I need help against deathslinger

Just ran against a very good deathslinger. Feels really bad to have no chance to react to his power. Does anybody have any solid ways to counter a deathslinger that isn't entirely reliant on surroundings?


  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    My advice would be to try stealth.

    Deathslinger is very hard to outplay once he found you but he has zero map presence. You best bet to wast his time is to stealth around him and not let him get to you.

    Also you can consider crouching sometimes. This can break line of sight and throw him off. Do not try the usual looping tactics as thos are quickly shut down by him. Especialy windows become a death trap when you vault them. Dead Hard is a pretty good perk against him because you can dodge through his spear and Sprint Burst can save you as well.

    Additionaly you can keep track of his power. When he misses a shot he has to reload. You can notice when he reloads and play differently as long as his power is down.

    I once managed to avoid his shot by going into a locker but I would not recomment that.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Fair enough. I guess I have bad luck of being found near dead zones haha. I'm also getting into higher ranks for the first time, so this may be something I just need to get accustomed to.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I'll give stealth/immersion a try. Good advice, I appreciate it 😁

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Stealth and try to put objects in the way while running so if you get shot you can potentially break out

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117

    If you are about to vault a window but the slinger has LOS, he will most likely take the shot. Don't vault, dodge to the side instead, he fires, then vault.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    There's nothing you can really do against a good Slinger, but most you run into aren't that great. Quickly wiggling from side to side while running is a good tip (not zigzags, just wiggling), as is trying to put objects between you. Naturally, stealth is huge. Prethrowing pallets, not so much, but it's better than nothing.

    Edit: also, call their bluffs. If they keep trying to zone you out, they clearly aren't the best because they could have just taken the shot.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Well theres 2 thing you can try

    1 avoid him if possible but that's not always easy

    2 stay out of his los and dont drop pallets until your injured because he will shoot you and then your injured anyway if injured pre drop them if hes In a fair distance

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited July 2021

    Hold Shift + W whilst simultaneously trying to hide from his LOS. Otherwise, pre-drop safe pallets and only vault windows if you have enough LOS. Deathslinger is very very good in 1v1s so don't be disappointed if you're caught quickly.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    There isn't any reliable way if he's as good as you say.

    In chase you'll have to take a lot of risks and understand how his power works to have a decent shot at outplaying him. The best thing you can do is always get as far away as possibly and never under no circumstance stay in a low wall loop injured even if it meant running into open space. They're death traps againt him and chances you'll outplay him there is minuscule. You can do quite a bit with high loops thoughΒ so do your best to stall him at those.

    To the topic of dodging his power, yes you can't react to it but isn't that the same vs any good killer who uses his power againt you ? Do you often dodge mid-range hatchet throws from really good huntresses, no you don't as the hitbox is very wide and it's unreliable, you loop them at high wall loops where their windup won't let them shoot. In other words, if you want to dodge any projectile, you need to understand where killers use them and make a prediction when you asume they'll shoot which is hard to do.

    There really isn't any simple trick (besides constant random small strafing to sides when in open space) to make him miss. Best thing to understand how he operates is to play him to understand his limits.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    as a good Slinger myself, let me share a few things that i very much struggle with when playing as him:

    1) Survivors using LoS blockers to their advantage when looping. this refers to people who i found around jungle gyms etc, where i only have windows to shoot through. said windows do give me a chance to beat the loop without just walking after tham as a 4.4 m/s Killer, but if the Survivor is aware of the windows location and waits around the corner to see whether im gonna try and aim through it or not, those people can be a real pain to chase.

    Additionally to this, people who drop pallets quickly and keep their distance make it very hard for me to actually land good shots on then and then reel them in. Pallets are very safe against this Killer, as he cant hit you over them like he can with windows (be careful though, there are a lot of pallets he can also reel you around and hit before you get to the other side). you shouldnt get greedy with your pallet loops, as essentially all i need is having a LoS on you for a few seconds to shoot and reel you in.

    2) Survivors out in the open. Caleb is a very precise Killer, so shooting people out in the open is usually a much harder task than shooting them in tight spaces. When i play Caleb, i always try to wait with my shots until the Survivor is in a location where its harder for them to dodge my shot. especially long range shots are very much dodgeable by Survivors, short range however hardly is (you'd have to correctly predict my shot and then dodge it beforehand - which ive had happen against me ngl).

    in general, most Calebs will shoot you in pallets, windows or doorways. if you have a Caleb behind you and you see a doorway, the Deathslinger player is probaply already preaiming said doorway - fake going in there, then turn away from it last second and watch their spear hit the door.

    3) stealthy Survivors. this one is pretty self explanatory, i cant shoot what i cant see.

    4) efficient teams. he struggles a lot with map pressure, so gens will fly by. he has nothing to deal with genrushers (as much as i hate it) and people who are just generally good at their gen game.

    if you decide to genrush, do be aware of his ambush game though. He is still very good at that, so i'd advise against it - heal up somewhere and then go to the gens.

    in general: be careful of your positioning, especially when healing. dont just sit out in the open, that gets you ambushed very quickly.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Break LOS, pre drop, and just waste his time. Since he sucks in the two other pinnacles of a strong killer Mobility and Snowball.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I really appreciate you taking the time to share this knowledge with me 😊 I've played deathslinger a few times, but not at a high level. My understanding of his powers and weaknesses are still developing.

    I'll give your advice a shot and see how I fair the next time I play against a good Deathslinger πŸ‘πŸ»

    Again, I really appreciate the lengthy response and information from your perspective as a good Deathslinger.

    Have a great day!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited July 2021

    i really hope it helps :D

    he is a very strong 1v1 Killer, but if you have a functioning team, he can get his behind beaten quite badly.

    if you have good map awareness to see him comming (also, if they aim at you you get a bell ringing sound - just in case you didnt already know that), the only thing left for this man is his chase potential. if you can make him take a decently long time to catch you, your team can do a lot of damage with the gens.

    also, one more thing to keep in mind:

    if there is a hole, he is going to be able to shoot you through it.

    you have to be very careful of your surroundings to not get hit with something like that (e.g. a few days ago i had someone take cover behind one of the burnt down walls on the Asylum (the middle height ones that always spawn in a square with a pallet spot) and i shot them through a tiny crack between said walls).

    (this sort of excludes the swamp - thats just a buggy mess right now with these hitboxes xD)

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    A good DS will give no time for reaction. The only thing you can do is try to predict his patterns and preemptively avoid shots. Ex: most average DS will shot corners. But if you get the guy that can land shoots through the shack wall holes, then you just FF to the next game I guess.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    DC tech, free DC's right now, also good versus new wraith, even worth it when dc penalty comes back

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    There is no way to counter Deathslinger. Just hold "W" when you can and hope that he misses. Or you can do like I do against a Deathslinger, DC :)