To Tentacle or Not to Tentacle?

Nemesis: You see a healthy survivor in front of you with an easy M1 but you have zero Mutation meter. It is at the start of the game and no generators have yet been finished. Do you M1 or tentacle strike to farm mutation?
I would M1, if I use the tentacle, it's usually because I wouldn't have gotten the M1 before they round a corner, vault or what have you
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100% tentacle.
The most important thing to do as nemesis is to get your power at its fullest. Otherwise you'll become a basic killer with no power.
Having tier 3 or even just tier 2 as soon as possible will be a very good for your chases and get easy downs.
It also forces them to use vaccines early in the game which then makes it easier for you in the later game when there are none left.
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I M1 when possible and slip in the contamination hits whenever the survivor's about to make it to a pallet/window; they'll get some distance they wouldn't have before, but I get some mutation, so I consider that a fair trade.
In the open, the tentacle is much easier to juke than an M1 and you can end up screwing yourself out of an easy hit if you go for the mutation play ASAP.
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Don´t tentacle. There´s a video of Otz comparing the powers of Pizzahead and Nemesus by only using their powers. Its quite revealing on whats better.
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I can definitely understand hitting the survivor with basic attack first (and have a few times), though a lot of the time I've personally been utilizing his power to start building up contamination, as well as being good practice with the power itself.
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Havent played Nemesis yet but from what ive seen from Nemesis players when playing surv is that they seem to only use the tentacle at Windows/loops/pallets to hit trough obstacles and just use the normal basic attacks for everything else.
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Punch. if you can't all but guarantee the tentacle hit, punch them. Mutation is overrated; it'll happen if you just tentacle when you can and destroy zombies that are in bad spots. No need to work for it.
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If it's an easy hit, probably tentacle. If it might be more perilous or you're under a lot of pressure, M1.
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I normally rush Infection Rate 2 and then only use tentacle when I won't get an M1 otherwise. That pallet break is honestly the best part about Nea.
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If they're in the open, M1 unless they're running in a straight line.
You need T2 and if you never go for tentacles you're just a big stompy M1 killer. That's why Marvin's is his best add-on, because you can tier up in two hits that you can get in your first chase.
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it depends honestly. I run Starstruck on Nemesis so sometimes I go for the M1 first and try to snowball off that, but if I'm on a map like The Game or Lery's I think it's best to prioritize Tier 2
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You M1 you get your down quicker
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When I play Nemesis I quickly forget about M1. Going always for M2s makes you start slower, but towards the middle game you become nearly unstoppable in chases.