DBD still has a matchmaking problem

I play both sides fairly equally. From ranks 20 to about rank 14 or so, the matchmaking seems fairly average. Everything after rank 14 is a complete toss up. I am currently rank 8 as survivor, almost every match I join is either with all red ranks, which never goes well as in my experience, red rank survivors will dc for literally any reason they see fit and red rank killers are well beyond my skill bracket (usually), or I join a match comprised of low low low rank survivors and a baby killer.
I don't even know if BHVR can fix these matchmaking issues, but I feel like they could do something to help mitigate some of the extremes that are present in the current matchmaking.
Yes, everyone -including the devs- know that matchmaking isn’t working properly currently. That’s why SBM is being worked on.
For the DC problem: currently the disconnect penaltys are disabled because of the crashes and issues that came with the chapter 20 update (I at least think that is the reason). Once penalty’s are enabled again there should be fewer DCs again..
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Im having an impossible time learning the game with the current matchmaking system. Rank 16 killer and always up against a group of purple and red survivors bullying with flashlights and body blocking. Then the teabagging and them trying to get me to chase which I can never win due to sucking as a 6 day old player of the game.
Why do low rank survivors who all survive against a high rank killer feel the need to then name call, and rub their win in after chat?
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Ah, I hadn't realized the dc penalty was disabled for that reason. Thanks for the information 🙂
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They name call and rub the "win" in the killers face because they get their kicks from making others feel bad :( I'm sorry you've been dealing with crappy people in DBD. I promise that not all of us are that way though!
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Apparently im not supposed to follow the blood trails of survivors as its called "tunneling" and i cant bait someone on the hook because thats camping...even when there are no gens left.
But survivors can gang rush me with flashlights, body block, hit me with pallet after pallet and all that is fine.
Why the double standard? Killers are supposed to play in a very specific way but survivors can do anything they want?
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Every game ive had for the last 3 days has been with people who outrank me by at least 8. Dont think they ever last more than 10 minutes....and 3 of those minutes are being teabagged because they refuse to run out of the map to escape.
i just want to learn to play the game, but usually cant even find someone before all the gens are done.
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This last game I just got called a ######### (N word) for being bad at killer when I was up against a rank 4.
Its bad enough I have to deal with extremely poor matchmaking and not getting any BP for games, but also subject to such disgusting mindsets.
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There is no matchmaking. The sooner you accept it and have fun... the better. If you cant... try checkers.
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The best advice I can give you is for you to throw out the survivor rule book for killers. 99.9999999% of them don't consider your feelings when they take any action while they play, you should do the same. If you think you need to tunnel, camp or slug, do so. They're all sanctioned by the Devs and are a part of the normal game play. It is unrealistic for you to 3 hook every survivor for most matches, unless you're playing against potatoes or are playing a highly mobile killer like Spirit, Nurse, or Blight, and even then, against a competent swf, really good killers will still sweat.
Turn off the chat box and ignore their salt, or do like me and relish in it.
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I appreciate the advice, but the devs dont seem to care about their matchmaking system. Its broken and not fun for a new player to have to deal with high skill, rank 1 players.
20 games today and every one was chock full of players so far above my skill level, I would have earned the same points standing still and spamming.
Not enjoyable. Im done.
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Yea, I've been playing since 2019 and matchmaking has always been like this and will always be like this. I've actually stopped playing killer unless I need rift points or blood points for my Claudette.
I don't blame you one bit for leaving, good luck on what ever game you go to.