If the Devs would care about there Game and Community

They would instant hotfix issues that Ruin the Game The Frame Drop issue on PS4 and Xbox1 is ruining the Game and the Devs didnt care
Playing Killer is unplayable now because u cant hit anything Killers like Twins, Nurse, Blight, Deathslinger and other Killer who need to hit whit there Power are unplayable because every time u use ur Power u get hard lags so u cant hit
We cant wait until the Midchapter Patch we need a Hotfix for now only Survivor CAN Play the Event because as Killer it is impossible
You act like they just wave their hands and a fix exists, and they are just waiting to launch it.
They have to fix it before they can launch the fix.
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I know for a fact that killer is not unplayable on console because there are plenty of Twins mains that are playing just fine on console right now. Stop trying to call the game unplayable because every person that is playing on console right now would disagree with you.
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I don't disagree with him and i play on console.
I play survivor because it's the only way I can bare to play right now. Killer is unplayable because the slightest bit of lag will cause you to lose a survivor in chase. Also using any killer power will cause lag, etc, etc.
Don't claim to speak for all console players if you don't actually represent how we feel.
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So then why is almost every killer I get matched with on console? Because it's unplayable? Of course not, they're playing the game and they can do it damn well.
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While the game isn't technically unplayable the constant freezes for actions being started/completed are very jarring. In a game about timing and seconds mattering losing 40+ seconds every game is almost to the point of not being playable.
It just sucks that this is week 3 of having these problems for console and who knows when it'll be fixed.
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I play on Console and I agree.
It ######### sucks to be at such a huge disadvantage
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I can confirm. It’s bad on console and killer is the worst.
Every time a perk, a status effect or even bloodlust activates there is some sort of freeze.
So glad I am on pc now.
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So you're playing an unplayable game...? I thought it was unplayable...
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Really? You don’t get what people mean by “unplayable”? Or you just don’t want to understand it? Or are you being ironic?
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Oh yes, ha ha.
It's figurative.
When the game runs at 25 FPS but freezes whenever:
Someone enters chase
Someone screws up a skill check
A new status effect appears
Someone uses an Exhaustion perk
Bloodlust kicks in
A pallet is dropped
A gen is completed
A vault occurs
A gate is opened
That's not what I would call playable, but I'm not going to argue with you.
You've already demonstrated that you aren't up for a logical discussion and based off of your other opinions, I have no interest in further wasting either of our times.
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Just because it sucks really bad to play killer doesn't mean people won't play that role. People will play what they feel like playing regardless of the issues that are present.
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Stop saying "on console". You mean PS4. It's fine on PS5.
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And you act like you never played dbd on last gen before.
Of course it is ok to you that game doesn't work for nearly a month now. How much time will you give them and do you really think they will fix this? They promised optimisation years ago and even if the game was playable that doesn't mean it was without issues.
Please stop being so ignorant and look at some of the videos and what people are going through since the resi chapter.
Game should work if you purchased it. Imagine the new players that got it when resi came out and can't play without freezing every second.
Show some empathy dude.
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Lol "aren't up for logical discussion"? I see that people here really just label anybody who mainly plays survivor as unfit for discussion.
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Majority of people play on PS4, PS4 Pro/Xbox One, S and X.
It isn't unreasonable to say "on Console" when referring to those.
Just say next-gen if you are referring to Series X/PS5
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Who said anything about what you play?
It sure wasn't me.
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I'm a survivor main and have never had that problem.
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Well a lot of my opinions are unpopular and unpopular opinions on this forum are mostly just geared towards survivor.
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I'm being ignorant...by being aware that fixing code and graphics/engine/driver errors takes time?
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Well I haven't had that problem either until now lol.
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As you've said, "if the devs would care". Which they don't.
Our voices and feedback is usually ignored unless the situation reaches an extreme level or a verified Twitter account talks about it.
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Well I guess it takes years then since the game was never in good state.
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Honestly I thought you were dramatizing when you would say the game would stutter after any interaction after the latest update. But I saw my brother playing the other day, and you where right the game would lag every 1 minute or so. Each time nemesis would swing it would stutter. And I it believe it now. I can imagine it messes up matches, as old my pc would stutter like that too, it would cause me to miss skill checks and all that because of the stuttering. But yeah, I guess a lot of people won't believe you until they see it with their own eyes.
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So maybe the problem isn't what you play, but what you say.
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there are strong killer players and weak killer players! the game certainly has problems, but it's not unplayable ... if you know how to play!
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Well I don't think there's a problem at all, just one guy not wanting to engage in discussion because most of the opinions I express are ones that I feel are unpopular and survivor sided.
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You mean the Dev's haven't pushed the big red button that says "FIX EVERYTHING" yet? Maybe they should get right on that.
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That isn't what we are talking about.
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That is not his point. His point is that the game stutters when he uses a killers ability, and that can cause him to lose a survivors. Basically putting him at a disadvantage.
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No, despite the constant freezes you can still win and capitalize over survivor mistakes, its the process of getting there that's annoying. Literally I can be mid chase and because someone starts healing someone across the map my game freezes to the point where the chases isn't worth it anymore and I have to just drop it. You can know how to play and still be screwed over by problems that aren't your fault, but are issues with the game. Its not fun to play like that.
