Event Extended Until The 22nd

I mean great,but a majority of the community still won't be able to enjoy it that much with current performance issues
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Great news.
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That is somewhat great news but I'm not sure how great that'll be for last gen peeps unless they actually fix some of these performance issues. It being broken for an extra week doesn't do them a whole lot of good...
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Exceptionally happy they did this. I really hope they manage to get console functioning in time to appreciate it, but if nothing else, it's a fantastic recomp for the problems that have been present across all platforms. Thank you for listening to us, BHVR!
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Back with more updates on the Anniversary Event for those who don't use Twitter and are thus unaware.
The 5th Anniversary Event has been extended to Thursday 22nd July 2021- an additional week.
The Rift has also been extended until Wednesday 21st July 2021.
The fixes to performance issues are still being worked on with no update as of yet.
Also in case people have missed these before, then two of the Crown goals have been met.
Use code PIECEOFCAKE for the initial set of charms, and code BETTERTHANONE for the headpieces of the David King and The Wraith's Anniversary outfits. The next goal to reach is 150,000 more Crowns as killer and 300,000 more Crowns as survivor. This will unlcok the body pieces for both characters.
That concludes the news on the Anniversary Event.
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As per this tweet on the DeadbyBHVR_JP Twitter account.
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@GoodBoyKaru beat me to it! You should change your name to FastBoyKaru :D
@MandyTalk please can you merge :)
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I was slightly faster >:(
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Console players had unfair perfonmance issues and this happened event time. I am glad you gave more time for them. Thanks.
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Slower on making this comment though lol
(I've already changed my name once so I can't do it again :( )
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Yay, more time to get those cakes!
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Thank you!
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I'm more interested in confetti