Which killers do you think should receive updates, and what kind?

Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

For me, I think it's the following:

-Trapper: Trap capacity increased by 1, reworked trap spawns, and maybe something like differing trap tint depending on the realm.

-Wraith: Slight decrease to his cloaked movement speed OR reduction of the super-lunge back to 1 second. If the second option is taken, his movespeed when uncloaking should be reverted, too.

-Hillbilly: Needs another pass on his add-ons, and sometime to make the Overheat a risk-reward mechanic. My suggestion is have it reduce the Chainsaw's charge time the higher heat you have, up to a maximum level of the old Primer Bulb if you're at 80% heat.

-Myers: Something to make getting out of tier 1 easier - whether just reducing the amount of stalk needed, removing the distance stalk modifier, or something else. Also, give a flat buff to all his action speeds in tier 3, something like 20%. Then, an add-on pass.

-Hag: Traps within 5m of a hook are destroyed once a survivor is unhooked from that hook. Maybe tweaks to some of her higher rarity add-ons.

-Freddy: In an ideal world, another almost-full rework, mixing the Dream World aspects of old Freddy (with tweaks and changes) with some of new Freddy's powers. Unfortunately, this would be a lot of effort, and if we're going by killrate, probably won't be seen as needed. I'd still like to see a toggle option like how you can change your survivor item to switch back to old Freddy, even if there were no changes made to him as a whole.

-Pig: Increased movement speed when crouching, (moving at 4.0 or 4.2m/s) increased Ambush dash duration by 0.5 seconds, an add-on pass, and ideally fixed RNG on jigsaw box searches. Perhaps there are now 5 boxes by default, and traps will be taken off from anywhere from 2-4 box searches.

-Clown: Antidote effect duration increased to 7.5 seconds rather than 5 seconds. I genuinely think that's all he needs.

-Spirit: Bring the mechanics of the Dream Transition to her power - her husk moves to her current location during Phase Walk at the 1 second, 3.5 second, and 5.5 second marks. Spirit does not get a post-phase burst unless she has phased for at least the 3.5 second mark, and her power gauge is reduced by, at minimum, 50% regardless of how long she phased. Missing an attack in the post-phase burst reduces her power gauge by an additional 25%. Spirit's left hand in the killer POV twitches when she is passive phasing. Add-on pass.

-Legion: Fatigue reduced to 3 seconds, minor add-on pass. Legion doesn't need a rework, imo.

-Ghostface: Night Shroud cooldown reduced to 24 seconds, full add-on pass. General fine-tuning in regards to the Reveal mechanic.

-Oni: Literally just add a downside to Scalped Topknot, and buff his ultra rares.

-Deathslinger: Slinger moves at 4.6m/s when his gun is not loaded, and 4.4m/s when it is - he has a different idle/walking animation depending on which. After putting down his gun, he suffers from a lengthy 3-4 second cooldown where he cannot attack or raise his gun, but is not slowed. Very (VERY) slight increase to survivor movement when being reeled in, and Slinger is walking backwards. Add-on pass.

-Executioner: Increased cooldown length (0.5 seconds) after letting go of Rites of Judgement, but his movement speed isn't slowed by so much. Add-on pass.

-Blight: Give Alchemist Ring a downside (lose all tokens if a rush attack is missed) and change some of his weirder add-ons. (Adrenaline Vial, Summoning Stone, Compound Seven, etc.)

-Twins: Charlotte takes 2 seconds to wake up, Victor can switch back to Charlotte during a successful pounce cooldown, Victor takes 12 seconds to re-grow, missed pounce cooldown increased by 1 second. Give Victor the ability to parkour onto objects, he just can't switch back when on top of one. A lot of the problems people have with Twins can be boiled down to not knowing how to play against them - crouching towards the hook for camping and grouping up and kicking Victor for slugging.

-Trickster: Revert the Laceration changes on the PTB, keep the Main Event changes. Landing 5 blades on a survivor means they reach a state of permanent Laceration, which will not decay past 4 blades unless they are healed or damaged. When the fifth blade is hit, a sound cue and visual effect will play, and the survivor's laceration meter will visibly shrink to 4 bars needed to injure. This, again, will go back to normal once they are healed or injured.

-Nemesis: Smarter pathfinding A.I. on Zombies, increased cooldown like Executioner after letting go of his tentacle, no initial speed boost on first contamination. Mutation Rate 3 allows him to hit/destroy multiple targets in one Tentacle Strike. Tentacle Strike cooldown slightly reduced with each level of mutation.

These are just my (exhaustive) opinions. What about yours?


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    I was going to talk about Freddy, but you've already said what has to be said.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I think Mikey needs an update. How i would update him:

    Get Rid of T1 since it has no place in the game anymore

    He starts in T2 but in order to get to T3 for the FIRST TIME he needs more stalk after that regular amount of stalk to get to T3.

    In T2 he is 110% and has 24m TR. T3 115% and has 32m TR

    He needs an add-on rework badly, but because of the Evil Incarnate achievement he has to keep one of the Tombstone add-ons and I would keep Judith's Tombstone

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Legion is very uninteresting to me. I think he needs a full on rework.

  • bongu
    bongu Member Posts: 11

    Nemesis needs kinda benefits when contaminating suvs, not only mutation. Benefits that fits for hitting 3times. Ex) Movement speed down as time pass by. And add-on pass.

    Legion and Freddy needs full rework.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305

    I just want Trapper buffed. I don't care about any of the other killers.

    I may be greedy here, but I want Setting Tools and Trapper Bag as base kit. Maybe have all the traps closer to the middle or near loops, because going across the world for a trap wastes so much time.

    I'd also like to have a more consistent amount of traps on maps. I swear, sometimes it feels like I only have 4-5 traps to work with.

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    I agree with most of it, to a startling degree.

    Hag: Maybe not destroyed, maybe just made inactive for 10 seconds or so. I wouldn't want my traps destroyed that I placed there earlier just because I later hooked someone there. But maybe destroyed is fine in practice. I'd increase the radius where traps can't be too close to each other. Another 5 meters maybe, make her spread them out some so you don't have to avoid 3 traps around a hook/loop. That's about it.

    Legion: If not a rework, a significant base-kit duration buff to his power. It's not okay that his duration addons are mandatory.

    Twins: Still think this killer might need a significant rework, but this seems pretty good if we can't get that. Being able to be on objects but not able to switch might be a coding disaster though. I'm sure there's lots of stuff you could get stuck on, and then if you aren't able to switch... GG DC. Missed attack cooldown is probably too much, unless we're talking about one like after the current successful pounce cooldown where you can't be kicked after too long, but your movement and pouncing is hindered. That I can see working fairly.

    Trickster: Maybe. I can't tell how this would play out in practice.

    Nemesis: He doesn't need an overall buff. Not sure that a longer tentacle cancel cooldown is going to make him feel fairer enough for survivors to justify the other buffs. This would be enough to move him into Blight tier, I'm fairly sure.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Trapper requires another handsomeness improvement