge is bad haha
Also you got a yt or anything to watch your games I'd be interested in watching.
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Oh that sounds pretty awesome! I need to try that out when I can