Who is more fun?
Huntress, by a VERY long shot.
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Huntress is more fun but I like playing Slinger too.
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Neither, I'm terrible with ranged killers lol. I would say Deathslinger would be easier for me though since the aim into fire is quicker.
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I'm not that great with any of them, but I like Huntress more.
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Deathslinger all the way. His hitboxes are fair and when you get a hit with him is because of your own good aim. He also shots faster which gives him much more control. He is a superior killer in every way.
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Mainly because I cant hit a shot with Huntress.
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I really like hitting survivors over pallets with hatchets, i'm not a good deathslinger.
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Based on who I like to play as? Neither tbh, although if I HAD to choose then probably Deathslinger. If we're talking about who I like to verse? Neither again. I don't really enjoy facing either of them.
Huntress has hitboxes the size of a planet so even terrible Huntresses can dominate. The Devs apparently didn't even bother to fix her hitboxes when they did her add-on pass so great job Devs. Being negligent of major issues as usual :) I hate Deathslinger because his ability to instantly shoot after ADS'ing gives no time to react so it's not super engaging to face him.
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Pun intended?
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Absolutely :)
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Shooting through tiny gaps will always be more satisfying to me than landing a mid-long range hatchet. Crossmaps though are the most pog thing in the game, but since gap shooting is much more common it'll be slinger for me.
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I would love to answer you if it was clear if ti's fun to PLAY AS or fun to PLAY AGAINST. ^^
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Huntress, both more fun as and against.
Deathslinger is boring for me on both sides
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Fun to play as.
However, you can answer the poll any way you'd like.
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Hum then to play as i would Deathslinger and to play against i would say Deathslinger :D