Has post game or community in general been less "toxic" since the anniversary for you?

No (same)
Although I say "No", it's only because I've had way more positive than negative comments in post-game chat. My experience is it's always been more positive, although I appreciate that it's not always the case for others.
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No (same)
The post game chat is the same, but I get way less -rep comments on my profile than usual.
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
Killers doing 4Ks instant or slugging when there are 4/5 cakes... everyone getting like 8000 BPs .... GG killer nice game
Survivors gerusshing and ending the game in 5 minutes wwhile 4/5 cakes... Yhea thanx, I hate it...
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No (same)
If you play killer people are almost never very nice in the endgame chat.
When everyone offers a cake and you get 4K as killer you can better just say gg and leave because people will almost always insult you or call you a camping and tunneling tryhard.
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
Apparently people don't like it when you endgame facecamp someone less than 4 minutes into a trial.
They also don't like it when you do the gens and leave when they're 5-gen facecamping someone.
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
Toxic is the wrong word but I did notice that matches for both sides have become a lot sweatier
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No (same)
I had a survivor game against Pig on Midwich. I messed up and waited too long to start looking for Jigsaw boxes. Realizing I only had seconds left to live, I thought, "What's a funny place to die?" and ran to the sacrificial circle in the courtyard. Then I spectated to see if anyone noticed my body.
All in all, it was a good match where everyone got lots of points and the Pig ultimately got a 4K. I opened the chat to try to LOL with people, but one of my teammates was already in there telling the killer what a garbage player they were, despite the fact that a) the killer won, b) the killer was on crossplay and couldn't read the chat, and c) I died in the circle -- does nobody care?
Happy anniversary to us.
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Yes (less toxic)
hmm maybe its just me but even tho I play mostly killer like 80% killer ive still noticed alot less toxic people even when they lose guess its justm me
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
Yeah… it’s got worse.
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Yes (less toxic)
I think I'm just getting more lucky LOL. Not only as a killer main myself, been letting survivors keep crowns and if they want, farm with me. I also been getting nice killers that farm whenever I play survivor this week or just fair sports that tell me I played well. My first match of the day so far was this really nice blight that let me keep my crown on feng. I let him hit me, and hook me for him to get points as well.
Not saying I always farm though. It's a bit harder for survivors to get crowns, when I dont feel like farming I will play normally, I just won't kill them. I pretty much ######### off for the rest of the match.
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No (same)
There are certainly players who are just friendly, and maybe I just had bad luck with the opponents I had to play against.
Fortunately, there are plenty of players who can just accept their loss and remain friendly in the endgame chat. :)
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Yes (less toxic)
was I that blight? did the blight have golden cane, bloody torso and that blighted head? I mightve been him cause I did that exact thing
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
The game is not fun,too difficult to enjoy too many aggressive players and the matchmaking needs adjustment for i am thinking to not play for a while if i'm put in another session with these types of players.
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Yes (less toxic)
I've had less people waiting until the last second to leave.
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Gotten more toxic ;-;
On both Playstation and PC, this is the first time since the event started that I've really felt like there are only a bunch of ######### out there.
5 Cakes:
Insidious basement bubbas are followed by slug fests of other killers. Down the Survivor: DC! Not to mention tunneling new players or casual players I lured back to the game because of the event.
Genrushing to take as few points as possible.
On both sides, things I wouldn't normally describe as toxic, more like annoying. What I don't understand though is why you don't use the few days where everyone wants to collect BP to do something a little different.What I don't understand though is why you can't play a little differently for the few days where everyone wants to collect BP.
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No (same)
I didn't have much toxicity before event, so it's basically same for me.