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ah yes, because thats how programming and coding works!
obviously they immediately know what the issue is, what causes it and how to easily remove it without creating any new ones!
programming is a lot like magic, really.
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I got it! but I repeat: it is not unplayable! even as a survivor lately DH sometimes does not work on ps4 ... between "sometimes" and "unplayable" there is a lot of difference!
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in the same way it is not funny when I play as a survivor that the killer gives a hit while I am taking a test, I fail it for a lag ... that I am going in one direction and suddenly I find myself against a wall! but it happens once in 10, not always!
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Today i hv played like 7 games and 4 of the Games i hv lost instant because of the Frame Drops. The Lags makes the Game unplayable as Killer because it sucks if u miss a important hit because of the freezes. Buy a PS4 and try to Play Killer like the Twins or Nurse and u will see how unplayable it is.
Im not the Girl who is mad about losing but it is frustrating to lose and waste a cake because of lags
Btw i wouldnt be so mad if the Problem is just some days old but we have the lag issue already like 3 weeks and they still didnt fix it but hey they fix the Crown issue in 2 hours 🤷🏻♀️
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What I got from this thread.
1.Next gen and pc players not having problems so they are not frustrated. They actually find this funny.
2. Never fixing anything is perfectly fine because "it takes time". I say never because people who played dbd on last gen for years know about it's problems that only got worse troughout the years.
3. People saying that game completely freezing for a few seconds most of the time is "playable".
Any more gold?
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I understand you! but i have a ps4! problems I know them well! to play down: I want more cakes !!!!! ;)
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Where are they?? People keep saying this but I havent seen or heard from one yet. Please have some console players come in and prove that they see none of these issues cause I dont believe the "plenty are having no issues" line.
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Almost every killer I play with is on console. If it was unplayable nobody on console would be playing it.
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Okay, so I guess we have to be literal with you, since it seems you can only focus on the word unplayable. When I say it, not gonna speak for everyone, but when I say it, it means you can still play, if you are ok with missing on swings right in front of you, cant mind game cause you lag and teleport to places you didnt intend to go, players get free dead hards cause when I go to swing it stops for 3-5 seconds for me but not the other player I am chasing. When I do get to swing and hit someone they get their burst but I am stuck standing still cause theres that pesky 3-5 issue again. These simple tasks such as hooking, interrupting, grabbing, picking up, and just running in general are bugged in a serious way right now for most console players. Does this make the game impossible to play, no, but to play in the fashion I could just a month ago it is. I am also not a level 1 killer nor a 15, I generally hover between 4-6. So I know how to play and what should normally happen. I also do not believe there is an overnight fix either, however nobody is speaking up and explaining anything or offering any type of assurance that this is going to be fixed. So I feel I have been clear and fairly concise, do you now understand what we feel is unplayable?
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The only point I was making is to not call in unplayable because it's not. You shouldn't be exaggerating when you're talking about the state of the game because it seems like you're trying to make it seem worse than it is. I understand that a lot of people on console are having problems but it is nowhere near unplayable. I have a lot of friends who play religiously on console and they are all doing it perfectly fine. If you think the game is "unplayable" then don't play it, simple as that. There's a fix for your problem.
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People are putting up and dealing with the freezes because, there is an event going on and they want to earn crowns, cakes, blood-points.
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You got to be understanding (well you dont have to be but you should be) i mean i doubt the frame drop is something they could figure out and fix overnight i mean i hear you but issues take time if you don't like em hate, to say it, "simply don't play". i work support and write up issues and the amount of people who just want it to work baffle the hell out of me if you don't ever want issues don't use a computer pure and simple. 95% of the population is lucky we are where we are today with computers minimal effort for you to use yet you all act like it should behave like your car but yet your car breakdown, you get that. if this was not the bill gates era still you'd have to know way more about your computer than you'd be willing to learn and then you might cut developers a bit of slack just saying you got it easy in this day and age, cut em a break.
Trust me i know i've used a pc since i was 10 years old and im 49 now i grew up when you had to set your telephone reciver in a cradle and best you got was less than 300 baud, you also had to know more about dos to get things running and the internet was all bulletin board dial up services you got it so easy these days its actually comical the amount of info you don't know or even care to try to know yet your quick to damn a developer as quick as possible. its sad.
Like here's one for you did you know when you type in your browser a website url it will automatically go to a non secure website http:// it will not check for an https:// secure site for you. A site has to setup a redirect for that to happen automatically for you. But yet if i tell you to type in a secure website url 75% have no clue what i'm talking about so i have to spell it out for you h t t p s : / / this really should be basic internet knowledge but browser developers have made you all rather stupid. So again cut em some slack if you got no clue about how it all works.
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So if you bought a TV and it had lines across it since the software update would you want it fixed or just watch it as is, cause its not unwatchable? I would like to hear from some of these players too so I can at least feel like someone is still playing it the way it was a month ago. Unfortunately I am not.
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Speak for yourself. You don’t play console, so I’d highly doubt you understand. Idk how series x and PS5 are, but for the rest of us it’s hell.
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its playable sure it sucks when it seems to drop for a pip right as i start a gen and get the first skill check, but i dont recall when that started but it is new hadnt happened before i am on console ps4 but i have gotten all my crowns regardless and complete the entire archive o its not so bad im done even trying. May hap you have hardware issue not game play issues. have to suss it out